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2/24/09 Hospital Packing List

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I'm posting this also in the Pre-Op Forum, but I know a lot of you are post-op here and may not see it, and you're the experts I need input from...


I’m about 6 weeks away from my pre-op class so I’m trying to put together some lists so I’ll know what to buy now, or what I need to ask/gain approval about from my surgeon. Is there anything I’ve forgotten?


Here’s the list I’ve compiled from everyone’s suggestions for taking to the Hospital (this does not include my post-op at home list). I’m a Mary Poppins (I’d rather have it and not use it, then to be wanting it and not have it) so taking a lot doesn’t bother me a bit (and we’re only 30 min. from the hospital)…so add away! I should be there one night.


I should note that I’m allergic to most soaps, thus the reason to take my own nighty and sheets for the bed- just take 2 top sheets to sandwich as a buffer between their sheets (had a bad reaction last time).




  • Toiletries/Medicines
    • Mouthwash
    • Toothbrush
    • Toothpaste
    • Soap
    • Shampoo
    • Conditioner
    • Brush/Comb
    • Hair holders (ponytail, clips, headbands)
    • Facial Moisturizer
    • Pads
    • Baby/Butt Wipes (flushable)
    • Chapstick (several)
    • Kleenex
    • Regular Prescriptions and Asthma Inhaler/spacer (ask Surgeon)
    • Cough remedies (ask Surgeon)
    • Migraine remedies (ask Surgeon)
    • Chewable vitamins (ask Surgeon)
    • Gas X (ask Surgeon)
    • Heating Pad/ext. cord for back/gas pains (probably not allowed, ask), or possibly the chemical heating pads (adhesive, ask)?


    • Robe
    • Slippers (slip on kind)
    • Nightgown that buttons off-don’t have to lift arms (allergies to hospital ones)
    • Extra undies (not the silky kind-slide on sheets)
    • Extra Socks
    • Change of LOOSE clothing for ride home, w/slip on shoes (underwear, bra, drawstring pants, button front top, socks, shoes, jacket).


    • Pillow (my own)
    • Eye Mask
    • Ear plugs
    • Sound machine if own room (ask?)
    • Small Throw/Blanket (get cold in hospital)
    • Sheets (allergies to hosp. ones)

    [*]Personal Items

    • Insurance Card/other info. needed
    • Small firm pillow to hold against stomach for ride home, and for sneezes/gas pains/coughing in hospital
    • SF Mints, Tic Tacs (ask surgeon if you can suck on these)
    • Packets of Crystal Lite & SF Koolaid (why? Need this? Ask surgeon)
    • Camera (for photos)
    • Water bottle, no straw-sippy kind (need this? ask), others suggest small shot glass to measure fluid intake
    • Notepad/pen; to write down info., notes from nurses/doctor, etc.

    [*]For Boredom

    • Ipod & Earbuds
    • Cell phone & charger
    • Books or magazines
    • Reading Glasses & case

    [*]DH Items

    • *Have him keep a bag with my valuables, ie. Cell phone, iPod, camera, insurance card/info. etc., while in surgery
    • Laptop/cords
    • Book/magazines
    • Snacks/Drinks
    • Cell Phone/Charger
    • Phone numbers list

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I'm posting this also in the Pre-Op Forum, but I know a lot of you are post-op here and may not see it, and you're the experts I need input from...

I’m about 6 weeks away from my pre-op class so I’m trying to put together some lists so I’ll know what to buy now, or what I need to ask/gain approval about from my surgeon. Is there anything I’ve forgotten?

Here’s the list I’ve compiled from everyone’s suggestions for taking to the Hospital (this does not include my post-op at home list). I’m a Mary Poppins (I’d rather have it and not use it, then to be wanting it and not have it) so taking a lot doesn’t bother me a bit (and we’re only 30 min. from the hospital)…so add away! I should be there one night.

I should note that I’m allergic to most soaps, thus the reason to take my own nighty and sheets for the bed- just take 2 top sheets to sandwich as a buffer between their sheets (had a bad reaction last time).


  • Toiletries/Medicines
    • Mouthwash
    • Toothbrush
    • Toothpaste
    • Soap
    • Shampoo
    • Conditioner
    • Brush/Comb
    • Hair holders (ponytail, clips, headbands)
    • Facial Moisturizer
    • Pads
    • Baby/Butt Wipes (flushable)
    • Chapstick (several)
    • Kleenex
    • Regular Prescriptions and Asthma Inhaler/spacer (ask Surgeon)
    • Cough remedies (ask Surgeon)
    • Migraine remedies (ask Surgeon)
    • Chewable vitamins (ask Surgeon)
    • Gas X (ask Surgeon)
    • Heating Pad/ext. cord for back/gas pains (probably not allowed, ask), or possibly the chemical heating pads (adhesive, ask)?


