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Project Disney

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Project Disney

  1. Greetings: I just wanted to check in to let you know that I am staying the course. You were the one I heard from first and encouraged me from the getty go. I have learned so much about the physcology of the band. Thought i had myself all figured out. But I was just "fooled". Learning that a mind set needs excercising. Any learned nuggets of success, please pass my way. Blessings.


  2. Have you found it any easier kelly since your last refill. I know each one takes awhile to get used to and to figure it out. Anxious to hear how it is going for you. I am still doing great. Got the motivation and drive still going strong. Blessings


  3. Hi AppleG. I was just wondering how you are doing. I noted that you had difficulty and I really related to that. Anything you learned to get you going or over a difficult time please share with me. I am learning more and more about the physcology behind the bands useage. ..Blessings


  4. Sending a PM to Bardy




    Thank you for that idea. I had not discovered the reciepe dept. on this site yet. How are you doing? Is everything working correctly ? I found my band works if I allow it to. My compulsion to eat made me over ride it. But I have recognized and woke up to what i must do. It is all about committment to effort and...

  5. Ahhhh lol no wonder I didn't see it. This is a difficult site to figure out. but looking for somethig that doesn't exsist it harder yet. tee hee thanks

  6. Asking and answering questions of members helps in the boredom department. tee hee

  7. continued. I think you will find that your band will assist you now much better after getting it filled. You are doing great I think especially when it wasn't doing all that much for you. good job

  8. Gluttony is an emotional state, It shows that somethng is eating us. The only thing eating me is my compulsion to eat. I guess that could be an emotional state. But for the first time I have been controlling that compulsion. Thank you lapbandtalk.com and family members for all the education, support and encouragement that contributed to my success this last month.

  9. Good planning April. Check out the facebook and youtube for at home exercises for the beginner. I am wheelchair bound and I found some great ones I jotted down to do. Blessings.. Dolly

  10. Got you message ... i like your spunk. woohoo , we are a couple of on fire granny's. love it... he he

  11. Happy New Years Day to you and yours Diane. I have a bone to pick with you. well actually 3 of them. 1, is a wishbone. 2, a backbone. And 3, a funnybone. May we excell in all three this coming year and succeed in our goals. Thanks for all your help and encouragement. We can and will do this... Blessings...Dolly

  12. Hello kelli 111... Just checking in with you. How are you doing? I did a blog post but do not know if you read it. I am still trying to figure this site out. Anywho, I made a what I think was a good statement on it that I learned from my hubby. He said "IF YOU BUY IT, YOU WILL EAT IT".. So the challenge is not to bring ANY bad food home from the grocery. Even for family members. use alternatives.

  13. Holiday Food is "tainted" and not good for me. Therefoe I taint gonna eat any "tainted" Holiday Goodies".

  14. I am doing great. Really have the mind set to stick to healthy eating choices. I have to admit that I do not weigh myself until I go the the doctor. There are too many things that can work against me when i weigh everyday . Like water retention, even bowel movements, yikes! It can be unnessaringly discouraging to me. So i avoid the scales. I can tell by my clothes and energy and the way I feel

  15. I am in control of my eating for once in my life. Only been a week and a half but that is a record for me and i am still going strong. Can even see a difference in my face. woohoo.

  16. I am just amazed at the amount of support and suggestions i have received after my blog went up. Thank you all,

  17. I am picturing you doing the limbo in Jamiaca with a colorful hip wrap and head wrap. Then sitting on the beach with a large bowl of fruit watching hunks saunder by. woohoo lol

  18. I find, as in life, our commitment to the lapband way of living, is purely a matter of decideing what's important to you. How bad do i want to make that trip to Disney Land with my granddaughter and fit in that small boat that goes thru "It's A Small World Afterall

  19. I have learned after 3 successful weeks of eating healthy that a balanced diet is not a cookie in each hand.

  20. I think we all had some fears going into surgery. But one thing that gave me comfort was all the thousands and thousands they have performed by now and have this surgery down to a fine art. What people call getting" stuck" is a matter of learning how to use the band and it's restriction. Eat too fast, or too big of mouth fulls or too much and you will get that. eat with a tiny spoon & fork

  21. I told everyone who would listen because I thought it would give me the accountability I would need. And I still think that it may work for some. But looking back I put too much pressure on myself for results. When it didn't come quick enough I felt disappointed and of course had to eat to make myself feel good, Besides it tasted good. oh what a vicious circle we allow ouselves to wallow in.

  22. Just checking in and wondering how things are going with you. We have to stick together and support each other to make our band work for us. Reminds me of the song I sang in Sunday School many long years ago. It is "If we all will pull together how happy we'll be".. LOL Blessings

  23. opps, that last post was in response to your question about telling others about the band.

  24. sent you a personal message, let me know if you got it. Thanks for your comment, I am in on this with you to the end. Bless your heart

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