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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cangel76

  1. Cangel76


    You can do it, one guy was on clearn liquids for 21 days prior and two weeks after. Just remember that this will soon be a memory. It is the mental part that is the hardest.
  2. Cangel76

    14 weeks and 50% down!

    You are absolutely amazing and an inspiration to many. You are lucky that the weight is coming off so easily. Best success on this continue journey. Good luck with the Disney Princess run, sounds fun. I don't think I will be able to get there to do that. Can you wear a tiara to run?
  3. Hugs, I have no answers as I have not had any fills yet, but you are already down 32 lbs so you must be doing something right, focus on your proteins and try new recipes.
  4. I don't know what to say but I wish you the best of luck and hope it's just evaporation.
  5. Cangel76

    Don't know how to feel.

    Hello, my name is Celeste. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 21. I cried because the chance of me having babies was reliant on me being able to loose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I couldn't imagine that. I tried so hard for years and had trouble loosing weight. After a lot of blood, sweat and tears I got pregnant, then, ballooned again after the baby was born and couldn't manage my weight no matter what I tried. I finally started taking prenatal Vitamins and exercising, at 30 was pregnant, had my daughter at 32. I went to the OBGYN for a follow up and I cried, "I don't want to be this heavy, I want to enjoy life." They recommended the banding, no one has ever died going under for the banding surgery, recovery is fairly quick considering and the risks do not out weigh the outcome. Also, if your sweetie and you ever want to have children, with the weight off there is a good possibility she will have an easier time getting pregnant, if she does, they just loosen the band, she has a normal lifestyle, then once the baby comes, they can leave it open if she is nursing or close it up. If you want what is best for her, here are my suggestions. Go to a disucussion. Usually if you want the band they have an informational meeting. Bring your list of questions with you and the Doctor can answer them. Make sure she is informed, but don't try to scare her. Inform her of the positives and some of the risks. Be honest and say, "I just want what makes you happy. I want to make sure you make the best choice for yourself hon." Take your time to read and understand PCOS and understand her future risk of diabetes, high bp and other issues is increased. Her taking control of her weight now, means you can keep her around a lot longer. If you are overweight also, consider going through this with her. It will bond you in a ways you never thought possible.
  6. First of all, HUGS. It is annoying and sometimes when people think they are being helpful or just curious, they become annoying. My husband keeps asking me, "is it okay for you to eat that?" I tell him, "if it isn't that is my problem not yours, so please don't continue to ask." We still go out to eat but I usually don't order anything. Newly banded I can really only have mushy right now which, I don't want to carb load on potatoes or anything. I think the most important thing is to sit down and talk. Explain things in the best way you can but one can not control anothers actions or behaviors. Be prepared for him to be the way he is and work around it. My husband is considering seeing if he qualifies for banding. If he does, this could save him and I a lot of heartache in the long run. I think it is important if you have support meetings in your area, to bring your husband with you!
  7. Cangel76

    Banded today! 11-10-10

    Welcome to the November Bandsters!
  8. Cangel76

    Annoying questions....

    1. How much weight do you want to loose? 2. Are you doing this to be skinny? 3. What is your favorite food you can't eat anymore? 4. Are you allowed to eat anything good? (Seriously, of course, all in moderation.) 5. Why would you do this to your body? (Why would I stay fat? Which is more damaging you moron, both have risks, this option was actually considerably less.) 6. Won't you just gain the weight back? (Sure if I go back to old habits or carb load, but with the SUPPORT of friends I will be fine!) 7. Did you try diet and exercise first? (DUH? Of course, you have to.) 8. Are you ever going to be able to eat real food again? (Nope, just mushy cat food the rest of my life. Do you really think I would have done this if I could never eat REAL food again?) Feel free to add your questions that have annoyed you! LOL:eek:
  9. Hello DebWS, just checking in. I have responded to your November Post Op thread, how are you feeling? I too have snuch a few tiny bites. My doc said I could after 7 days. Can't wait to see the weight come off.

  10. Cangel76


    Keeping your protein every 3-4 hours is key. Try to do as much as you can, good l uck.
  11. Cangel76

    I Wish I Understood Why

    HUGS, perhaps it is time to start an eating journal. What are you feeling when you are eating? What happened during the day that may have triggered you? Do you need a fil? Write this in big letters and put up on your fridge. "The only way to be a failure is to give up." It will remind you what youa re doing and why. Good luck
  12. Cangel76

    I am down to a size 10.

