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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by skinnymom

  1. kaydot - i also hear ya on the tummy sleeping. I was able to do it for the first time ast night. If you are a tummy sleeper like me, placing a pillow under your top leg while laying on your side is almost like sleeping on the tummy - I know not exactly but as close as you can get for now. I am only banded 9 days and I wa able to sleep on my tummy - which is strange because I still have some pain. But at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Anyone have a drawing pain in their belly button - like a tugging or pulling? feels kinda weird.

    NGAdams - dont keep a food journal - but I really should. Im just neve sure how to figure the calories on things that dont have a specific calorie count. could be why I got fat in the first place. lack of knowledge. any suggestions on how to figure the calorie counts would be greatly appreciated.

    stay well everybody!!

  2. susan - welcome back and congrats!!!! glad to hear our not in so much pain. It will get better at any rate - I am finally feeling hman this week and will go back to work monday. did it hrt to fly - I mean the take off and landing (could be hard on a regualr stomach - let alone one that was just operated on). Wonder how audree is doing. hope she is doing well too. Stay well and keep your spirits up!! keep us posted.

  3. Thanks everyone but I don't think I'll stop smoking that would be to much to soon my doc says that since I don't smoke to much that I shouldn't worry about quiting, he said "of cource I'm not saying its ok to smoke" he just don't want you to mentally ware yourself out.

    huberslave - completely understand your decision - too much to juggle at once dieting and no smoking!!! just ask your doc for how long you shouldn smoke befor eand after the surgery to help with wound healing - because the two are related. Also I am sure you know this but there is a thread for smokin bandsters. maybe theyll have some good advice. regardless - good luck with your surgery!!

  4. deckedout - so sorry for your tough night - but at least the doc was able to get you to your sweet spot. I dont know much about that since I wont be tightened for five weeks (6 weeks post op) but from the ther posts i heard it could take many tightenings just to find the sweet spot. so congrats. as for the wings - if you ate them slow, would they be able to go down - i thought chicken skin was a no no. I LOVE LOVE chicken wings and thought they would be forever gone to me.

    also I heard from one of the other threads helpful advice that if you are really stuc - grapefruit juice helps like "liquid drano".

    I think i caught a sore throat and cold - hope its snot the flu thats goig around. I was finally going to go back to work.

    hope everyone else is doing well. Have a god day ladies.

  5. beversman - dont know why you got so mad at me - i wasnt being mean or negative and NEVER called you guys names. I was just sayng that i felt very welcomed into DB by MANY of you and you gave me great advice when I needed it most!!!! I certainly didnt mean to be negative - I thought I was being just the pposite. And by ld timers I meant that you guys were ahead of me so I could get support from you like I had in the first crucial week. Didnt mean to offend - thats for sure!

  6. i personally feel very bad that you guys left - I understand the reason - but you are the "old timers" with all the good advice. all us newbies are the ones who dont know what to expect and look up to the guys with the experience! I think thats why people felt so bad you left the dember bandsters (the ones like me who were banded late in december) well anyway - i wish you guys good luck with losing. thanks for the good advice and support till now.

  7. hi everyone. It was so good hearing from all of you. Guess what? I went out today and two people asked me if I lost weight (even though to me I look the same) but they didnt even know I was banded. also I was wearing an outfit from the too small part of the closet ( a art of the closet that we hide our clothes that are too small but dont have the heart to part with. And this is after losing only 13lbs - cant wait till I lose more!!

    I have a question - has anyone else had pain by their bely button (way below the suture)? I have a tugging feeling in my belly button.

    enough about me - how is everyone else doing?

    Mammysm - we are almost band twins? Bands born only one day apart (we should coin that term band twins - cute eh???). how are you feeeling?

    carolny - you are 100 percent right. I had two freinds who were banded and they initialaly told me they were in almost no pain - boy was I surprised and felt like a freak when I was in pain - now they tell me "oh yeah I felt that too. now they tell me..... I guess time helpsus forget the pain..

    thanks mousecrazy and lap dance - really needed the encouragement was a basket case on friday - doing alot better now. thabks fo the support!!!

    good cheers and welll wishes to all - keep in touch!

  8. Hi everyone - had to read two pages snc friday. How is everyone doing. thank god I am doing so much better. I am in alot less pain and have shortened my liquid diet (on my own) and am tolerating it well. I too am grateul to have all of you for support and dthose who want to be off by themselves - its okay as long as the rest of us stay on board to support one another.

    I do have a question - how do you now if you have a restriction or if something is not gong to go down. Hw can you tell the difference between that and a gas bubble - which is still painful?

    by the way - I am still waiting and yearning fr chicken salad in the musie stage (in a blender of course). crazy craving no?! and to think I am not even pregnant and dhaving such a crazy craving. anyone else having other crazy cravings???

  9. Hello,

    I was wondering if you could tell me what is the diet you are on to shrink your liver. I have searched all over, but I can't find any specifics on what the diet consists of. Can you give me some specifics please?:help:

    Thank you

    Stacyrl - my pre-op diet to shrink my liver was less than 1000 calories a day for two weeks.

