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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by djmixon

  1. Dec 30, 2010.

    I had got lost about 60 before surgery. Now sitting about 25 below that after gaining some weight due to mindless eating.

    started at 370

    Surgery at 310

    Currently at 272.25

    Since True Results shut down, my extra-large band with a little over 9.25 ccs is a mite too full and no one bothers with that anymore.

    Now it is all me. Which makes of it somewhat more difficult.

    Especially when it wakes me up in the wee hours of the morning because my saliva got stuck.


  2. I lost 10 pounds after the first week and was actually under 300! I was overjoyed... then over the following 3 weeks I gained all that back. Now, I won't even go near a scale because it upsets me so.

    I have trouble getting to the gym because I share a car and I have trouble feeling up to going to the gym when I do have the car because I have fibro among other things.

    I spoke to a counselor and she told me that I needed a fill... plain and simple. Each person is different.

    I wonder sometimes if those who lose so much at first actually lose Water weight during that time. I take diuretics because I retain at the drop of a hat and my heart doctor felt it was necessary. Maybe that is why I am slower to lose... maybe it is because with all the bad weather I can't seem to get out of my coccoon.

    I just want to lose weight and am tired of being hungry all the time. I need a fill and will get my first one in a week and a half or so......

    I am doing what I can until then..........

  3. My girls are no longer as perky as they once were... so my bra band does rub against a couple of my incisions. I don't wear underwire bras and haven't for a long time so I wear soft (as in cotton) bras. I am 13 days out and have only put one on a few times, each time better than the time before. So, I am guessing that like the scars I have from some chest tubes (from 2003), they will desensitize over time.

    Didn't your surgeon or hospital staff warn you about it?

    I know my surgeon's nurse has been a screaming you-know-what and completely non-helpful. Without ever meeting me she hated me. Oh well, if I have to change doctors because of her, then so be it. Houston is a very large place.

    Be well, my friends!

  4. If you have a battered women's shelter or thrift shop in your area..... donate.... donate.... donate.... nevermind the potential tax break., do some good for the sake of it.

    I was a battered woman when I was young and alone with two babies. I would have loved to have had a shelter to have helped me.... When I left, I left everything. I was just lucky that he left shortly after that and left everything in the apartment... so I got it all back.

    So, DONATE IT ALL!!!!! I know I am going to.

  5. I didn't cheat on my first husband, but we got together because his previous wife set us up... she left and asked me to "take care of him"... so I did and except for my first two children was sorry for it. He never was in their lives much after I escaped the abusive marriage.

    My second intended was a louse and cheated on me before we married, even though I was pregnant with our child, which he denied until she was 20.

    My second husband was a huge mistake. My maid of honor tried to set me up on a blind date a weekend before. Then bailed on me that week and I had to rearrange the set up. I knew I should not have married the dolt, but I did anyway. He cheated then I cheated. Difference was that I married my best friend who was the man I cheated with. All the while, my husband thought I was cheating with someone else... who was always trying to seduce me. Boy could he kiss......

    My third and last husband is my best friend. I cannot now think of any reason I would cheat on him. Nor can I honestly say I think he will ever cheat on me. His previous wife cheated on him openly and claimed she was cheating with the man who kept trying to seduce me.... not sure she actually did bed him.

    The seducer actually got a surprise on his birthday while my current husband (who was my best friend and married at the time) and I were taking a break to see if what we had was real.

    I also cheated with a man who was married to a woman who openly cheated as well... he stayed for his kids and she kept getting pregnant just to keep him. He was quite unhappy and remains so.

    After my current husband and I decided we were to be together, that was it. We are each other's lovers and only lovers.

    Don't give up... there are a lot of frogs... just keep kissing them and you will eventually find your prince. Just remember to wear protection.

  6. Find a Goodwill or other thrift shop - I always give to them. Then there are garage sales - look for ones in medium to upper income areas. Fashion Bug, Lane Bryant and Avenue are all awesome and not terribly expensive. Then there is Plato's Closet... they give you credit for clothes you bring in and you can use that credit for clothes they have in stock that others have traded in.

    ORRRRR we could do what people who have two different sized feet and organize a swap....

