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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mandyMO

  1. mandyMO

    Questions for anyone at any stage out

    1. No regrets 2.Gas pains were awful but got through it! 3. 2 weeks 4.4 weeks back to normal! I love being banded because it gave me hope and my life back!
  2. mandyMO

    Questions for anyone at any stage out

    1. No regrets 2.Gas pains were awful but got through it! 3. 2 weeks 4.4 weeks back to normal! I love being banded
  3. mandyMO

    Surgery Went Well

    It is miserable in the beginning but you are doing awesome so keep up the good work! And walk walk walk you will start feeling better soon! Congrats on the weight loss!!!
  4. fill tomorrow wander how much i have lost! im starting to go longer on my fills now . instead of every 2 weeks its every 3 weeks.

  5. Thanks everybody I so appreciate the input! It helps out so much.
  6. mandyMO

    Fastest Lap Band Weight Loss?

    Since dec I've lost 112 lbs ! I lost 50 on the 3 wk liquid and 62 since my surgery on dec 29th! And I've got more to go !
  7. mandyMO

    How much do you exercise?

    I work out about 45 min to a 1hr 5 times a week ! I do aerobics and the weights and ball .
  8. will i ever get a reputation on this website? or how do you get a rep? hmm!

  9. Congrats on your surgery and girl it sounds like your already on the right track with weight loss ! You will be looking at twoderville before long! So proud of you keep up the good work!

  10. mandyMO

    Are heavy people looked at differently

    I totally agree ! We are looked at like were some alien from outer space! I'm a hairdresser and a young kid and his girlfriend come to get his haircut one time and when they were told I was going to cut his hair the discuss on her face cause I was cutting his hair and when I got down she was so rude to me and his haircut looked really nice but she wanted the skinny girl that just got out of school that couldn't even cut herself out of a paper bag but ! But ya I don't get the looks that I use to and it hurts that people have to be that way since there all so perfect ! They probably don't have any problems ! I know I'm really harsh on this subject because people have looked at me in dicuss and talked about me !
  11. I consider myself a mini success story for the fact that I'm on the right track and I love being banded ! I've lost a lot of weight already in a small amount of time but in that small amount of time I feel so much better and starting to get my life back! I've still have a lot more weight to go but I'm on the right track!
  12. I've never lost this much before in my life ! I feel so much better then what I did! I'm getting my life back. I am a lot happier then what I was. I'm starting to take pictures again . I could tell you the last time I enjoyed taking my picture because now every picture I take is going to look better and better every time I take one cause I will look back and see what I have accomplished ! I've got a ways to go but I can tell you this I've already got my life back because I didn't want the wait to beat me and it was about there and I took by the throat and I said NO MORE I'm sick I've you controlling me! I'm tired of setting back and watching my life go by and not enjoying it! There's many battle's I have to face but one for instant is my mother has spiral staircase and it had gotten to the point when that when I went to visit I wouldn't go down them because they hurt my legs so bad! I went and spent the day with her last week I went up and down them at least 8 times! Yes my legs were sore but I did it ! Its the little goals ! I can't fit in dr. office chairs! Like I said I've still have a ways to go but now I have a handle on it ! Thank you jesus!
  13. I started my journey in may of 2010 and had my surgery Dec 29th! I've lost 100lbs ! When I say little things that matter I mean like I haven't been able to fit in doctors office chairs In I couldn't tell you how long and I always had to stand and everybody knows that sometimes those waits can be long! But now I cane fit in them just fine! I put a bra on today that I haven't got to wear in like 5 yrs! My major one is and it breaks my heart I haven't been able to sleep with my husband in our bed for 6 yrs ! I couldn't breathe so I had to sleep in the recliner or on the couch! Guess what I can now sleep in bed with my husband ! I thank god every day for every lb I loose because its making me healthier and healthier every day! I'm finally getting my life back! I hated taking pictures now I enjoy taking them to see my progress! I'm shedding the fat suit and getting my life back! I still have lots more to go but I have been given my life back and the lapband is the best thing I could ever done for myself!
  14. mandyMO

    Its the little things that matter!!!

    Thank you everybody!
  15. mandyMO

    Howdy from Missouri

    Woohoo someone from missouri ! I'm from southwest missouri! Welcome and congrats on your lapband. And good luck on your new journey!
  16. oh my gosh im a week over due for a fill ! i had to rerschdule my appointment because had schduled it the same day as my daughters appointment! i can defintley tell i need one ! im really hungry in the evening after ive ate dinner! tuesday can not come quick enough!" I NEED RESTRICTION PLEASE"

  17. mandyMO

    Am I the fattest one here?

    hello no your not the only one when I had my first aPpt my BMI exceeded 60 ! I've since then have lost 105lbs and I'm down to the mid 50's on my bmi so I have quit aways to go!
  18. I'm 31 yrs old will be 32 weekend after next! I've lost 101 lbs ! Yes I have saggy skin under my arms and my stomach! I lift weights so I'm hoping it firms up but I'm afraid I will have plastic surgery! But I will wait till I've lost all my weight and I've had another baby! No I haven't used the creams.
  19. Congratulations! So exciting . I just hit the 100lb loss the other day and it feels so good !
  20. ok im doing really well with my weight loss but i have a addiction i cant break! I get it from my mother ! i am addicted to cheese ive have been. since my surgery i have cut down to low fat cheese but i still almost eat it at every meal. I know cheese can be a good thing and i know it can be a bad. Any other cheese lovers?

  21. congratulations ! What a inspiration! Good job
  22. I have united health care in missouri and I was banded in dec. And they payed for it!
  23. thank you so much yes it does! Congrats on your 101lbs keep up the good work!
  24. Yeah! Someone else from missouri. How are you I'm from southwest missouri ? When did you get your lapband? Hope we can't chat sometime!

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