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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lucky13girl4652

  1. I use Isopure all the time. They taste the best when cold/chilled and I add 1/2 packet of flavored crystal light to them. It helps with the after taste.
  2. lucky13girl4652

    So tired in the evenings!

    I don't have any advice, but I am having the same issue. I can't stay awake past 9pm lately - I'm an early riser too due to kids too and at night, I'm exhausted. My surgery was on 12/15/10 and the first few weeks, I chalked it up to post surgery, but now I'm starting to get concerned. I rely on the 2 hours at night to get stuff done while my kids are sleeping. Now, I'm falling asleep on the couch which I NEVER did. I, also, am getting 70-80 gms of Protein in day and taking multi-vits and Vit D, so I don't know what the issue is. Anyone out there have any thoughts???
  3. lucky13girl4652


    I'm so excited, I just had to share! I went to a professional basketball game with the hubby and kids the other night and fit in the seat with no problems!! I actually had room on either side of me!! No holding my breath the whole game, no sitting up on the seat so my shoulders wouldn't hit the person next to me...I was able to sit back, relax and totally enjoy myself without having the seat parts jammed into my body. It was delightful!!
  4. lucky13girl4652

    Down Time

    I agree with everyone here, it all depends on your job. I work in IT so it is mostly desk work and meetings. I had surgery 8am on a Wednesday and was back to work on Monday. If I didn't just start my job a few months prior, I would of preferred to stay at home longer, but I was fine. Plus, I think working took my mind off of the post op diet of liquids for 2 weeks. I hope this helps!
  5. lucky13girl4652

    December 2010 Bandsters out there?

    Hi all! I was banded on 12/15 and my first fill isn't unitl 1/24 - does anyone feel that it too long until my first fill. So far, I'm doing great (I think!) - I'm down 28 total and can't believe it! A lot of it is will power, smaller portions, and high protein. I'm a little anxious about my first fill but it can't be nearly as bad as day 1 post op - right? Need some reassurance here!! Bravo to all the December banders out there - we are all doing marvelous!! ~Stephanie
  6. lucky13girl4652

    What do you dip? First meal?

    For anyone that likes spicy food...here's one for you in the mushie stage...I'm just ending that stage in a few days (YEAH) Low Fat, High Protein Buffalo chicken Dip 1 can of white meat chicken (looks like a can of tuna but it is chicken - never knew it came like this until I was banded) 1/2 bar of lowfat cream cheese crumbled low fat blue cheese (to taste) - can use low fat blue cheese dressing instead 2 tablespoons of low/no fat cottage cheese 1 tablespoon (or to taste) of buffalo wing hot sauce. Mix all ingredients in a sauce pan over low heat until all melts together and is warm and mushie. Makes about 6-8 lapband servings and I simply eat it as my protein. It's very good and I enjoy the taste after being on Protein shakes and broths for so long. Enjoy! url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wMLniwm/] [/url]
  7. My doctor recommends the Slim fast low carb shakes too! Don't stress too much regarding the fat content. I was told that we need enough fat as well as Protein in our diet to prevent hair loss.
  8. lucky13girl4652


    I was banded on 12/15/2010. No regrets other than not getting it done sooner. First day post-op was really bad and I thought I made a mistake, but 3 weeks later, I'm loving life, my band and feeling great!!!
  9. lucky13girl4652

    Do you wish you brought more

    I brought very little with me....robe, pony tail holder, et.c, lip balm and mouthwash was key! I was back in my room by 11am but didn't get my post-op upper gi until 2pm so I was not able to drink anything so my mouth so very dry for so long. I could swish & spit the mouthwash and used the lip balm otherwise, I would of been miserable.
  10. I was banded 12/15/10, and have lost 23lbs so far.
  11. lucky13girl4652

    No Weight Loss on Full Liquids

    I'm in the same boat! I got banded on 12/15, been sticking to full liquids and I'm still my pre-op weight. I know that this time period is about healing and not losing, but c'mon! I'm on liquids!!! How long was your pre-op diet? Mine was 2 weeks on liquids and I lost 20 pounds, so maybe since I lost so much before surgery that is why I'm on a plateau...I'm with you about being frustrated!!! The worse part is that I have another full week of liquids!!!! UGH!! Keep us posted. ~Stephanie
  12. lucky13girl4652

