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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by screeden

  1. screeden

    The Harvest Moon Challenge

    Name, real or screen~screeden Age~36 Weight on September 1st~227 Goal Weight for September 29th~220 Exercise Goal for September~exercise every day Dietary Goal for September~eat healthy Personal Goal for September~get the freaking weeds finally pulled Date Banded~4-21-11 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 29 since band, 35 before band with pre-op diet.
  2. screeden

    one week post surgery

    congrats on a successful surgery. sounds like you are doing fine. I know the gas is awful, probaly the worst part of recovering. i took the mylanta chewables every 4 hours and it helped alot. i am a respiratory therapist so a tube being down my throat, i was not thrilled about, but know they have to do it. you are still out of it when they remove it so you won't remember anything. i ripped my oxygen off in recovery, told the nurses to get that effing thing off me. LOL! i refused to put the mask on my face, just held it next to my face. LOL! i am a bad patient. the first 2 weeks are hard, so when you get on the mushy stage you will feel so much better to have something other than liquids. good luck to you.
  3. screeden

    Oh that first slime

    Been there, and it is no fun at all! had mine a few weeks ago with family at a nice restaraunt. LOL! water pouring out of my nose, as i am gasping to breath. i pushed two people out of the way to get the bathroom. Nice huh! it usually only takes once and you learn your lesson.
  4. screeden

    Help - Fill informaiton

    alot of people don't notice any restriction with their first fill. i didn't get a good restriction until my 3rd fill and with my 4th a much better restriction. How much are you eating? how much was in your band before your 1st fill? and how much did they put in? i always ask how much they are putting in so i can keep track. i only got 1/2 cc this last time and with my weight loss, i am now in the "sweet spot" and will probaly only get 1/2 to 1cc each time.
  5. screeden

    85 lbs in 1 year??

    OH yeah, most definitely. they say the optimal weight loss is 1 to 2 lbs per week, that is 8 to 10 lbs per month. Totally doable. i have lost 33 lbs in 4 months and my goal is to lose another 40 by the end of the year. Just keep up the good work and know that you can do this!!!
  6. screeden

    This is crazy!

    I am so sorry that things are working out for you like you had hoped. Did you have the hospital resubmit to the insurance? they should have, even when they bill wrong, they should have corrected it. what was your insurance supposed to pay? Sometimes you have to get ugly with these insurance companies and hospitals. i do hope things work out for you. Can you go back to your doctor, sounds like you do not have a full fill if you are able to eat more than 1 1/2 cups of food at a time. i have 9cc in my 14cc band and i am in my green zone, but everyone is different.
  7. screeden

    scared to eat

    I can understand you being scared especially since you had already dealt with cancer and not being able to eat then. Just take it slow, eat mushy type foods, like soups that are soft. eat slowly and go from there. one step at a time. you are going to do fine. you want the weight to come off slowly, 1 to 2 lbs per week as the skin's elasticity can catch up with the weight lost. when you lose alot super fast, you get the saggy skin. have a friend dealing with that now and she has to have it removed. 10 lbs in one week is great. keep it up and you will do fine.
  8. screeden

    Acid Reflux and other complications

    I think you need to call your doctor right away. Something is not right, not sure if it is acid reflux or not. very well could be, but needs to be treated asap. hope all is well
  9. screeden

    Mourning food

    It is normal. you are going to miss your fav foods knowing you will not be able to have them anymore. when i was on my preop diet, i went to a cookout and i gorged myself, ate it all and did not feel one bit guilty. LOL! i knew i would wake up the next day and start all over on the diet again. and i lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks. you have lost 50 lbs in 3 months, that is awesome and successful you will do fine.
  10. did you maybe have a blockage? i know if i eat hard boiled eggs, i have to dice them up and chew up alot. not sure what else it could be.
  11. screeden


    i take viactive chews for calcium and vitamin d, flinstone chewables multi vitamin, 2 times daily.
  12. screeden

    Current PAP Smear??

    what? that is ridiculous. pap smears have nothing to do with getting a lapband. I didn't realize the band wen down by the whohaa. lol anyways, talk to your gyno's office and ask what they do in this circumstance.
  13. screeden