    As for the other questions - I had something in my IV to put me to sleep, took pain meds for threee days post surgery (hydroodone in pill - crushed), and i was able to sleep on my side but had alot of pain when turning ver. What I fund helpful was a wedge that I used on my bed when relaxing in bed - held me at a better angle - far less pain. I still cant sleep on my stomach but am getting better by the day (I was operated on 12/28. Unfortunately i was in alot of pain and was miserable (still am about he post op diet). But I wanst in alot of pain the first day - it hit me the next day - but not to worry pain meds take care of it. good luck!!! And I am down 14 lbs from the two week pre-op diet and 1 week since surgey!! makes it all worth while.

  10. anne and linda - thank you so much for telling me about yourselves. I have felt so abnormal. I too have freinds who did so much better - had no pain, could eat and drink anything etc. It really feels good to know that not everyone has an easy time and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. thanks for all your support

    mandy - think of me when your eating the chicken salad and savor the flavor for me LOL.

  11. hi everyone - thanks for the cheering and the well wishes - I am doing alot better the past two days withthe physical pain . My port isnt hurting as much and even my left side pain is less (although still there). I am also finally getting hungry - but completely SICK of chicken broth , crystal light, ices, and hot cocoa!!!! going crazy and i still have 6 more days of liquids. Dont know how Ill get through this part. Cant wait to get to mushies!!!!! still only down 13 lbs and putting very little into my body - wondering why the weight isnt just falling off at this point. would understand if I was easting and the band wasnt tightened yet that I wouldnt lose weight - but almost all of what I am eating is ) calories. Oh yeah - besides the protien shakes I forgot to mention - but I can only get 8 oz of that down a day - so I should still be losing weight. ant ideas? Hope everyone else id doing well and thanks for everything - I am so glad to have the support from all you guys!!! thanks!

  12. siyah - we were banded only one day apart. How is your pain - did you go back to worky ? have you felt good? I myself havent gone back to work - will probably do so next Monday - dont know how I will get through the whole day though - I still h ave weird left side pain (doc doesnt know why) and m port is soooooo uncomfortable!! how are you?? lets stay in touch - because we were banded so close together. Btw how much did you lose before the surgey and till now? Also what is your food schedule - I have to be on liquid 2 weeks (one more week to go), mushies for two weeks and then soft solids. going crazy on the liquids!!!

  13. Dream G'day :)

    I'm new to the forum also, you can read about my journey so far in introductions.

    I was banded on December 19th, just over 2 weeks ago.

    I dropped 5.4 kilos in my 4 days in hopsital but nothing since (sad face)

    I've been allowed to eat drinking yogurt, ice cream, milky drinks, Soups (not all clear) so long as they are thin and of consistency to pass through a straw. I havn't found this difficult at all, its a good variety. I'm not eating anywhere enough to put on weight or maintain my weight, so I'm at a loss as to why I hav'nt lost more as yet, but I'm trying to be patient and only weigh in once a week. I'm ok with the variety of liquids, so long as I'm not hungry. But I have been moody moody moody, I'm putting this down to junk food withdrawal. I can't just eat my feelings anymore, so I'm having to find a new way to deal with things including this change in my life. So yeah I've experienced the Moods and still am. I seem to have lost the bubbly evervesant side to myself, but hey we have just had surgery and turned our lives upside down. Once the weight loss starts, I'm sure I'll be happier. Congratulations to all on making the decision to be healthier. Some great positive and inspiring reading here that will help me on my journey to a thinner me. Thanks all for your contribution. NGAdams very inspiring reading :) CHEERS. I've tried to add a weight loss tricker and a signature, but feel I have failed in that department, if anyone can send a message to help me with that I'd be really greatful :) Thanks in advance :)

    hi Gerbera

    I am in the same boat as yo - I am one week post op and am feeling alot of the same feelings - wondering what the heck did I do to myself - but at the same time happy that i am on to a new begining. maybe thee feelings are normal - maybe those who havenet felt this got lucky or dont remember (time allow us to forget) whatever it is - youre not alone and I am sure it will pass (i hope so anyway!!!) good luck!! one mor eweek of liquids for me (yuck!) and then onto mushies (ground and runny chicken salad here I come!).

  14. I am only one week out of surgery and am still having quite some difficulty. I am quite discouraged as I thought I would be as good as new by now. But I am having some weird pain in my left side (doc says its becaue thats where e used thecamera and moved it around alot) and still have such discomfort around the port!!! I also have difficulty getting the shakes down, have frequent stomach aches, feel week, and frustrated that Im only on liquids. just dont feel like me anymore. I know I should be thrilled at this new life I am going to have - but cant seem to shake this feeling. Onemore week of liquids seems like an awful long time. The upside is the thirteen ounds lost so far - will I gain them back??? This is so not like me to b negative!!!! The one good thing is that I found this website!! thanks for listening

  15. I am only six days post surgery and I can definitely feel my port - so I cant imagine that it is too deeply placed inside. Now I am wondering if it will be vey obvious when I lose more weight. But ven more worrisom is - if it is so uncomfortable now - when I lose more weight will it be even more uncomfortable - OUCH!!!! extremely nervous?!

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