    Night 2 at home and don't feel right

    Amber, I'm 7 days post-op today. Night 2 for me was HORRIBLE!. I did great at the hospital as well as my first night home, but on the 2nd day/night, I didn't feel well at all. I was afraid to drink. I was only to drink a few sips of water and about 3 oz of chicken broth, slept a lot and sobbed wondering if I had made a mistake. Make sure that you are taking your pain medication, that was one of my issues. I wasn't taking it as directed - I didn't take it at all. The pain meds help you relax. IT DOES GET BETTER! You will have to force to get at least some water down - try sugar free Jello. Day 3 will be better and Day 4, you will start to feel normal again. Call your doctor if you feel really bad and you don't get any better. Keep us posted. ~Steph
  13. I'm doing well...the pain and gas has stopped which is great and I can move without any issues. Sleeping is now better too. I am only on a liquid diet for my first 2 weeks, I got on the scale and haven't lost a singe pound yet. I'm still at the pre-op weight - down 20 pounds..little frustrating, but I'm trying to stay positive!! My f/u visit is not until 12/27..I hope to be 5lbs down by then. KIT

  14. How are you feeling?

  15. lucky13girl4652

    December 2010 Bandsters out there?

    Hey Disneymom, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is experiencing stomach gurgling!! Mine is so loud, it's embarrassing. I have NO pain with it, it's just loud! Nothing I do seems to stop it, although I think it is getting less and less. I go back to work tomorrow, this should be interesting! ~Stephanie
  16. lucky13girl4652

    December 2010 Bandsters out there?

    Thanks, Check. I'm getting a bit stir crazy here....I'm can handle the liquids when I see the scale moving but now I'm getting frustrated b/c I'm drinking way less than I did post-op and nothing. I appreciate your support....I'll hang in there. I go back to work tomorrow so let's hope that keeps my mind off of things. ~Steph
  17. lucky13girl4652

    December 2010 Bandsters out there?

    Is anyone out there not losing weight? I'm post op day 4 and I'm liquids only and I haven't lost a pound. During the pre-op diet, I lost 20 pounds but right now I'm stuck! I wouldn't mind so much but I would like the scale to move a little bit since I'm going through all this pain and gas stuff! The only thing I'm eating is clear liquids, Isopure, protein shakes and some brothy soups. Any ideas?
  18. lucky13girl4652

    Steri Strips?

    I got really big waterproof band aids and that seems to do the trick. I can shower and not worry.
  19. lucky13girl4652

    Gas Pain!?

    I am day 3 post-op and I haven't had any gas pains either. However, my stomach is growling & rumbling like you wouldn't believe!
  20. Heather, been following your posts. I was banded today and thought we could share experiences. How are you doing now? As for me, I'm in a bit of pain but the meds are helping. I'm scared about drinking too much right now...have you had any pain after drinking/eating yet?


  21. Thinking of you! How did you do? I did fine but in some pain right now. The pain meds are helping but it's hard to get out of bed. I was in the OR at 8am and done by 9:30 and in my room by 11am. My only issue is I'm really thirsty and want to guzzle some ice water....can't do that! How are you feeling?

  22. How are you holding up? Only 2 more days now...I'm excited and nervous all at the same time! Let's touch base afterwards, ok?

    Good Luck.


  23. lucky13girl4652

    December 15th is Banding day!!!

    2 days and counting!! Good luck to all the December 15 Banders....I'll see you on the "other side".....the post surgery forum!!! :-)
  24. I would start taking some vitamin C, and make sure you are taking your vitamins. Yes, I'm on the 15th too! I can't wait but now I'm getting really nervous!! Keep me posted.

  25. Just checking in...how are you doing? I'm doing much better! After day 4 & 5, this got easy! I'm down 16 pounds and love that my clothes are getting baggy. 5 days to go and counting...

    Take care,


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