    Deciding if this is for me

    You are the only one who can decide it is right for you. That being said, do alot of research, talk to everyone, know the good and the bad of the lapband. It took me over a year to decide to get it done. I gave myself that long to try and lose it myself, and i only lost 15 lbs in the time. I ate decent, i worked out 5 days a week, but after getting the lapband, found that my problem was i was eating way too much. i am still amazed at how little i eat now with the band. You do have to use the "tool", that is what i call mine. It is a tool and if you don't work with it, it will not be successful. It is one leg of a 3 legged stool, diet and exercise are the other two legs. without those 2 legs the stool falls down, meaning the band failed. It is not an instant fix and i think alot of people think that is is. It is a lifestyle change, and so is the gastric bypass. You don't eat right, you won't have success. I had mine done 4 months ago and i am still liking it. I am down 33 lbs now and have lost 3 dress sizes. You need to attend a seminar and consult with a surgeon and go from there. good luck in your decision.
  14. screeden

    breakfast and lunch ideas

    i personally love breakfast but am not hungry in the mornings, so i have a protein shake every morning to get my protein in. I use EAS vanilla at walmart, i add milk and i can get 28 grams in my shake. i do 12 ounces of milk to one scoop. i know GNC has some good protein mixes. If i am hungry in the morning, i have some oatmeal also. for lunch, i usually have tuna or chicken on a lettuce wrap. hope this helps.
  15. screeden

    This is crazy!

    I am 4 months out and am still amazed at how little i eat compared to before. i went out to eat last night with my youngest son and we ate mexican food. i ate half a chicken enchilada, some rice and beans and was full. it is great huh. took the rest home, will be eating on that for days. LOL! i have finally learned to cook less now, so we don't have tons of left overs like before. you are doing good, don't get impatient because you did not lose today. it will happen. your body is getting adjusted to eating soft foods now instead of the liquids. it was probaly absorbing everything you were taking in. it will get better. just keep at it
  16. I like Isopure, but i mainly use EAS from Walmart, i get the vanilla. 20 grams and when you add milk to it, get about 28 grams. i drink one every morning as i am not hungry at all in the mornings.
  17. screeden

    This is it!!

    sending well wishes your way.
  18. thank you so much for posting that. that made so much sense to ready. i will keep that one in my notes for when i get discouraged. awesome
  19. I didn't have to do the psych consult but the waiting around to see if you are approved seems to take forever and is it hard and nerve racking to sit and wait. That is great that you have support. I feel no one can be successful without support, and that goes for just about anything. You have to do this for you! It took me over a year to finally decide this is what was best for me. I was watching my kids one night sleeping and it hit me that i had to do something now to get healthy and live a long life, to teach them healthy habits for life. I don't want them going down the same road me or my husband went down. He is now thinking of doing the lapband, he has seen how much i have lost and is amazed and a little jealous too LOL good luck to you and wishing you success and i hope that you are approved. It is a lifestyle change, the lapband will not do it for you. you have to do the work too. I think of it as my tool to help me and i work with it. it is one leg of a 3 legged stool, diet and exercise are the other two legs.
  20. screeden

    Starting over....Need a buddy

    I would email ya, everyone needs support for this new journey. when did you have the band put on? i had mine done in april and have lost 33 lbs now. yes it is hard, but i know that i have to do this for me, and for my kids, to be around for a long time. you have to make wise choices every single day. you can email me at slcreeden@gmail.com
  21. screeden

    Please Help Me!

    Oh wow, i am so sorry for everything you have had to go through and that the band did not work for you. Are you having to take steriods, i know that they can make you gain weight. you have to do what is best for you and i agree with you that people need to to alot of research for themselves before any surgery. i waited for 1 1/2 yrs before i decided to get the band. i had given myself that long to try and lose weight and i only lost 15 lbs in that time, so i went to another seminar with another surgeon and decided that is what was best for me. it is your decision not anyone else's. wishing you the best and hope that things get better for you.
  22. screeden

    Help!!! Pain!!!!!!

    you need to call your doctor to make sure. kind of sounds like maybe gas pains, but i am not sure.
  23. sounds like you need a fill. if you are eating more like you used to, you have no restriction and need to be filled. try writing down what you are eating to make yourself accountable. sometimes seeing on paper what you are eating makes you realize you are making bad choices. hope this helps.
  24. screeden

    April 2011 Bandits

    Hello, I am an April bander. i just found this page tonight, been on here for awhile now. I had mine done April 21st and so far have done well with it. i have vomited one time, and i will not do that again, making sure of that. learned my lesson. LOL i am down 33 lbs now and love it. i am also down 3 dress sizes. my pants pretty much fall off now and i love that. i started working out again after lagging for too long, i do Gilad 5 days a week for 45 minutes, plus lots of walking. i am doing yoga now too and i feel great. i am still amazed at how little i eat now, mentally i want to eat more, but know that i should not.
  25. screeden


    i am sure she didn't even think about it being all your favorites. You can't expect everyone to alter their lives too along with you. She was probaly sick of not having something bad for you too. i don't expect my family to not eat something i like or used to love and can no longer eat. yes it is frustrating, but that is life. the cravings will get better as you are able to eat more foods. the tempations are going to be everywhere you go and yes it sucks, but you have to deal with it and move on. you didn't do this surgery for nothing.

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