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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nu2ywg

  1. nu2ywg

    March Madness Challenge

    Julie (nu2ywg) down 3 lb for 260 and GOAL!!!
  2. I am really sorry that your friend hurt you. It's just not fair but I'm sure you are right, it is out of jealousy. Good for you for using it as a learning experience and moving on. You sound like a very strong person to go through what you have and to come out on top.
  3. Hi! I had surgery at Maples in January...almost 3 months ago. I've been pleased with the process so far. Any particular questions you have? Have you started the process yet?
  4. nu2ywg

    Really mad at myself!

    I would agree that 1000 calories isn't enough in a day, especially if it's every day. Are you getting enough water? It won't hurt to eat 1200 or even 1400 for a day or two and see what happens... Good luck, you can make it through this!
  5. nu2ywg

    Port question

    Try lying on your back and lift your head to engage your ab muscles...then start feeling around. You should be able to feel it there somewhere... Mine is just left of the midline, below my bra strap.
  6. nu2ywg

    Surgery Date April 1st

    When do you have to start your pre-op diet? Does your nutritionist recommend anything? For me, the pre-op was provided as part of the cost and it was Meditrim...2 shakes and one bar per day plus 2 cups of vegetables (certain ones weren't allowed) and Water and unsweetened liquids. For after, I was on my own to find stuff. I like the Premier Protein drinks at Costco...best tasting ones I've found and they have 30g of protein. Also, there are chewable Vitamins out there that aren't kids vitamins, in case you're interested. Does your nutritionist or surgeon provide you with any guidelines? I had a whole package with recommended foods for the liquid, mushy and solid stage. You should probably be getting more info from your people. I know it's hard not to, but don't worry! The surgery and the first few days are a bit rough but eventually they will be a thing of the past and you will be on your way to a new you!
  7. nu2ywg

    March Madness Challenge

    I made my goal! I had a rough day food wise yesterday so I thought I'd better get on the scale this morning and see what damage I had done and lo and behold I was at my goal for March 31st! That was my first challenge and I can see how helpful they are. Down 12 lb for the month of March
  8. You might be surprised at how little people notice. I have only told my husband and my dad (who lives out of town). My surgery was on Jan 5th so I was on the pre-op diet for Christmas!!!! I had a houseful of inlaws, went to inlaws and not one person noticed...I kept myself busy with kids and shared a plate with my toddler (he ate all of it actually). Now I'm almost 60lbs down and I've had a couple of comments on looking better and my father-in-law recently said I wasn't eating enough but my mother-in-law shushed him and said I was working hard, lol. So I would say go, have fun, play it cool and just say you're watching what you eat or something. When eating out I tend to go for the salads with grilled chicken. Have a great time!
  9. nu2ywg

    Emotional Rollercoaster

    I've been on that same rollercoaster, as have many here. Nobody plans to become obese I'm sure and when we get there and realize how hard it is to turn it around it can be very emotional. I think it's great that you are on the right track and looking for solutions now. My hubby has also mentioned the skin thing once or twice (I've had 3 babies, 2 of them over 9 1/2 lb and I'm 40 now so things won't spring back)...I just want to get to my goal please and worry about that stuff later. You are still at a pretty young age and 230 is not so bad (I've lost almost 60 lb and still not 230 yet!) so you might not even have skin issues.
  10. nu2ywg

    Oh well

    Stephy, I'm glad your second fill went so well, that's really great! I don't have an appointment for my next one but it should be around April 8th, my centre does them every month. My band is a 10cc band and so far I have a little over 4cc in it. Next fill should take me to 5cc. Cheri, my surgery was Jan 5th and I was on a pre-op diet for just over two weeks (it was brutal over Christmas) so I've been going a bit longer than you. I have been doing quite a bit of exercise; I joined a gym and while I have one knee that gives me trouble, it's been getting better as the weight has been dropping off. I'm in Canada and paid for this surgery out of our retirement savings so I have a huge motivating factor to not disappoint myself or my husband. I wanted to live long enough to have a retirement! I think 27 lb in 2 months is fantastic, especially if you have mobility problems! Keep it up
  11. nu2ywg

    40 lbs GONE!!!!!!!!!!