  7. Do you have an FSA as of 1/2011? And is your doctor or his office willing to write those prescriptions?

    We have an FSA with my husband's employer and found that under ObamaCare / Health Care Reform rules starting this year any OTC (over the counter) items must have a prescription in order to get any reimbursement.

    I contacted my surgeon's bariatric coordinator (his surgical nurse) by email and asked for those prescriptions. I have had half a dozen emails either asking for information or complaining about the amount of information I gave in response to her request for more information or telling me it is inappropriate to ask for such things and then finally agreeing to giving me prescriptions; but just for the Protein powder/shakes, chewable Vitamins, and liquid pain killers... but nothing else related to the overall change in the form of meds I am on (over 30), which I had no real gas with... since other doctors were responsible for those prescriptions and otc items.

    So, do you have an FSA, did you know abou the OTC changes, and is your doctor's office cooperative?

  8. Certainly keep an eye on it. I am not a doctor, but I had awful periods. They would seriously last 3 weeks, maybe more (quite often more). The doctor put me on Provera and told me birth control pills and a progesterone-containing intrauterine device (IUD) can help decrease heavy bleeding. I had a DNC done but after a week was back ot my "normal" period. He suggested an endometrial ablation which is basically taking a laser to the uterine lining and cauterizing it. I asked what else he had up his sleeve and he suggested a hysterectomy. I asked how soon we could schedule it.

    When he did the surgery, they found I had adenomyosis. Basically, it is endometriosis that grows in the uterus wall. My uterus was huge because of these things. I passed clots like you wouldn't believe - basily tea cup sized - and had all my "adult" life. High school was bad enough, but I would pass out at the drop of a hat and had raging Migraines.

    I was 27 when they did my hysterectomy. My cervix had pre-cancerous cells, but now I am clean. I had my three kids early in life and am pretty happy now at 45 with them grown and me just starting the change. Grandkids are a blessing and I still have energy to play.

    My point is, if you are not happy with your doctor and his/her treatment then fire them and get another. It is your body and there is no reason you should suffer like this.

  9. He Grasped me firmly but gently just above my elbow and guided me into a room, his room. Then he quietly shut the door and we were alone.

    He approached me soundlessly, from behind, and spoke in a low, reassuring voice close to my ear. "Just relax."

    Without warning, he reached down and I felt his strong, calloused hands start at my ankles, gently probing, and moving upward along my calves slowly but steadily. My breath caught in my throat. I knew I should be afraid, but somehow I didn't care. His touch was so experienced, so sure.

    When his hands moved up onto my thighs, I gave a slight shudder, and partly closed my eyes. My pulse was pounding. I felt his knowing fingers caress my abdomen, my ribcage.. And then, as he cupped my firm, full breasts in his hands, I inhaled sharply. Probing, searching, knowing what he wanted, he brought his hands to my shoulders, slid them down my tingling spine and into my panties.

    Although I knew nothing about this man, I felt oddly trusting and expectant. This is a man, I thought. A man used to taking charge. A man not used to taking "No" for an answer. A man who would tell me what he wanted. A man who would look into my soul and say ... "Okay Mam," said a voice, "All done."

    My eyes snapped open and he was standing in front of me, smiling, holding out my purse. "You can board your flight now."

  10. My port is between my sternum and my belly button. Fortunately, my girls haven't slipped that far, although they drop farther each year. I only wear soft cup (no underwire) bras and then only cotton ones. But I couldn't stand underwires even when I was a kid. They damage bust tissue, so everyone should get into a good, well-fitted soft cup bra.

    Be Well

  11. When I was much younger my first husband insisted (and he was very persuasive) and was rough. I had to have reconstructive surgery years later.

    Then a few years ago, I would allow my current husband to do this and found that with the right partner, tons of lube, and amazing relaxation skills, it is possible to have mind-blowing orgasms this way. He could reach places this way that were imposible to reach vaginally without a curved realistic dildo / vibrator... or an impossibly long male organ (such as my first husband's).

    Unfortunately, with a male organ that size you might find breathing difficult during sex and when I was pregnant with my two children with him, my cervix was pushed wayyy interior. My OB/Gyn's had lots of comments while they were buried elbow deep trying to feel my cervix.

    Your experience will vary. If you choose to try this use LOTS of WATER-BASED LUBE. AVOID PETROLEUM JELLY or other petroleum products.

