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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Soon2BMiniMommy

  1. Oh I'm so excited, I get to join my first challenge!!! I'm so in! I've been watching these for months and now I get to play, too! I'm starting late, so I don't know how I'll do, but I'm only 2.5 weeks out from surgery so maybe I'll be lucky? We'll see!! I'll also start a Christmas ticker! Sheesh....I will have too many tickers, lol!

    SN - soon2bminimommy

    CW - 284

    GW - 265

    lbs to goal - 19

  2. Wow, feedyoureye....You have given me hope and I feel SO MUCH BETTER reading your reply!!! The fact that I still have the ghrelin probably, the estrogen, the cut nerves causing numbness in my tummy, it all makes so much sense. I DO see the rainbow now.....thank you, thank you, and thank you again! I think you have given me the best advice to overcome the mental issue...and the topping off "save a bite from your measured meal to "cheat" with later." That will totally help me! Then I still feel like I can have some more, but it's actually part of my meal. Damn, the simplest things we can't see right in front of our faces sometimes!! That's why I absolutely love this forum....the support, the ideas, the love, everything!! And also the 'minutes take forever, a year flies by is also so very, very true. I think I'm going to print out your reply and paste it everywhere, lol!

    And, Diva.....love you so much . Thank you. Love that I have to shove a sock in my Fat Me mouth, heh heh. I so thought I was prepared for this mentally. I've done everything right. I have about 20 of the tiny 1/2 cup Glad containers and use those at work...bought baby 1/2 cup condiment dishes for at home, small plates, utensils, etc. I've read, and read, and read, and read some more. I take my PPI religiously (have to as I had bad GERD before, worse now). I track everything that goes in my mouth, bite by bite, through My Fitness Pal. I measure all my food, have been researching this for 8 months, bought books, go to support group...the list is endless. But I was still kinda surprised at the head hunger. So much for being anal about it all, *snicker*. All my lists and reading still did not prepare me. It's like when you're pregnant, first child, you read and read, join forums, talk to everyone, think I've got this handled, then the labor pains start and you're like "WTF"???? I also already stalled for over a week, but that didn't bother me as I know it's temporary and there will be more. I am losing, and I'm not struggling, had a beautiful recovery. I am probably expecting too much...I am expecting this to be easy and perfect, and it's not...it can't be. If this is my only struggle, I am laughing! I know I will overcome this, and learn better, different habits. I think I was just gobsmacked that I would be fighting this so early since my surgery was just over two weeks ago. Thought I would be not at all hungry and only eating a couple of teaspoons at a time :wink1: But, LMD, I like that you say it's more uncommon to have that at first than not. That helps me too.

    I love you guys so much!! :grouphug:

  3. Thanks so much, Phyllis! I appreciate the feedback, especially the book recommendations! I had to laugh at the pumpkin pie irony....I was trying to find something festive for Thanksgiving for my ticker and while I was looking, that was the only thing I could find. I thought it extremely ironic for a weight loss ticker! Lol. I am lucky that I don't like sweets, only savories, so it's not tempting, but I may be offending others....I hadn't thought of it that way :blink: I was thinking it was funny! And no, I don't think you're being forward at all! Any and all comments are welcome and I appreciate honesty above all.

    Thanks again, Phyllis!

  4. Thank you all so much. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this journey (not like I doubted it before :rolleyes: ). I wish I had a sneeze, or a hiccup, or something to alert me as it's really hard to learn your new body/tummy cues. All day yesterday I premeasured my food, MADE myself quit taking trips to the fridge/kitchen to have 'just one more bite or two' of crab or chicken salad as my tummy slowly emptied out. I did good.....it's so true that you can't learn new habits in 3 weeks.....I'm just scared that I will not be able to overcome the constant 'wanting' and will keep grazing. Before my surgery I would read other's posts about their fear of failure with the sleeve and I remember thinking 'that's crazy'....you can't fail with this tool - you just physically can't eat like before! That's true, you can't eat like before, but you can sure find ways to eat around it, like topping off all the time and constantly eating small amounts. I just want reassurance that it will get better, easier....that it will settle into normalcy and I won't be so consumed by food eventually. I did this to be mostly free of food and the power it has always had over me. I know that some of it will always be there, of course....just want to see some kind of rainbow that it will settle and it will get better and that I'm just in some kind of freak-out adjustment phase....I don't want to fight this forever :(

  5. Oh, Phyllis, I just posted something almost identical to this! You and I are going through almost the same thing..... Even asking the experts, lol!!! I don't get sick, or feel like I need to vomit, though...just get really bad pressure when the food backs up into my esophagus cause I've eaten too much!!! Check out what I wrote/asked...


