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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cangel76

  1. That can happen with this surgery and it is so great that your doctor didn't rush the surgery. YAH! You will be post up before you know it...
  2. Post op is hard because you are supposed to eat less calories with no fill. Usually the first fill doesn't even give that much restriction. Talk to the Doctor that is doing the fill and see if the appetite suppressants are safe with the band. That is my only concern, that you are safe and healthy, if he says it's fine then go for it. Do what works for you. Remember, a lot of people are passionate about this topic and the lap band, how it works. So when you post something about taking diet pills with the band they are going to remind you it is a tool. It is an emotional challenge and journey. I am hungry too so I eat every two hours, just something, and drink lots of Water, it has worked for me, it doesn't work for everyone. I think some of the hunger is more ones mind insisiting that they need to eat. I have put weight back on since surgery too but still below surgery weight thankfully. Hugs, and remember, breathe, this part of the process is going to be a distant memory soon. I am sorry your doctor didn't warn you about the hunger.
  3. Hugs, I am only two weeks out of surgery, not even but I have put weight on just going to mushy and my calories aren't that high. Time to kick it in high gear hon, good luck. It just sucks, this process of trying to loose weight, when you enjoy food, I mean, it is even harder. Maybe your band needs to be filled a little bit more. HUGS
  4. The surgery for the lap band is less dangerous. My doctor said that the other surgeries have higher risk for infection, or leaking, even stretching to the point that hte pouch is huge again. Though that is a risk with the band usually it is more rare. Also the dumping syndrome, I want to be able to enjoy a small piece of cake once in a while or something non sugar free. I think if I limited myself so drastically I would have failed miserably and regretted my decision.
  5. Cangel76

    Call me the blogger hog....

    I love to write about how I am doing. It just gives me pause first thing in the morning to think about what needs to be done. Then in the evening it gives me pause to reflect on what I did do and how I might improve my following day. Writing about it gives me something to look back at. Good news, my scales battery is going, which means the readings are all over the place, first thing this morning it said 207.5 that would be down 2 lbs, I stepped on it twice and got the same reading, then 30 minutes later I wanted to show my hubby the good news and it came up to 211.5 and then the Lo batter light started flashing. So I am thinking the 207.5 is correct. Seeing as I was 209 two days ago. I don't know why I enjoy stepping on the scale every moring. Just knowing that I am loosing something, because right now, the surgery is still sort of surreal. It's not like I feel anything around my gut, ya know. So it is just odd to me that this could even be working. I sort of just feel like I am on some weird diet. I know once the restrictions start to come in play it will be different. Well I am off to get some Cream of Wheat and dthen bring my protein with me along on this crazy busy day. Wishing you all the best. What is the best thing about the band for you? Besides the weight loss? I mean, after a while do you even realize it's there? Does it just become a habit change, little to no thought goes into it? I wonder and I am hoping so!
  6. Cangel76

    Call me the blogger hog....

    Thanks for the imput, I love comments too. Makes me smile. I am so glad I found this board. We all come from different walks of life and have different priorities but we are all traveling this particular road together. I can't wait until I get past this initial month thing. I think once I start getting fills it will settle in for me. More realisitic lifestyle.
  7. Cangel76

    A view from behind - November 2010 - 107 lbs Down

    You are looking great. That is awesome good for you!
  8. Cangel76


    Beautiful, is Nico full Australian Shephard?
  9. Cangel76


    Issa is adorable. Love that she has a pony tail. All my dogs with long fur are male and so I shave them. I tried to put a bow in my Lhasa Apsa and he was very angry. He set the record as a little puppy that he would not deal with bows.
  10. Cangel76


    Love all the new pictures, but my goodness who is too cute for words?
  11. Hey, having some trouble. Put some weight back on, but think it was the switch to mushy and just a really low caloric intake. My nurse said my body probably went into starvation mode and started trying to store fat. I added some calories and we will see how that goes. I am feeling really well actually, over all. I get light headed and know I am supposed to eat.

  12. Cangel76

    Hey there November Bandsters!!!

    Hello and welcome! I was banded November 2, 2010. Recovery hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I am walking a lot to get the gas out, and a little tender, I was off pain meds two days out from surgery. Good luck with everything! Can't wait to hear about your results.
  13. Cangel76