    Also, know that the rectum and intestine are very fragile and tear easily... which could cause you to bleed out very quickly. So, GO SLOW and if it hurts and isn't eased by relaxing even more, then STOP.

    If you bleed afterwards, more than just a little, SEEK MEDICAL HELP.

    Don't put anything up your bum that is larger than a regular sized penis... and even then maybe you shouldn't.

    Your experience WILL vary from anyone else's...

    Enough of the TMI regarding this from me.

    And why is there a man in the powder Room??????

  12. I, too, am noticing a lot of hair in the shower drain catcher. I have a lot of hair, so I will wait to see. I think a few less hairs would be a good thing when you are talking about the amount of hair I have. Not just thick shafts, but tons of hair. It overwhelms just about every hairdresser I have, unless I have been with them for a while.

    Still taking in tons of Protein and taking my Vitamins...

  13. I am getting 60+ grams of Protein a day and have been having awful cravings.

    First (5 days in) it was cheesecake (which slides down like magic - if only it didn't stop at my ass and hang around so long), then it was no sugar added ice cream and now today (12 days in) it is sushi. I want it soooo badly..... I bought some and put it in the freezer. I know I can have the mushy foods starting Thursday and will be happy for it. I am already cooking broccoli (and fake) cheddar Soup in the slow cooker. I plan to then run it through the food processor and then the blender if I have to. After that, I am fixing a Texas Spicy chicken Soup that will have to go through the same process.

    So..... how many grams of Protein do we need to hold the hungries at bay? The doc filled me as much as he could and still get thinned out barium down me on the day of the surgery. My post-op appt is later this month and my doc's nurse isn't the greatest about answering emails. And my support group isn't until the third Wednesday of each month, if my son isn't using the car and my husband isn't in class.

    How many grams of protein per day??

  14. Banded on Thursday 12/30/10..... I have lost 9 lbs since.

    Just had some quick stabbing shots of pain just past center under my left breast..... wondering what that could be... and hoping it isn't anything bad...

    I was at 340 when this started over a year ago and very inactive due to an autoimmune disorder and the weight.

    I have cheated some and paid for it, but am back on the liquid diet that we all love so much. Those Protein Shakes are so good... yuck...

    anyway, Thursday will be 2 weeks.

  15. Did your doctor put the band in and not fill it at all? Some do that, then you don't get satisfied while you are healing. It would certainly explain your lack of satiety.

    My doctor put the band in and filled it as well... for the most part I am satisfied... a new feeling, for certain. While the swelling goes down, I am feeling a little less "full" but it could certainly be worse. Now I just have to stop eating real food while I am still on the liquid diet... THAT is my challenge right now.

  16. I feel your pain, although I was only banded on 12/30/10.

    I am having difficulty with my motivation to follow the stupid post surgery diet and fell off the wagon in a big way this last weekend. I am back on the straight and narroy with the liquid diet today. Still no motivation.

    And exercise is a huge issue for me. I used to exercise all the time, but as I have gotten older (and fatter) that gusto is gone.

    All I can suggest is that you start with your diet and go through the beginning diet again, working your way up to solid foods. Maybe with that and an adjustment to make your stoma tighter, you will find things move again.

    i just have to not be in the same room as my husband when he eats. He is on the Atkins diet, but he cheats regularly... in front of me.

    Also, have a friend who you trust come over and clean out your pantry and freezer. Give them a list for the grocery and some money and stick to it.

    I was an accountant before I retired. Our budget has gotten much better since I started this process. We no longer eat at restaurants except once in a great while. And we only pay cash for such splurges. Our grocery bill has shrunk significantly as well. And while our pharmacy bill has not yet budged, it will before much longer as I am the one taking 90% of the pills.

    Just attack it as though it were your financial budget and you just lost your job. Cut out everything that is not needed or good for you. Bring only in those items that add value.

    Take that trusted friend with you for walks or, given your recent weather, work together to shovel snow. Working out with someone with you makes things easier and you can be each other's support.

    I purchased a membership at 24-hour Fitness. It is pretty cool as they have multiple treadmills, recumbant bicycles, machines, etc. They also have indoor pools, a jacuzzi, sauna and steam room.

