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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hynita

  1. Hynita


    Yes the enchilada and thank you i really want to try this one thanks
  2. Hynita

    Self pay people

    Yes i add one extra 0 lol sorry should have been 15,500
  3. Hynita


    How long do you cook it for?
  4. Hope it went well im 4 days post op
  5. Im 4 days post op so im right behind you. Ive never had the stabbing pain but the pain while getting up from laying down i get that. They say walking helps but i know thats never fun when you dont feel well. I also feel the heavyiness by the port but thats getting better. And im not sure about the food part i didnt think i could eat yet? What foods are u having? Oh the pain in your shoulders is normal i have that too but mine was mainly in my neck and it was bad. Good luck hope you feel better soon.
  6. Sandi your awesome! Ive been banded and i to hope that someday i can share my story
  7. Hynita

    Omg....flappy arms

    These posts people were writing cracked me up! Lol ill have to admit ive got some ugly wings and i got these wings from losing 50 pounds pre op now im post op and can only imangine what they will look like in another 50 pounds i was also told that PS on the arms is very painful and leaves a bad scar but i might see cause i dont like flapping in the wind lol let me know about oprah lol
  8. Hynita

    Re-starting Zumba post-op

    I had surgery on the 30th and that was the question i asked before i left the hospital when can i go back to zumba. My doctor said when you feel ready u can go back its been three days and im not ready yet but give me another week i think i wiil be i dont think u will have to drop the class good luck
  9. Hynita

    Starting Zumba

    Im here to tell you zumba is so fun! I loved and im 240 pounds and i go i was just banded on the 30th so i havent got back into it yet. I am not going to lie tho its a hard workout when i leave there im dripping with sweat yes there are lots of skinnier people there but there are also bigger people as well. I recommend just going At your own pace! I dont like spinning around so when everyone else does that i march in place i look at is atleast im moving. I say try it if you dont like it dont go back good luck!
  10. My dad did his lap band in mexico about three years ago it took him a really long time to figure it out and this year it started working he has lost 105 pounds only problem he says is u dont have a doctor close to do fills etc..
  11. Hynita

    Surgery tommrrow

    Im getting nervous surgery tomrrow at 7:30 am have to be there at 5:30am wooohoo im sure am getting excited and nervous cant wait!
  12. Hynita

    Surgery tommrrow

    Well its done and im 3days post op! Im still very sore but im doing ok. Cheryl how did yours go?
  13. Hynita


    I feel like people dont like how illegals come into are country the wrong way but i feel if you lived over there in there country for awhile you would understand why they want to be here so bad. To get a visa for people in mexico you have to have about 20 thousand dollars and property in mexico for them to give you a visa. So for most people over there thats not a easy factor. I feel that if they are doing the right thing and not hurting my family or yours then leave them alone. Its never going to stop. So why fight it?
  14. Im two days post op and my stomich growls really really bad and it hurts is this normal?
  15. Hynita

    Two days post op

    Lol yes as the day goes on ive found out its gas lol i thought i was growling cause i was hungry but didnt feel hungry but its gas for sure thanks guys!
  16. Surgery was today and im sitting here in the hospital! Everything went well now excited to see the changes over the next couple of months, years, etc!
  17. Hynita

    Self pay people

    Alright thanks everyone im paying 15,5000 with one year of fills and follow ups
  18. Im on my liquid diet for two more days i have surgery and ill tell you the truth ive cheated lol i ate on thanksgiving and so i think you be ok if you eat very little but what im doing is four days before im back on only liquids i know its hard but hang in there you can do it!
  19. Hynita

    Women with pcos and lap band

    Thanks everyone and ill be sure to read that!
  20. Hynita


    I think that guy on sister wives does it for his own pleasure i like watching the show just to be nosey but its not right
  21. I have surgery in two weeks today for lap band i started my liquid diet today and it already isnt fun any tips about getting threw this not starving? And how much does some lose doing this?
  22. Hynita

    2week liquid diet

    Thank you everyone today is day two and its already harder then yesterday it seems the only this that keeps me full is decaf coffee with 1% milk no sugar, im going to try those popscicles that sounds pretty good thanks again!
  23. Hynita


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
