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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Victorylover

  1. Victorylover

    Having My Band Removed On Sunday

    I had my band removed Oct. 7, 2011 had it a little over 4 years. The complications are to numerous to list. It took me mentally about 3 months to come to grips with the fact it was gone. The one thing I know for sure is if I would have kept it in I would have probably died. I still have complications from it that I hope in time will heal. This is the first time I have talked about having it removed, and will not go into much detail. I am now on weight watchers and walk every day. This seems to be a much healthier alternative for me. I encourage anyone who has complications please be honest with your phiscian.
  2. my story is not a successstory. I have had many complications with my band. It has not worked for oer a year. any fluid I get night coughing & reflux. My band is completely deflated at this time. I am having a cilonoscopy & endoscope on wednesday. I need to know if it is eroded or slipped. The dr has never done one before howwill they know what to look for?

  3. Victorylover

    anyone post band had endoscope?

    I have had two scopes since being banded 3 1/2 yrs ago. The reflux caused webbing which was fixed with a baloon. Call your Dr. ASAP I wated to long and got an ulcer.
  4. Victorylover

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    Well here goes. I am a recovering alcoholic 16 months sober. I had my band put in 3 1/2 years ago. At first all was well then I got to tight. I started drinking HEAVLY one of the few things that went down just fine. If I was not drinking alcohol I was eating Cookies and drinking no fat mocha lattes. I lived like this for about 1 1/2 years. Now and again I would keep down some Protein, but was more interested in loosing weight, which I was. I lost 70 lbs. and felt bullet proof cookies, ice-cream lattes bring it on! Sept. 10, 2009 I went to rehab to detox from xanax & alcohol. I never told my weight loss Dr any of this. The throwing up continued to the point soft food was all I could eat. I finally came clean after finding out I have an ulcer, dilated pouch and dilated esophagus. I have a 4 cc band they removed most of my Fluid now at 1.1 cc's still in pain. To make a long story short YES addiction does run in families. I hope this helps someone to not take the path i did. I am now digging myself out of the pit i fell in.
  5. Victorylover

    2nd Band and failing again...

    Aimzee,Find a new Dr. I would not continue to see someone who is not willing to listen to me. Sounds like you need a barium swallow to determine if you are slipped or very swollen. Please find someone soon.
  6. Victorylover

    Very discouraged.. and worried

    Girl you are doing fine keep up the good work! It takes a couple for most people to loose their weight. Good luck
  7. Victorylover

    Liquid pooling in my throat at night....

    This happened to me and scared me to death. Found out not only was I to tight, but many other complications please call your Dr. My band is 3 1/2 yrs old and I have really screw it up letting this go on to long.
  8. Victorylover

    I have failed the BAND!

    txprincess please be honest with your Dr. I was told my ulcer is the first step toward esophagal cancer being to tight is not the thing to do. Good luck. Thank you for your story. I was banded January 2010. In September I got too much of a fill and started throwing up everything I put in my mouth. In 5 weeks, I lost about 20 pounds. Because of the weight loss, I did NOT want to get an unfill. I finally went and got a tiny bit taken out, but still throw up everything. And because I know it's all coming up, I eat whatever I want. I too don't want to tell my doctor for fear of him taking out all of my fill. But I know my health is really at risk. I have an appointment for next Tuesday to talk to my surgeon and I plan to be completely honest. Again, thank you for popping me upside the head and making me see what the consequences are.
  9. Victorylover

    I have failed the BAND!

    I was banded 3 1/2 years ago. At first all was good lost 70 lbs. My band was so tight I threw up every time I ate. I did not tell my Dr. in fear they would take the Fluid out. This went on for about a year. Please if this is happening to you tell your Dr.right away. I now have what they call maladaptive eating disorder, a dilated esophagus, a dilated pouch and webbing in my esophagus caused from reflux. I let this go on so long I had to sleep sitting up due to drowning on my on saliva. I have gained 30 lbs back and could kick myself. Last week I went to the Dr. confessed had a barium swallow and endoscope. They removed .7 cc's from my band leaving me with 1.1 cc's (I have a 4 cc band). This has not helped I am still in pain every time I eat or drink. I have another appt. tomorrow to have more fluid taken out I pray this will fix the problem so I can start over the correct way.

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