    All in all, not a bad deal for $199 per person per year. It is WAY cheaper than the YMCA membership. And they have specials for 3, 6, or 12 1-hour long sessions with a trainer.

    We are all in this together.

    (and I know all too well that cheesecake is wayyy to close to the "soft" food description).

    I won't harp on your smoking. You will make that change when you are ready.

    What about support groups? There is Overeater's Annonymous, Weight Watchers, or some other support group. Even AA works. An addict is an addict. And we are addicts. Our drug is food.< /p>

    Its time to take responsibility for my decisions, and I'm hoping that the support of fellow banders will wake me up.

    Before anyone says that the band is a tool, and not a "fix all", I know that. I'm simply lacking the motivation and will power.

    I was banded on June 3rd. To date, I've lost 18 pounds. For the last 3 months, I've lost nothing.

    I don't eat right and I don't exercise. I lack the ambition and I need it back!

    I was up to 7 cc's in my band, but everything got stuck, so my Dr took out 1/2 a cc. Some things still get stuck, because I don't chew well, and I simply wash it down with Water. (I know that is a no no) :unsure:

    One of my problems is I cannot find the right foods to eat. I'm a very picky eater, and am a meat and potatoes kind of girl.

    I don't feel full like I thought I would. Eating 2nd's is not a problem, and I can eat anything I want.

    Eating sugar has not bad affects on me... at all.

    I feel fatigued and achy, and I know its from lack of exercise. :(

    I had an appt to talk to my Dr a little over a week ago, and then bam... we had a snow storm and I had to cancel. I now have an appt for 1/17.

    I often think that maybe it would have been better for me to have had the gastric bypass, because then maybe I would have to work so hard at, but I also know that is not the answer.

    The answer lies within myself, and I have to search my soul for it.

    I currently weigh 233 and I'm sick of it. Its as though I'm sabotaging myself. Why do I do that???

    I truly, truly want to lose the weight. That is not the problem. The major problem is that I don't know how to eat right.

    Thank you for support, and although I know you probably won't do it, please don't lecture, because as I said.... I know that some of the things I'm doing are wrong.

    Oh... and by the way, I also smoke.

  17. Don't feel like you are alone. I cheated with well cut and chewed chicken and even some very lean steak this last weekend. I started with 1 small sugar free pancake on Saturday morning and it went downhill from there.

    I made sure I had my Protein shakes, but I still gave in and boy did I feel badly. Everything is going down well, so I don't think I am stuck, but my weight stalled and even went up a pound. So, I am back to liquids and frozen pops and will hit the gym later after the A/C guy comes to give our furnace a checkout.

    The problem I am having is wearing bras... I am still swollen I guess and they hurt badly.

    Be well.

    Sounds to me like you are suffering from regular post op pains .... and guilt! 4 days post op your stomach will still be swollen, the stitches to hold the band in cause pain till they heal and the gas that they use during surgery to expand your abdomen settles under your diaphragm and causes pain for anything up to 10 - 14 days, maybe less. Eating all that stuff so soon is not wise but i am sure it shouldn't cause any major damage unless you ate until you threw up. If you are concerned, the best thing is to ring your surgeon, you will feel awful having to tell them you jumped the gun on mushies but it is better than getting sick if there is a problem.

    As for you BM's anything goes post op as your body adjusts. I was constipated for about 4 weeks, others suffer from what you described.

    Think about how you feel now if you are tempted again. Maybe you need to only buy things as you are able to eat them so they are not sitting in the pantry tempting you. I know what it is like, it is there, you want it and it is on your mind until you can resist no longer! (this is why i needed the band)

    Good luck.

  18. You can cheat on any kind of weight loss regime. It is up to you to stick with it.

    I ended up eating stuff I wasn't supposed to yet this last weekend. I am back to the liquids now. I am just glad I didn't get blocked.

    A friend of mine said that she is getting the bypass done instead of the band, because it is too easy to cheat on the band. Is this true?

  19. The super glue on my incisions has come off already (less than two weeks) so I am trying to avoid the pool right now. I don't want any trouble.

    I haven't gotten back to the gym yet, but will this afternoon/evening. I have to share a car with my son, so I have to work around his schedule. Then there is the trouble I have getting up and going in the mornings. ugh

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