  6. Hey, everybody!!! My surgery was 10/20 so I'm a little over two weeks. I've lost 18 pounds, all after surgery (my surgeon didn't require a pre-op diet). Like Mim, I can eat a whole scrambled egg, and don't feel full in my tummy, but it sits in my esophagus. I just had a looong post in the post op section since I'm learning to graze, or top off, which is not good. I need to get to a routine and stick to it, no more excuses since I'm just on pureeds/mushies. I am getting about 50 ozs of Water in a day, but not enough Protein. Only about 30-40 grams if no Protein Drink. I can't stand Protein shakes much as I love savory flavors and not sweet, but I force myself to drink a few per week. Why can't they make a cheeseburger flavor??!! I'm kind of worried as I just wanna eat all time, but it's all head hunger and I really, really need to overcome and learn to feel satisfied with just a few bites! I do have extra energy but I don't think it's cause of the weight loss, I think it's cause my body isn't bogged down with crap food all the time anymore.

    Love you all and still wishing for full, easy recoveries!!

  7. First off, sorry for the long post. I had my surgery 10/20. Am one of the very, very lucky ones and had no complications, almost no pain, eating just fine, healed fast, etc, etc. So I'm only two and a half weeks out. But I'm already finding I'm having food issues. Big surprise...none of would be obese if we didn't :wink1: But there's a couple things going on and I need your input....please! I really didn't think I would have this issue since I was so freakin' prepared for so long and did so much reading and research about this. I honestly thought I would happy and free from food and wouldn't want it anymore and would savor and enjoy my little sleevie amounts and be satisfied. Pshaw.....yeah right.

    First off, whenever I eat, I notice a feeling of pressure in my lower esophagus. I thought at first it was cause I was really tight. My leak/swallow test showed that the contrast wasn't going anywhere and it was just sitting in my esophagus right after surgery. I had to sit, walk around, sit, etc, for 20 minutes before some of it moved through. But my surgeon wasn't concerned....normal swelling, etc, etc. Was sent home with no problems, drinking got easier, etc, but the pureeds thing always felt pressure, tight and thought it was that. But now I think I'm just overeating. In fact, I'm sure of it.

    The main problem is that my actual tummy never feels ’full’. I don’t know if, since they cut out the stretchy part of the stomach (fundus), that they cut out the ‘stretch receptors’ that tell you when you’re full, but my tummy itself doesn’t feel full, but I know I’m full when there is food in the lower part of my esophagus. This is not good since I’m now using this as a guide to feel full.

    Now, bring in the emotional, head hunger part of it. It is hard to stop eating at only a 1/3 or ½ cup of food, especially when it tastes good. We all know that, we all overeat when food is really good and poke it in till we are full, that’s why the obese get obese! But in a way this is worse, because I only get a couple of nibbles in and then I HAVE to be done. Which means I MENTALLY feel unsatisfied and incomplete. My head's like, "Yah, really? So where's the rest of it? That was over way too fast. I'm waiting!!!" I really, really need to get a grip on this because I have started ‘grazing’, or what I call ‘topping off’. Like, I’ll eat a scrambled egg for Breakfast, and I’ll have that full feeling (up top, not in my tummy), then in about 15 – 20 minutes, the pressure feeling goes away, then I’ll go take a couple more bites of something, seafood or chicken salad, or refried Beans, till that pressure feeling comes back, etc, etc, all day!! This is DISASTROUS!! It’s been proven time and again that bariatric patients fail and gain back weight because they learn to graze to overcome the loss of bingeing. They can’t eat huge amounts, so they eat little amounts constantly. The other downside of this, is that because I’m always topping off, I can’t drink my fluids like I’m supposed to. You’re not supposed to drink until ½ hour, 45 minutes after a meal, but I never let my little pouch empty like it should. So, I’m not getting in enough Water, either. *SIGH* This really is a transition and you really, really have to get over the fact that you will not feel mentally satisfied or replete at first, for a while, until this becomes the new normal. At least, I HOPE it’s temporary. I’m also hoping it will get better when I can eat more substantial food, then food will stay in my tummy longer and hopefully I’ll feel fuller longer. But again, most of it is mental and I need to overcome that full feeling with satisfaction and overall well-being. I just need to eat to nourish myself and not for pleasure or comfort. I will be able to enjoy wonderful food again, just not a lot, and I need to be okay with that. I know I will be, but it’s tough right now! Like an alcoholic with just a couple of drops of wine three times a day :huh:

    So, I know I need to get on track with a routine and a schedule, and drink my water, and I've pretty much done that the last day or two. I don't really need advice on what to do (although it's always welcome!), since I know what I'm supposed to do, and I will do it.....but my questions are this:

    1. Does the dissatisfied feeling ever really go away? Do you start to feel satisfied and complete mentally once you get used to your new 'normal'? I know everyone's different, but this really is mental for me since I just WANT more food, the taste, the texture, but my body is satisfied. I know this a huge adjustment - I'm just wondering if this is something I will always struggle with, or if it gets better. Did most of you feel this way at first? After your tummy healed, anyway, and you were on your way to regular food? Was your head a little messed up cause it was waiting for more?

