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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cangel76

  1. Okay everyone, I am six months post op and this is weird.

    Every time I eat, with in ten to fifteen minutes I suffer severe pain in my left side. It hurts when I touch it too. It isn't up by my stomach at all, it is lower, like across from my belly button and right on my side, just under the rib cage.... Any ideas? I mentioned this to the Doctor last time and he said he didn't think it had anything to do with the surgery but it is only when I eat. So it has something to do with that general area.

  2. The band has changed a lot since then. I think the truth is though, the band is a foreign object in the body. It only does so much. So if people are unhappy you have to see why.

    I had my band done, one incision through the belly button, I ended up with an infection, other than that, I have been golden.

    The band is a medical device that is put into your body, of course there are chances of complications. Having the Gastric Bypass you can leak and poison your body, the sleeve has complications, etc.

    I do not recommend doing something like this unless someone has tried EVERY OTHER OPTION....

    Honestly, I hope to get down to a good weight, then I would like them to remove all the liquid from the band and give myself six months and see if I can keep it off. To me this is a tool, not the cure all.

    IF you read lots of posts, you will still gain weight if you make poor dietary choices, or drink alcohol (lots of empty calories) and don't exercise.

    Many people over restrict and cause trouble for themselves.

    Some people it just doesn't work for.

    In the end this is a very personal decision and one that should not be taken lightly. I believe if you have concerns about the media coverage, talk to your doctor. They can tell you the changes that have been made to the band, etc.

    Good luck, I did it and I don't regret it at all. I am nearly half way to my goal. To me that is amazing. I am in a size 16, haven't been there in 8 years, no matter how much I watched what I ate and exercised. I have medical things that were going on that once I put on the weight it is nearly impossible to take off. I think for me, it was the right decision, maybe not for others.

  3. Hello ALL....

    I am fighting the band process a bit. I know I wanted this but I also want to be able to eat. I hear these horror stories of people who are not starving but hardly eating. They are loosing clumps of hair and feel tired and yucky. That isn't healthy either.

    I haven't been exercising lately because I started baby sitting for a friend, when I get back from Florida I will start up again.

    I started off at 234, was 217 the day of surgery, 222 after surgery. LOL I am now down to 188-190, by the end of the evening I am 192 sometimes. It is all about not drinking enough and eating weird things.

    Since being banded I have lost some hair and that is bothering me a great deal. I made sure to stay up on my Proteins and still lost hair, after becoming depressed, I was eating crap and still loosing weight. That has changed. LOL

    Though I don't have a food addiction persay, I am a poor food choice person. I know what is healthy but don't feel like putting in the effort to make it.

    Breakfast is hard because I am sick of eggs. I usually have one Protein Shake and a piece of toast with banana or something.

    Then for lunch I am always craving Sushi, so sick of chicken, but everything else gets stuck. Sadly, seriously sadly, I can still eat a decent amount.

    The other part of surgery I never expected if I do not keep on a schedule for eating I get super gassy. It is embarassing. I now keep a shake with me when I am running around, but that doesn't stop the problem completely.

    I went from a size 22 and went to buy capris and fit into a size 16, that was the most wonderful moment EVER. So now I know I have to refocus.

    Banding isn't a one way trip, it isn't point A to point B, we have to stop at C, D, E, F, and maybe our final destination is D or F or K. Part of this is learning about who we are, why we choose the foods we do.

    Since surgery I am craving Sushi (I get it with the soy wrap) and Mexican. All things that lack a great deal of healthy food choices. I sometimes eat cheese and Triscuits for Breakfast, six crackers with cheese because it is like 20 grams of Protein.< /p>

    I don't know, thinking of getting another fill and need to get back to exercising, because since I stopped going 3-5 days a week I have noticed a huge change.


  4. I know, we are supposed to be able to eat a 1/4 cup of food, blah blah blah, but after my last fill on thursday it's hard to eat anything, no matter how much I mash it. I actually had pain from eating egg salad. I am definitely not making the proper Protein so I drank a Protein shake and will probably have another one tonight. It is down right painful to eat right now. I get it down but it sure hurts. Even drinking Water can be a bummer at times.

    Do you think the band is too tight. Today I had maybe two bites of some fish, way less then a 1/4 cup of food and I don't know if I had to stop eating because it hurt so much or because I was full. The last bite I took seemed to just hang out there, and it was good. How much do I need to chew? It was practiclly water.

    Could it be food choices as much as the tightness in the band. I have literally had the fill thursday and my weight was 195 amd I am now 190. Five pounds in three days seems a wee bit extreme no? I mean I was 193 the day before the weigh in and had water weight from retaining fluids, but now I am wondering, could I have lost 3lbs in just water weight or is the band too tight?

    Just looking for opinions.


  5. I am keeping up with my Protein, to a fault and my hair is still thinning. Does anyone have any advise on this or ideas? I am thinking of going back to prenatal Vitamins because it always makes my hair thicker, my friend mentioned a Shampoo at her salon, besides that, I am not sure what else to do.

    As far as weight loss. I started the Journey at 234 and I am now 197 I think. My scaled puts me as low as 195 but the gym scaled hasn't budged past 199, forever.

  6. I have cried, I cried before because I hated the idea of surgery, I cried after, I cried during. I think that it is part of the healing part, it is us admitting the weight is an issue and yes, it is taking control. It is crying for the time we have lost fighting our weight alone and crying for the joy of being proactive. You will do great and it will be emotional. Each mile stone you reach though, the tears will be replaced with cheers and smiles soon enough.