    November 2010

    What a difference. You look younger, and happier. How did your boys do through the journey with you? My son keeps high fiving me every time I loose. Love it. Congratulations!
  14. Cangel76

    nov 2010 138 pounds

    Look at you, you look great! Good job
  15. Huge HUGS! First of all. Second of all let me tell you a story. I decided to go in for surgery and really thought hard and long about it. I explored other options and this was the best choice for me. The closer I got the more I got a little concerned with the what ifs.... However a wise person once told me, "if we lived our lives in fear of the what ifs, we would never have children, we would never get married or even be in relationships because what if...." So I told myself to calm my fears. I was good up until they rolled me into the "holding tank". They had given me benadryl because I had a rash and I started to feel really loopy. I totally freaked out, as they entered the operating room I told them I changed my mind. The anesthiasologist said, "you have to be committed to the process and I said, "I am but I am not committed to going under Anesthiasa?" "You have to promise me this is what you want," he says and I say to him, "You need to promise me you will wake me up." With that I drifted off, relaxed and okay with the fact that I made it through. I got out of surgery at 10:30 and didn't get pain meds until 8:30pm that evening, then every six hours after that. I got up and walked a lot. Honestly, the surgery and recovery has been pretty easy, what has been the most difficult is the mind. I am on liquids and trying to not take a bite of food here and there. It is a challenge to get throught he post op diet, but once through that emotional hurdle, it gets easier. This is an emotional ride, hang on and know that you are doing what is best for you and the future you. You have to be committed to change, lots of change, physical, emotional but in the end it is wonderful.
  16. Your question is not really a question at all. Diet pills may have an adverse reaction to your banding procedure. It could be dangerous and cause a drastic dip in your bodies health. The Band is only supposed to take 1-2 lbs off a week. This is not a miracle cure, it requires will power and drastic change in ones lifestyle. Protein shakes for weeks after, then mushy foods and then real food, 1/4 to 1/2 a cup three times a day. You want people to agree with you and not tell you it will get better, but it does. Slower weight loss is healthier for your body, rapid weight loss can cause gall stones, hair loss, excess loose flabby skin. Oh and I for one did not get this surgery due to lack of will power, I got it because I have medical conditions that make it nearly impossible for me to loose weight. I understood going into this that it was a long slow process. That I would have to wait for the fills to truly help me feel full. In order to feel full now I have to load up on Proteins to keep my sasiated. Good luck, it's your body, your choice, but know the risks involved. You should still be under a doctors care at 4 weeks post op.
  17. I know I am the same way, sometimes it takes me like an hour or more to figure these places out. I just wonder around the site aimlessly for a while. It works, glad you posted the pictures, I like them. How are you feeling?

  18. Cangel76

    Yah what she said....

    So the nurse said it is possible my calories are too low and my body is going into starvation mode. I listed off what I have been having and approximate calories in each and she told me to make myself a nice chicken salad tomorrow ith some fresh onion, chicken and mayo. She wants me to try to get better foods in my system with more calories and see how I do. Obviously she doesn't want me to jump in and have a Big Mac or anything. LOL I go in on Thursday of next week for my first post op visit. I am excited and I know this little snafu of gaining is just that a snafu. I am allowed to complain about it though. LOL Today was an okay day. Didn't get out walking like I wanted but will start in on a regular schedule soon. I need to just figure out what works best for me. Well, time to reset all the songs in my IPod and get new ear buds. I try to zone away from the stuff going on around me in the gym and just sweat my hiney off. I also try not to sing at the top of my lungs. Much love to all who read and those who don't!
  19. Welcome home! Glad it went fairly well. My big thing is trying to keep up the fluids. I too get tired and weak when I need food.
  20. That sounds okay to me. I didn't even buy that much. You are lucky, I was told no juice at all. I mean the majority of what you will be drinking will be with protein in it. Good luck, sounds good and trust me, at first you aren't going to want to eat much of anything.
  21. Welcome to the "other" side. I was banded November 2, and it hasn't really sunk in yet because I haven't had a fill. HUGS
  22. Cangel76

    Day 9, gaining....

    So I switch to mushy foods, and I am eating only mushy foods like protein, which I either blend or masticate until it's nothing. I am not drinking with my food. So why is it that I put weight back on? I think it is time to go for a long walk with the kids today. The problem is the muscles in my stomach still get sore. I am a little sad, most people loose like 20-30lbs at this time but it appears my body is going into starvation mode and just storing my food to fat. Is that even possible? Dropping my $20 and application off at the gym and tonight, it is eliptical time. Does anyone know if it is safe to take Senna laxative, I have had loose bowels and now constipated. I was expecting this because of my IBS history, any suggestions?
  23. Is it possible that I am not eating enough and my body is going into starvation mode? I am trying to keep the right Protein in me, etc, my calories probably total 600-800 tops. I have started to add some real food, mushy stuff but now I am putting weight back on. My calories are still low seeing as I am less then a 1/4 cup on everything. One egg is not enough calories to push me way up over the limit. I think my body is going into starvation mode. Anybody have any thoughts?
  24. 25lbs is from the beginning of the process. I had a six month dietician thing and doctors appointments of the wazoon. In 9 days I have lost 8 lbs only. I mean I shouldn't say only, I have lost 8lbs. So it is slow. Putting back on just brought it back up. That is all it seems like I can't get enough calories and my body is hitting starvation mode. When it does that you add fat.
  25. Cangel76


    You can get meds for your reflux, part of the symptoms you are having could be because of your fear of getting sick. This can cause all those symptoms, the mind is a powerful thing. Talk to your doctor and hope you feel better soon.

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