    Awesome congrats
  13. Hey hon here is a hint, sleep as elevated as possible, the gas won't wake you up so much. Walk, walk, and walk again. Even if it is just up and down the hall, you will start expelling the gas. Welcome to the banded world!
  14. Cangel76


    Looking good
  15. I am not diabetic but I have always been a person that knows I need food because I get weak and feel dizzy. I get woozy as my friend describes it. I will start yawning and dozing off wherever I am. I am finding that since the banding I am borderline Woozy most of the day. Do you guys think this is just an adjustment due to the lack of Carbohydrates? When I get super tired I would have a small piece of fruit if I was home or a very small carb just to bounce the sugars back. I was never diagnosed hypoglycemic so I don't think it is a true hypogycemia but I think it is my bodies way of saying, "Woah eat something." I have been really good about spreading out my Protein for the most part, except for today. Has anyone else experienced this after banding? I am 7 days out now, still occassionally get gas and this fatique thing is beating me up.
  16. I just want to share this for those who didn't know about it. There is a seperate community here for us to talk. I know I can't get to know everyone with a million posts in one thread. So here is the link, click it and come say hello! November 10 Bandsters - LAP-BAND
  17. Deb I have been having snacks, little bits, but not related to noodles. I take a small bite of a meat and chew it into oblivion. It has been helping. Not even a measurable amount, maybe a tablespoon of meat and really chewing good so that I do not need liquid or anything. It's hard, but it's coming along.
  18. Cangel76

    Fatique/sugar drops

    You certainly can eat meat. The thing is, it has to be high protein and little bites. So you cut a piece of meat the size of a pea and chew, chew, chew and chew some more. It has to be moist because you can't drink with your meals. So it is an excuse to buy yourself some better cuts of meat, like, umm Prime Rib. ha ha
  19. Surgery was November 2, 2010 and I made the mistake of not getting fluids the other day and feel exhausted. However, I will get the hang of this, I know I will.

  20. Interesting.... Oh and as far as the cholesterol thing being a ruse. If your cholesterol is high for a long period of time it starts to build up on your artery walls. That is not a ruse, it is a proven medical fact. If you maintain a healthy cholesterol level you will have a less of a chance at a stroke or heart attack. As far as the caloric intake, it would be interesting to see if he did it with healthy foods how much faster he would loose the weight. All that sugar is not healthy for your body and if you have medical conditions that cause your body to not process sugars properly you can pack on the weight I am sure. I think this will cause some people to give themselves the ok to eat Little Debbies three times a day. LOL
  21. Cangel76

    Day 8, yucky poo

    Yesterday was a horrible day food wise, read the blog. I didn't spread out my proteins at all. I put on a half a pound. I am really still exhausted today and trying to get my protein down. Seeing as I can have mushy foods I think I am going to make eggs today. These protein shakes are taking a lot out of me. I am having horrible fatique episodes and feel kind of dizzy most of the day. I am trying to put proteins in every 2 to 3 hours, in fact I watch the clock. I am sad that I put on that half a pound. I think it was just lack of fluids yesterday. I hardly peed, so back to the drawing board. Pump my fluids up and keep with my protein shakes and some little mushy things. Thinking of you all going through this with me. I am just HATING this dizzy feeling for the last two days.:scared2:
  22. Cangel76

    Fatique/sugar drops

    Thanks for the information hon, I have been spacing my proteins approximately 3 hours apart but between that I am having Water, being on the liquid phase of my diet. I have never been diagnosed hypoglycemic but that is what my doctor suggested I might have a long time ago, more borderline because he would test and nothing would show. I just hate this fatique and dizzy feeling I am getting and I am trying to eat slowly and frequently. Yesterday was the worst because we were running around. I didn't have enough water or food. Thanks for the information again, I appreciate it.
  23. Cangel76

    November Band for me

    JaGo, good for you. This is a hard thing, the liquid part, however, everyone handles it differently, so just find a way that works for you. Good luck!
  24. Cangel76

    Screaching Halt to my journey

    I really hope they figure out a way to get you back on track, I was just thinking of you today. HUGS
  25. Cangel76

    Day 8 of Pre-Op Diet, Down 12 lbs

    That is great and you know what, that is all that counts. That is 12lbs gone. Done, fini, be happy

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