    2. Will I feel more satisfied when I eat more solid food? Deli meats, harder cheeses, etc. I seem happy now with what I'm eating (chicken salad, scrambled eggs, tuna fish, refried beans) I'm not missing food, but maybe I don't feel full as long because I'm eating mushies? But that really doesn't make sense cause chicken salad is pretty dense and Protein packed.

    3. Does your actual tummy start to feel full, or is this just me who can't feel it because I've done so much damage and overeating over the years, lol?? I don't want to keep using the pressure/esophagus litmus test to know when I'm full.....

    Thanks so much, everyone. I hope you all know how important you are to all of us....I am so grateful I have my sleevie family on here!

  8. Aw, honey.....you've technically lost 6 pounds in 8 days, right? I think that's fantastic and I bet that's better than any other diet you've been on! Give your body time and patience. It WILL come off. I lost about 12 pounds the first week (surgery 10/20), got to 288, then the last whole week have fluctuated between 288 and 285! Got down to 285 yesterday, then today shot back up to 288???!! What the hell is THAT! How you do gain three pounds in one day only eating about 700 calories! I didn't even do that when I was eating 3000 a day! But I know it's just my body trying to adjust, fluctuating with Water weight, panicking that it will never get a whole meal again, and scared to death that it's starving right now and hanging on to every little fat cell.

    One thing you can bet on for sure is that you WILL LOSE WEIGHT! I have not seen one person who had the sleeve who did not lose weight. They might stall, they may gain a few pounds here and there, but overall, we always lose! Hang tight, Sunshine...it'll come. I know it's hard since we're suffering a liquid diet, you'd think we'd at least be rewarded with at least a pound lost a day, but our bodies are fickle little creatures with a ton of overriding responses to starvation! ^_^

  9. Hang in there, Belly, it WILL get better! I am PO day 12 and I was one of the lucky ones. I was shopping at Target on day 5...not a whole-out shopping trip, but a short one. I had a shower 2nd day post-op - they sent me home the day after surgery. I lost my voice, too, due to such a dry mouth and throat in the hospital...i wasn't even allowed ice or anything!

    Just know it will and does better! I don't remember who said it on here, but it was perfect...they said "Better than yesterday, not as good as tomorrow!" ^_^

  10. First off, I have to apologize for dropping off the face of the earth. Here I was begging and begging to have everyone post their experience so I could learn from them, and then I had my surgery on the 20th, got lazy, and didn't post! I'm so sorry! Part of the problem was that I was reading and lurking from my little netbook on my recliner and it's too hard to type while sitting in a recliner!

    But today I am back at work (yesterday first day back) so now I am at my desk and fully present again!

    Please check out my blog (link below) for the full story…I did have a leak test scare.

    I sure hope everyone is doing well and healing nicely. I am at the point where I almost forgot I had this done, until my still slightly-sore abdominal muscles remind me if I stretch too far (which I did 2 days ago – pulled something and was really sore for a day or two!)

    Love you guys….I’m sorry for absence. I’m back, though! Can’t wait to share our experiences and catch up!!

  11. Thanks so much, Get, for updating this the whole time! I am back and ready to participate again! I've had an excellent recovery, just been very, very lazy. Been following and reading, but not posting...I'm so bad. But now I'm hhhheeeeeeeerrreeee!!!!

    I can't edit the main (first) post anymore since they changed the format :banghead: So now we just need to update with separate posts like GIMB bad been doing.

    Thanks again!!!

  12. Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK to one and all scheduled today and the rest of this week! We have 22 October sleevers scheduled between now and Thursday! Wow! Hope everyone is doing okay nerve-wise and that today's sleevers are all on the other side and resting peacefully!!

    Let's please all check in as soon as we can so everyone knows that our little family is all okay!

  13. Thanks so much, Steph, for checking in! I'm so glad things are getting better for you....that swelling must have been horribly uncomfortable :( It sure helps us to hear things like that, though, so if those things happen to us, we're not terrified and thinking the worst.

    Keep us posted on how you keep progressing!

  14. Hey, Ivy....I am exactly the same and I also take Lisinopril! Have you recently started taking it? I had thought it was a different med I'm on, but then again, it could have been the Lisinopril as I started them both at the same time about a year and a half ago. I also sweat a TON from my head, not much anywhere else, and yes, my hair looks soaked. This can happen just chopping veggies and preparing dinner in the kitchen! I absolutely hate it! I can't wait to have my surgery (this week) and then stop taking my meds to see if it will finally stop....ugh!

  15. Hello, Phyllis. A 'bump' means it moves the topic to the top of the forum.....it's 'bumps' it up. You can just type a comment, but it's more fun to do a smiley! Our roster list was getting lower and lower and i wanted to move it up so our new October Sleevers couls find it. All is well on this end!!

    Hi Chris:

    Just wondering what your blinking "Bump" picture means in your last post. Are you okay?


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