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LAP-BAND Patients
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    nu2ywg got a reaction from jemima in What if my liver doens't shrink?   
    Part of the reason for the pre-op diet (the major one I think) is that sometimes the liver can be so enlarged with fat that it's hard for them to actually place the band. I think if you do your best you should be fine.
    As for the poster who is missing Thanksgiving....my preop diet started a few days before Christmas last year. That was really tough, especially since no one but my husband knew I was having the surgery. Just think of the weight you would probably gain if you weren't on the diet and rejoice in the fact that you will actually lose weight during the holidays!
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    nu2ywg got a reaction from Bertie in Any help appreciated   
    How long have you been banded? How many fills have you had? If you aren't at restriction yet, it's the hardest time because it's all willpower. You will get there eventually. I have noticed that for me if I don't drink enough fluids or get enough Protein, my weight loss slows so make sure you are doing that. Take care and chin up, you can do it!
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    nu2ywg got a reaction from kristallynn13 in Mourning food   
    I went through that same thing. Between my consult and the start of my pre-op diet I gained about 4 or 5 lb because I felt like it was my last chance to enjoy some foods and that for some things I would never ever taste them again. Well, the only thing I've never gone back to is the soda, haven't had a drop since the day before my pre-op diet started in December. I didn't really hoist in the fact that after the liquids and mushies that it would take quite a while to reach restriction and that I would actually be able to eat many things I thought I was saying goodbye to. Anyway, I've discovered that I can eat most things, even with a reasonable amount of restriction and what I love about the band is that I can't gorge. I do cheat but look at me, I've lost over a hundred pounds since December so I feel a bit silly for being so dramatic in those pre-op days. Just to let you know, you will be able to have some of that stuff you think you're mourning after the pre and post op diets are done. The band will help you to NOT gorge though and that's the lovely thing about it in my opinion. Congrats on the 50 lb and good luck with your surgery!
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    nu2ywg got a reaction from missmary44 in Half way to goal!!!   
    So excited to see the scale this morning as I'm now halfway to my goal! That's still a LOT of pounds to lose but it's a lot of pounds gone too I feel so happy that I took the step to get the band. It's not all a bed of roses...I have been having gall bladder attacks and may end up needing it removed but I think that's better than diabetes, stroke, sore knees everyday and not being able to enjoy my children.
    Hope you are all having a wonderful day and that you are experiencing satisfaction with your weight loss.

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