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Full Body BIG GIRL! :D

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I haven't had the surgery either, I also don't have a date. I have began the process with psy consult and so forth. It is work it I think. To just be able to do something without sweating or panthing like a dog makes it worth the hassle.

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I think so too :]] I've gotten to big my pants are constantly going up and up in size and I can't make it stop,I've tried everything I could think of,I drink nothing but water still nothing. :[[ Are you getting it in the US? Or going somewhere else? I can't afford to get it here with no insurance and job job to help pay for it :[[ I hope I don't die in mexico! lol :[[

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I am hoping to get it here. I do have insurance and the good thing about the doctor that I choose is that my insurance overs 90% and I would have to pay 10% that's about 3-4 thousand...but the doctors office said, they'll take whatever the insurance pays for and write the rest off as their goal is not to put patience in a jam but help them reach their goals....I thought that was awesome. So I'm thinking somewhere around Nov. or December. I pray.......I haven't got the guts right now to put up in pix. I am a 22 and it is embrassing. When I tell people my weight they think I 'm joking...and say "you don't look that big". Go figure that's what got me to that size to begin with....I think you'll be okay in Mexico just do you research first as you want to choose a doctor that's board certified. Try getting with someone that's already had it done that you know...Caz some people do come back jacked up...and you are to pretty to have anything happen to you.....(No I am not hitting on you, just pointing out the fact that when you lose weight your going to turn heads....

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LOL! I know you're not hitting on me! ;]] You should do it now! you only live once and what better time to start on a better life than right before the holidays when people gain the most! I have a ton of faith in you especially if your doctor is here and sounds that good! I'm thinking about going to a Dr. Ortiz, Oprah had a story on him at one point so I'm hoping I don't die! Also...I'm a 22 :'[ People say that to me too but they just don't see me without clothes or feel how I feel,you will be fine I can't wait to see your progress if I were you and I could I would schedule it tmrw! I'm so excited I almost cannot contain myself and I can't do mine until next year :[[ It's so hard for me because i've wanted a better life for myself since I was a fat ugly teenager :[

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My next appointment is September 3. That'll be three months of supervised visits. I need 6 so again, I am thinking around December, but if I can get my health records from my old doctor to show that I tried to lose weight on other programs, that might work. If not and I have to start the new year off going into surgery that's alright to. The time will be right when it happens. Dr. Ortiz, I heard of him, he was in an issue of Womans World Magazine so he's obviously been doing them a while. You can post a forum on this site to see if anyone on here used him, you'll likely get a response, otherwise, you can request a history of the doctor. I think it is a fee associated but then again, I am not 100% sure. I'm excited for you and I can't wait until I we do the damn thing already....I am not terrible with clothes all just big and thick and I think that's harder to loose than anything else. I have a problem area that will likely need surgery. My inner thighs rub and it is bad, so if weight lost doesn't help I am getting lipo. I am saving already for it, or I'll take out a loan, I am only 31 and ugly things ain't happ n captain. (lol) My husband and I have 3 boys so I am done with baby making and don't have to worrry about getting preg and getting fat again, so this is perfect timing. Your not going to diee...I would know I can feel your energy......all the same I will still be checking that info. You were never and ugly teenager, and if this is your heaviest, your not fat, your just big, like me.....I've seen fat and trust me, we aren't there yet. Big, maybe even obese according to the charts but fat...nah......You can't hide fat no matter what you put on....If you want to see my pix let me know I'll send you my FB name through email....I'm not quite ready to place pix on here yet..caz I haven't told anyone that I am getting the procedure...

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sure,i'd love to,search for me on FB it's mikeshinodaism@yahoo.com My name is Stephanie Perez...go figure there's ten thousand of them so you'll have to look by email LOL. I've actually been reading ALOT about Dr. Ortiz and so far I still haven't read anything bad. I've talked to them and can't get my fills here in Georgia so i'm super excited about that,too :] GIRL I know how you feel I can't do it until at least march and that makes me sick,i've been fat forever 'im ready to lose it already,as far as lipo,I don't think you'll need it,this one girl went fro 290 to 170 in one year just by being banded and working out,nothing hanging or anything she looks as if she was never ever big! i couldn't believe it :]] I found this store called Rainbow that has super cute fat clothes but i've decided to buy one more pair of jeans to last me through winter and thats it,i'm done searching for cute clothes to put on a fat person,i'm ready to go to Victoria's secret and the body shop! Just think this time next year,you'll be in those stores too! :]] isn't it exciting lol

oh and my BMI says i'm morbidly obese..yikes! lol oh about the kids i love kids but not at this time in my life,i'm not married and haven't even finished school,being fat taught me one thing. not to rush having kids and getting married,I still want to do something with my life and even though i'm in a commited relationship now if not the time,I just own a dog and two birds LOL :]] I can still stick them in the cage and go to friends lol

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Oh cool, yes, I'll send you and invite. Big commitment kids are so yes, don't do it until you are ready, I am in my MBA presently and it's hard to study with 3 boys running around so enjoy your freedom caz they do occupy a lot of your time. My son wants a dog but I know it will be my dog so he has to show me responsiblity first. Secretly I want one to but I can't tell him that. I got a call from the Sleep Center I have to go back for another sleep study so it can help my approval for insurance....I commend you for going to Mexico I don't know if that would have been and option for me and I am obsessed at this point with losing weight, it's all I think about.....I wasn't always big, in fact when you look at my FB page you'll see a HS pix of me playing sports...I got fat having babies and being lazy eating afterwards but Oh well I will get that back...Im sending the request now....

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I didn't get your request :[[ Were you omega green? If so i'm terribly sorry I ignored I didn't know who it was :[[ Sorry Sometimes I get lots of requests from people I don't know,I hope you can look for me again. My friend got really big after having babies too,I'm so not ready for that especially not right after I lose all my weight LOL. I still enjoy sleeping in,lol. The doctor I've been talking about i'm pretty sure is a good match for me,although he is in Mexico he's trained other surgeons for the procedure here and he's been on oprah as well as a few other magazines,I'm made friends with a few people that went to him and have read alot about him from this site,peoples positive testimonials,I'm sad I have to wait until next year but it is so worth it,I've been fat my whole life :[[

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Yep that's me. No problem I do that too, especially if I really don't know you. I'll send it back. I missed my apointment with the nurisionist this past week so disappointed I didn't even have a chance to call. I hope this doesn't delay my approval from the insurance company...I haven't been fat my whole life but it feels like it since I destroyed my twenties with Morbid Obesity.....

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Hey...how are you? I have 2 more appointments with the nutrionist.....Whey....The coordinator said, maybe early Dec. I am almost done, with the other stuff, just have to get my PCP to right the letter. and then have the H-Pylori test done.

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