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LAP-BAND Patients
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About TheNewStephy

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  • Birthday 05/08/1984

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  1. Happy 29th Birthday TheNewStephy!

  2. Happy 28th Birthday TheNewStephy!

  3. If anyone can help me with any solution it would be absolutely great! I joined the sight in May of 2008 when I was extremely confused after having surgery in February of 2008 because everyone one I knew had gastric bypass and I kind of went into this blinded; and honestly my Dr. did not provide too much knowledge. When I had placed a post asking very simple questions, and said I didn't think I had made the right the choice by getting the band; I was bombarded with negative feedback instead of support so I never did log on again. After reading several forums; I realized I most likely just had a bad experience because everyone does seem very supportive and I hope someone can help me PLEASE who may have had the same issue. Like I had said I was banded in Feb of 08, and I did not lose any weight until late May of 08 after I started getting fills. Then in the end of Aug of 08 my appendix decided it wanted to part ways with me, so I had to have surgery which due to possible nausea they had removed all of the Fluid like the band was never there. Well it was good for my body, bad for my self control issues. I had lost 50 lbs and basically gained it all back within 8 weeks. (I know it was absolutely ridiculous) Well at that point I realized I had to try to really work with this and I did. I began exercising and eating right with the band, etc. and lost about 125 to 135 lbs by this time last year. Than right before Christmas my breakouts began. I remember specifically because I had went out on Christmas Eve and was embarrassed because it had ended up so big it looked like a cold sore on my lip! The weird thing is even in my teens I had blackheads, but not horrible; and always the occasional pimple here and there but it would go right away. The thing I had always going for me was good skin and good teeth. (I'm sure more than one of you who reads this knows what I mean by that and always got the "you have such a pretty face", it's like thanks! lol) So I was 25 and began getting acne for basically the first time, and it has only been on checks down my check line and the worst is in my chin area. It's weird to because it is not normal; It almost feels like when I touch them its like a needle is poking me almost like an ingrown hair. Very painful. I only get one to four at a time but they are so red and get so infected its almost enough to cover my face; and they also last FOREVER so as soon as one finally goes away another one appears. I also had began birth control in March and took it for about 6 months, and there was no change. And I also had my band fluid removed for 6 weeks due to slight slippage and was able to eat normal again and there really didnt seem like there was a change but that was only for a short amount of time; and now it seems like it is getting worse. I'll be honest; I have now lost 165lbs and through this entire process I never really counted to make sure I have had enough Protein or took any Vitamins on a regular basis. I had my vitamins checked through blood work including the diabetes test about 7 months ago and everything was normal. I am just very confused; and now I am getting HORRIBLE scarring on my face. IF ANYONE HAS HAD THE SAME TYPE OF SITUATION PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU DID. I KNOW THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS THIS CAN HAPPEN; BUT I REALLY NEED SOME TYPE OF POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO AT LEAST HELP IT A LITTLE BIT. I NEVER HAD TO WEAR CONCEALER AND NOW ITS MY BEST FRIEND! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ANY ADVICE!!! ">

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