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The Skinny on My 1 Month Weigh-in

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It’s officially been 4 weeks since my surgery and 5 weeks since I started my pre-op diet. I figured this would make as good a time for an official weigh-in as any. I took some 1 month post-op pictures which can be viewed below if you’re interested. It’s actually pretty cool to see how much can change in a month. In addition I also took my measurements again. Of course they’re probably completely meaningless since the first time I had them professionally done by my personal trainer, J and this time I had to do them myself since I haven’t been cleared my Dr. G. yet for PT level working out. I hope it’s at least somewhat accurate. So here goes…


Post-op pictures: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/54524-albums3098.html



Weight: 313.4#

Chest: 52.5”

Waist: 51.5”

Hips: 59.5”

Thigh: 29.5”

Calf: 20”

Arm: 21.5”



Weight: 281.0#

Chest: 51”

Waist: 45”

Hips: 58”

Thigh: 29.25”

Calf: 19.75”

Arm: 20”



My weight was actually down to 279.5 a few days ago but it seems to have gone back up a tad. I was really happy being out of the 280’s. It meant less than 10# until my BMI was below 40. Oh well; before I had my unfill I could barely even drink water so I was dehydrated. I know this has to be it because now I’m drinking more but still haven’t been peeing much the last couple of days. A 32# loss is still pretty damn good for 5 weeks.


In other news, I get to start real food today—woohoo! I’m excited to get off munchies. So far I haven’t been having trouble tolerating my food, but I definitely still feel restricted. I had 3 oz of Tyson steak strips and half a baked potato for lunch and was stuffed. Also, I’ve been looking for alternatives to Diet Coke since I’ve really been missing it lately and water is getting boring. The Crystal Light and Diet Snapples are just too aspartame-y for me now. Well, I’ve got to tell you, I’ve discovered a new Snapple—Noni Berry Juice—10 calories per 8 oz serving and super yummy. I’m loving it. I also tried a Tropical Punch Fuze yesterday, also 10 calories per 8oz serving. Not bad either. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get over the Diet Coke but these might ease my pain a little. The only think I have to do is make sure I don’t start drinking just that. I still need my H20 goodness, even if I don’t like it.

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It’s officially been 4 weeks since my surgery and 5 weeks since I started my pre-op diet. I figured this would make as good a time for an official weigh-in as any. I took some 1 month post-op pictures which can be viewed below if you’re interested. It’s actually pretty cool to see how much can change in a month. In addition I also took my measurements again. Of course they’re probably completely meaningless since the first time I had them professionally done by my personal trainer, J and this time I had to do them myself since I haven’t been cleared my Dr. G. yet for PT level working out. I hope it’s at least somewhat accurate. So here goes…

Post-op pictures: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/54524-albums3098.html


Weight: 313.4#

Chest: 52.5”

Waist: 51.5”

Hips: 59.5”

Thigh: 29.5”

Calf: 20”

Arm: 21.5”


Weight: 281.0#

Chest: 51”

Waist: 45”

Hips: 58”

Thigh: 29.25”

Calf: 19.75”

Arm: 20”

My weight was actually down to 279.5 a few days ago but it seems to have gone back up a tad. I was really happy being out of the 280’s. It meant less than 10# until my BMI was below 40. Oh well; before I had my unfill I could barely even drink water so I was dehydrated. I know this has to be it because now I’m drinking more but still haven’t been peeing much the last couple of days. A 32# loss is still pretty damn good for 5 weeks.

In other news, I get to start real food today—woohoo! I’m excited to get off munchies. So far I haven’t been having trouble tolerating my food, but I definitely still feel restricted. I had 3 oz of Tyson steak strips and half a baked potato for lunch and was stuffed. Also, I’ve been looking for alternatives to Diet Coke since I’ve really been missing it lately and water is getting boring. The Crystal Light and Diet Snapples are just too aspartame-y for me now. Well, I’ve got to tell you, I’ve discovered a new Snapple—Noni Berry Juice—10 calories per 8 oz serving and super yummy. I’m loving it. I also tried a Tropical Punch Fuze yesterday, also 10 calories per 8oz serving. Not bad either. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get over the Diet Coke but these might ease my pain a little. The only think I have to do is make sure I don’t start drinking just that. I still need my H20 goodness, even if I don’t like it.

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I am so glad that you are voicing your LOVE FOR DIET COKE. I am 6 days post op, doing good with the liquid diet but would LOVE A DIET COKE:)

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It wasn't bad for me during the pre-op and first 1-2 weeks post op but now I'm starting to crave it big time.

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i know what you mean about diet coke!!!! im totally addicted to it....so im starting now(during my pre approval phase) to try to get myself off of it. It is really hard though....some days i just want the fizzy! Keep up the good work

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i know what you mean about diet coke!!!! im totally addicted to it....so im starting now(during my pre approval phase) to try to get myself off of it. It is really hard though....some days i just want the fizzy! Keep up the good work

It was hard for me to give up when I didn't have to give it up. But once I started the pre-op diet it was so much easier. I think it's because I was so focused on my new diet that the diet soda was just trivial. But now that I've settled into my post-band life the cravings are starting to return.

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I'm pre op (June 22) and I buckled down and quit my Diet Coke habit well over a month ago. It is hard, ice tea is my new diet coke. My nutritionist also turned me onto Lifewater (only 3 flavors of 0 calories) and Powerade Zero, mixed berry and grape so far. Still want the carbonation, but this variety has been helpful for me so far. Also, i've tried every flavor of mix-in from Walmart and I'm a peach ice tea LOVER. Crystal lite raspberry lemonade is wonderful too. Congrats, your progress is inspiring. Kathi

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My daughter has a friend who had lap banding done and she suggested I try a coke Icee or Slurpee - (depending on where you're from) - says the fizzy taste is still kind of there, but you can't drink much. Any thoughts on that??? I haven't been banded yet, and I have a MAJOR Diet Coke addiction since it came out in 1983 when I was in nursing school. I drink it all day long.

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I was a Diet Coke Addict and drank Coke up until the night before surgery. it wasn't hard for me to quit because I dont' want to take the chance of stretching out my band. My doc even said that people will try to sit a soda out until it goes flat and then drink it, but there is still carbonation and so they could stretch their pouch.

I want to recommed the wal-mart brand of Crystal Light---- Pink Limade. It is my favorite! No calories and I drink it more than I drank water and I used to LOVE to drink just water. It also helps me satisfy my sweet tooth and gives me taste so I don't notice the hours I go without food.

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