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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by themons

  1. themons

    Hi I'm new

    You know what...all else fails, and you're able to, change doctors. I thought my doctor wasn't taking me seriously when I told him I was interested in lapband surgery. But, once I kept bringing it to his attention, he referred me for consideration for surgery. Whella, have had the surgery and am beginning my journey to a healthier me. Again, consider a different doctor; might be a solution to your situation. Are you diabetic, or do you have an extenuating health problem that your doctor may think you would be at risk if you had the surgery?
  2. themons


    Okay, this is how I did it duing the two weeks before surgery. I did purchase 3 bags of the Protein Drink (chocolate, strawbery and banana). I tried drinking them. Just couldn't make myself do it. I only had 4 drinks in the first 3 days. I hated them. So, with that being said, I dieted on my own. The whole purpose of drinking the shakes is so that your liver will shrink. I understand, they want less than 5 carbs going down the hatch per day. I would eat about 2-3 oz. of chicken (roasted chicken from grocery or El Pollo Loco) and a good tossed salad. I might have a small can of tuna in water with my salad instead of chicken, or some kind of fish (unfried or breaded, of couse) My salad would have tomato, cucumber, carrots, avocado (2-3 tbs.), radishes, green onions and lettuce. I would use low calorie vinegar dressing (l tbs. or just dribble). I might even have 2-3 tbs. of nonfat cottage cheese in my salad. I would drink Crystal Lite. I do not like drinking water. I've tried. For snack between my meals, I would snack on raw baby carrots, or a string cheese. Breakfast, maybe a boiled egg and a Dannon nonfat Yogurt or an egg and a couple of celery stalks with 2 tbs. of Peanut Butter. And, of course, my Crystal Lite or ice tea with artificial sweetener. I stayed away from beef, pork, rice, potatoes, bread as much as possible. I AM AN AVID BREAD EATER!! Love the bread. Once or twice a week I would let myself have a slice of French bread with a "tad" of butter. I was satisfied with my food, did not go hungry; always remembering to grab something healthy when I got the urge to snack (like a tomato or some carrots, or even the sugarless popsicles or sugarless jello). Eating the above kept my carbs under 5 per day. The 20 lbs. came off quickly. Trust me, I even thought about cancelling surgery since I was doing so well. BUT, I would tell myself, will you keep this up? NOOOOO! So, I continued with the plan to have my surgery. When I see others around me eating cheeseburgers and French fries, of course, I would die to have some. Do I want to continue to be overweight? NOOOOO! My starting weight was 230 lbs. I am currently at 204 lbs. Want to get down to 135 or 130. I am going to do this. And you can do it too. My friends and relatives would ask me if I was excited about my upcoming surgery. No, I was never excited, just nervous. But, it takes some courage to make a change in your life like this. And, if your committed enough to know you want to lose the weight badly, you will do it. I am so so glad I did it. I can't think anything will stop me here on. Can't wait to get to the end of this journey!!
  3. themons

    Weight Gain from Lap Band

    On day of my surgery, they weighed me at hospital. I had lost 20 lbs. Came home from surgery the same day. I weighed myself in the a.m. (as usual). Was up 5 whopping pounds. YIKES. It had to be from the fluids and the gas. Anywho, the next day I was down the full 5 lbs. and back to my 20. I know I shouldn't be getting on the sccale everyday. They say to weigh in once weekly. Can't seem to tear myself away from it, though. My surgery was on 3/7 and I am currently down a total of 26 lbs.! How exciting is this...Love it. You will too!
  4. themons


    I'm newly banded (3/7). Too soon for me to think about any regrets. But, like you, mad at myself for letting myself get so overweight. Oh well, can't do anything about that, but think positive about my new life with Mister Band! I think of it like a new partner in life. I have to adjust and compromise in order to get along with it. If that means, giviing up my sodas (which I used to have 2-3 daily) then, so be it. And, you know, somewhere in these blogs, it's been mentioned that some bandsters can still drink them without a problem. Our nutritionist in our pre-op classes discouraged this though, because she said that she has heard from patients that they get terrible stomach cramps from the carbonation. So, I really don't know. You might try a sip or two of your diet drink just to test yourself (that is, once your permissioned to start your solid foods). Let me know how it goes. As early as it is for me, I have no regrets. Lost 20 lbs. beginning two weeks before my 3/7 surgery date and have lost another 6 lbs since sugery. I am already thrilled! You're going to revel with delight when you see the pounds shed. It's so exciting!
  5. LOL I don't mean to laugh at your first fill, but the part about you kids throwing up had me in stitches, even though my incisions are still tender! I was banded 3/7. Wow...is this what I have to look forward to when I get a fill? I hope not. Would it be because you didn't chew your chicken to "baby fine" consistency or what? I'd like to know so that I can avoid your situation when I get to that point (eating solid foods). Give me some input, please! I hope you do better, too!
  6. Hi, I was banded on 3/7. I had surgery at 10:30 a.m. and left the hospital at 2:30 p.m. I was told by my surgeon, I had the option to leave after my two-hr. stay in recovery or stay overnight. Up to me. I left at 2:30 p.m. Just remember, once you wake up and feel up to it, tell the nurse you want to get up and walk. If you don't walk, you may have pain from gas. And, I mean PAIN. Walk in the hospital as much as you can. I did, and experienced not one bit of cramping or pain.
  7. themons

    Hi I'm new

    Why do you think your doctor will not approve you to be banded? What's your situation?
  8. themons

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Wow, you bandsters are amazing with your recipes. I'm getting dressed and heading to the market NOW! Can't stand the protein shakes. To me, they SUCK. And, your recipes are music to my ears. They stressed at our meetings before surgery, no substitutes, you must drink the shakes. Did no one else get these instructions???
  9. I'm sure you're right. Your noisy stomach is probably your hunger. I'm experiencing that too. I was banded 3/7. I was real crampy and gassy a couple of days ago. I attributed it to having broth and a combination of drinking Crystal Lite. As, I had clear broth yesterday with no Crystal Lite and I had no gas. You will learn as you go along, what works and what doesn't. It's going to be real interesting to discover what to avoid when you put things down the hatch. I know it's early in the game, but I can say I have no regrets. Looking forward to my new lifestyle and healthier me.
  10. themons


    It was stressed to us over and over at our pre-op class that immediately after your surgery, try to get up and walk in the hospital. And walk as much as possible. This I did, and thus, no gas pain at all. So, yes, the walking is extremely important to you to avoid the discomfort.
  11. Yes, I am very hungry. What are yous doing that you're not hungry? It could be that I'm not drinking the protein drinks 3 times daily. Can't stand them; ick! Tomorrow, I'm going to attempt to drink at least two. Maybe, it'll make a difference. What are everyone's thoughts?

  12. themons


    Hey, get your courage together. You can do it. All you have to tell yourself is, "How badly do I want to lose my excess weight? Have I been successful up to this point?" My answer to myself to these questions was a BIG NO! I was apprehensive like you. I was just banded four days ago (3/7). My, and your, determination will get you through it. Hang in there. You can do it!
  13. My first blog! Banded 3/7. Quite difficult to not eat for 16 days. Tomorrow will be day five. Long way to go. YIKES!

  14. Help! I'm trying to figure out how to update my profile so that I can began entering my experience to other bloggers. Thank you.

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