    Woohoo!!! Congratulations to you, you are really doing great! How did the second fill go?
  12. Renee, I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time Just looking at what you said you ate, are you getting enough calories? Can you try foods that are bulkier? liquids like shakes will go right through your pouch and you will be hungry...try to eat something more substantial that will stay in the pouch to help you feel full longer. Just an idea for you... I know you can turn it around, you can do it!
  13. Woohoo! What a rush for you
  14. nu2ywg

    March Madness Challenge

    Julie (nu2ywg) with 3 lb lost this week to 263. Wasn't sure I would make it with a family trip to the US and eating out so much. Also I only made it to the gym twice last week. Very happy the scale is still moving in the right direction.
  15. I can't believe how the time has flown. Seems like such a long time ago that I was in bed, in pain, and watching my staples eat into my skin, lol. I guess things have been going pretty well on the weight loss front but it's still a willpower game. My second fill is on Tuesday and I hope that will bring me to my sweet spot. How are you all doing? Everybody happy they took the plunge?
  16. My kids are not very picky. As babies and young children, they all ate everything I offered them, every single thing. Now as they are older (10, 8 and 2) they are pickier. For meal times, I don't make them finish their plates and they can still have dessert if they don't. However, the vegetable is the most important item on the plate and they must finish that part even if they don't finish the meat or pasta/rice/potato and they must have half of their salad. If it's a vegetable or meat they don't like, I usually draw a line through the middle and make them eat half for the sake of the nutrients. To be honest, I have very little argument with that...I guess they are fine with the compromise. If it's a new item I'm serving, they must try it. I think it's crap to say you don't like something if you've never tried it. My mother does that...at age 60+ she discovered she actually liked sweet potatoes after saying for all my life she hated them and making ridiculously childish noises when the subject was even brought up. I had to ask her to refrain from that type of behaviour for fear of my children modelling it. Anyway, my kids don't really fit into the picky eaters category so I'm not sure my response will be enlightening at all but I thought I'd contribute anyway.
  17. nu2ywg

    Thank god for the lap band

    Congratulations! That is wonderful news! Love to see these great success stories, they are great motivators.
  18. Is there a nurse you can phone to find out? I've had my fills by a nurse and she asks me several questions about my hunger level, how much I can eat, what I'm eating etc to decide whether to fill or not. She also made a point of telling me that I have to aim for "bulk" at each meal to help prevent the hunger from coming back too soon (but I don't really want to eat chicken breast for Breakfast, lol). Anyway, if there was someone at your surgeon's office you could call and tell them what you're experiencing they could probably tell you. Oh, and how fast are you eating your 8 or 9 bites? I see the beautiful baby in your pic and I know that I tend to eat too quickly because I'm dealing with my kids during meals and when I slow down, I can eat more.
  19. nu2ywg

    soft drink

    Soda has been one of the hardest things for me to give up but I've done it...haven't had one since the day before my pre-op diet started. My doctor says the carbonation is really not good for the pouch. In the end it is probably a good thing for me as I was well and fully addicted.
  20. Congratulations! Love to see such happy posts as this, they are great motivators. I had a similar experience this morning buying the first bathing suit in years. Planning to swim with my kids for the first time in about 3 years.
  21. nu2ywg

    March Madness Challenge

    Julie (nu2ywg) down 3 lb on Mar 14th. Also passed the 50 lb down mark, woohoo!
  22. This subject was covered in my psych eval. Could be a problem especially if you have addictions in the family. It hasn't happened to me and I don't actually know anyone in real life with a lapband. I think it's sweet of your mom to worry but if there aren't any red flags in your psych eval you'll probably be fine, especially if you know what to watch out for.
  23. Your stomach is probably quite swollen since you just had surgery a couple days ago. I had a hard time the first few days...in fact the first 8 days it was very hard for me to get anything down. I worked at sipping all day long to try to get the fluids in. Then, almost like magic, the swelling was gone and I felt like I could eat anything. Hang in there, it does get better.
  24. nu2ywg

    The tide is changing

    Glad things are looking up!
  25. Hi Everyone, I was banded Jan 5th and I've lost 49 lb so far. I lost about 17 of that during the pre-op diet. I had my second fill earlier this week and I'm pretty sure I haven't hit my sweet spot yet. I had my first solids after fill today at lunch and was easily able to pack away 5oz (150g) of turkey breast and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. So in less than 300 calories I managed 48g ( ) of Protein...but I still feel like I could have eaten more. My recommended amount of protein is 70g per day and I usually have no trouble exceeding that. I aim for 1200 calories/day but have many days that I go over that. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week and try to work out on the wii if I can't make it to the gym. I'm definitely looking forward to my willpower having a boost! It's nice to see others banded at around the same time and how you are all doing. Take care everyone. Btw, there is a January 2011 board here too...

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