  7. The only restriction you have right now is any swelling that the banding may have caused. So technically you could take anything in. Part of the post op diet is to help you to heal and to help you keep on a restricted diet until your fills. Good luck and I wouldn't worry about the shrimp, that went right through into the belly. IT is normal, I could have eaten five shrimp if they let me.

  8. I know people who have gone through this surgery and had little to no saggy skin. I think there are a lot of factors that bring that into play. I have the same fears, beyond that I am terrified I won't get enough Protein and start loosing my hair. Petrified because my hair is already thin and I hate it. SO think the things you don't like about yourself prior to surgery stick around post surgery it just morphs. I so want a breast augmentation because I nursed two children. If I could go out to California to do it I might be more likely to follow through. We are broke though so I may never have anything done. The biggest thing for me is, I need to loose this weight to be healthy and be able to be around for my kids. Overall, I will look better, no matter what.

  9. I won't scold you, I had the stomach flu and had the same drop in pounds. I gained half back with in the week. However, it was a little quicky drop.

    Sorry for the "teaser" subject line!:P

    If you want to lose weight; get the flu! I came down with the flu on 12/23, fever, chills and sore muscles.

    Temp spiked at 102.7 but I am feeling much better. I have lost about 6 lbs over the last 2 days.

    Before you scold me I have kept up my fluids drinking 2-32oz G2 Gatorades and several hot teas and a Propel or two each day (my wife helps reminding me to hydrate!). I just have not been hungry. Of course I had my 3rd fill on 12/17 for a total of 8cc in a 14 cc band. I have lost 50 lbs! Wooo Hooo!

  10. I would love to do Zumba, I am afraid I will be the only fat lady there. Is it hard and is it making a difference in your weight loss. Does it get the Cardio up? I really need to be sure I do the right exercises for me and I do Cardio every day. Anyway, peoples thoughts on what they are doing would be great. I used to love Tae Bo. LOL

  11. congratulations!! yes, others seem to see the weightloss more than we do. i've had 4 people this week tell me i look like i've lost weight but to me i look exactly the same!

    it's a great idea to set goals and mini-goals... it keeps you motivated. keep up the good work!

    Thanks, I think once you are fat for a while, it is hard to see yourself as NOT FAT, no matter how many size clothes you go down. It takes a while to believe things are working. I don't know, just a guess. LOL

    My problem is I have always seen myself as thin, or felt thin, even when I was fat. So now that I am seeing myself as fat, it is odd because I still feel thin. I am not sure if that makes any sense at all. LOL

  12. First of all CONGRATULATIONS:

    Second of all, the doctors that I know do not want to over fill. My doctor said that the average weight loss should be around 1.5 and 3.5 lbs a week. Loosing faster then that prevents the skin from bouncing back, can cause gallstones, hair loss, etc. The doctor is not just looking out for your weight loss but for your overall health and well being. You are doing great, now if you are getting hungry quickly and nothing is leaving you feeling full, then talk with the doctor about getting a small fill. Remember, if your body is loosing weight on the amount of food you are able to eat, then you are most likely meeting your nutrition requirements and at a point that your body is happy at. Eventually, as you loose more weight, you will probably need another fill.

    I have the opposite problem, my doctor wants to do a fill. I have lost 18ish lbs in the last 3.5 weeks and feel great. I don't want to loose any faster then this. I am good.

    I had my band now for 8 weeks. I had my first fill a month ago. 3 cc's in a 10 cc band. i have lost a total post op of 30 pounds. I feel great and i must admit I even look greaLOL!! My only problem is that I have not had anymore fills. I have been to my doctor twice and he will not give me a fill because he said that I am loosing 2 plus pounds a week so i must have restriction. He said that he will only fill me if I go a week and not loose a pound. I must admit that I do think I have restriction but I just feel like I could lookse allot quicker with another fill. I have never gotten stuck on anything so I feel that I could be a little tighter. Am i correct does great restriction mean that you get stuck on certain foods? My doctor also said that it is possible that some people reach their sweet spot only after maybe 1 or 2 fills. is that possible? He says I am loosing @ a great pace and if it aint broke then dont fix it. BUT I WANT A FILL!!!! So has anyone reached their sweet spot only after a few fills?

  13. Tomorrow has been one week since surgery. I wasn't required a pre-op diet, only Clear Liquids the day before surgery, so as of today it's been one week of no food! Scary sounding... Was anyone else afraid to step on the scale after surgery? I don't feel any different, and I'm afraid that if I step on there and I'm only down 2 pounds or something I'll be bummed. How often do you guys weigh yourself?

    Also, I don't feel hungry at all, such a nice feeling! Makes it easier since I'm only on the full liquid stage, but also hard because I really have to force myself to drink, and I'm afraid I'm not getting enough nutrition. Does everyone else get their daily required nutrition in?

    Thanks so much!

    The scale can be your enemy or your friend, it just really depends on your mentality. As far as weight loss, 2lbs a week is the ultimate goal in the long run, however, right now you could have lost 2lbs or 5lbs. You won't feel different for a while. So don't beat yourself up. Glad you are still feeling full since surgery on just liquids. If you want, wait until you go to the Doctors for your post op, it will be a surprise then, like a present. Good luck. As far as proper nutrition, make sure you are getting your Protein, it promotes healing and prevents hair loss and other ailments.

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