    • Robe
    • Slippers (slip on kind)
    • Nightgown that buttons off-don’t have to lift arms (allergies to hospital ones)
    • Extra undies (not the silky kind-slide on sheets)
    • Extra Socks
    • Change of LOOSE clothing for ride home, w/slip on shoes (underwear, bra, drawstring pants, button front top, socks, shoes, jacket).


    • Pillow (my own)
    • Eye Mask
    • Ear plugs
    • Sound machine if own room (ask?)
    • Small Throw/Blanket (get cold in hospital)
    • Sheets (allergies to hosp. ones)

    [*]Personal Items

    • Insurance Card/other info. needed
    • Small firm pillow to hold against stomach for ride home, and for sneezes/gas pains/coughing in hospital
    • SF Mints, Tic Tacs (ask surgeon if you can suck on these)
    • Packets of Crystal Lite & SF Koolaid (why? Need this? Ask surgeon)
    • Camera (for photos)
    • Water bottle, no straw-sippy kind (need this? ask), others suggest small shot glass to measure fluid intake
    • Notepad/pen; to write down info., notes from nurses/doctor, etc.

    [*]For Boredom

    • Ipod & Earbuds
    • Cell phone & charger
    • Books or magazines
    • Reading Glasses & case

    [*]DH Items

    • *Have him keep a bag with my valuables, ie. Cell phone, iPod, camera, insurance card/info. etc., while in surgery
    • Laptop/cords
    • Book/magazines
    • Snacks/Drinks
    • Cell Phone/Charger
    • Phone numbers list

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No negative comments please! I got enough abuse on the Forum HERE....Bwaaah! (all in good fun) I started this list last fall, and it just kept growing as I saw posts on things people "couldn't live without" or "I can't believe I forgot" for the hospital...apparently I won't need most of this. Come to think of it...those are the same people who told me to buy a sports bra...LOL.

I need to know I still have a home with my SWA and blogger friends here...even if I am an anal OCD list maker...just tell me you're laughing WITH me! Luv ya, BG

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I can't believe you didn't put your scale on your list? What kind of President of the SWA are you? You should be ashamed of yourself! Just for that you are required to drink 3 glasses of water and weigh yourself dirrectly before bedtime! *hehe*

That is probablly what I packed....I went on a 7 hr road trip and spent a couple of nights in the hotel. I took hardly anything to the hospital, but I was only there about 5 hours.

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I was going to nominate YOU at the first meeting! Sorry about the scale...LOL...just don't make me weigh before bedtime tonight!!! Haven't you heard? It's FAT Tuesday!

Thanks :-) -BG

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You really just need chapstick for you dry lips and a pillow for the ride home. No one I know had to stay overnite- I went home that night. Bring a nightgown if you have to sleep over. good luck.

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I had to stay overnight, and I had a slightly different list. Everyone's a little different, I guess. Instead of a straw, I took a sippy cup and I'd removed the little plastic regulator inside. Mine looked like a small purple travel mug, so it wasn't so bad. It controlled how much liquid I took in fairly well. I also had to take my CPAP machine.

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Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Are you planning on staying overnight, or is that just in case you have to stay overnight? I was scheduled for surgery at 8:00 a.m, and was back home by 12:30 or so. The only thing I wish I'd had that I didn't was Gasx strips, but we got those on the way home so it was fine.

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Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Are you planning on staying overnight, or is that just in case you have to stay overnight? I was scheduled for surgery at 8:00 a.m, and was back home by 12:30 or so. The only thing I wish I'd had that I didn't was Gasx strips, but we got those on the way home so it was fine.

i/m still waiting for my surgery, but may i ask,why gas x and sippy cups, is your fluid restritcetd?

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The Gas X is to help with the gas pains you'll get from them pumping your abdomen full of CO2 during the operation. It bothers most people in their shoulder. My doc says the Gas X will do nothing, but some swear by it (I don't know if they'll let me take it in the hospital).

Sippy cups are used by many initially until you get used to taking tiny sips of fluids (it hurts to gulp like we do now). And some take shot glasses or medicine measuring cups as their docs want them to track their fluid intake (and they help you to take small sips).

Wendy- They told us to plan for a one night stay, but I'll see if that changes when I get my date/time.

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I'm impressed - my surgery was at 7am, I was home by 12. I arrived at the hospital with a tote bag containing a book and my debit card (for the presumed co-pay). that was all I needed as I never really woke from the anesthesia until the next day. My daughter picked up the pain medication at the pharmacy when she came to give me a ride home.

One suggestion - make sure the clothes you bring to go home in are REALLY loose. The pants I were were loose when I arrived and tight when I left - the gas inflates the belly more than you think.

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;) You've probably realised by now that doing as much preparation as possible prior to giving birth can help you feel more relaxed. Packing a hospital bag in preparation for your birth is a necessary part of this pre-birth preparation.

I have included as much detail as possible and there are items that you may wish to discard or add to the list. For obvious reasons it would be better to select darker rather than light clothing. Here's the 20 essentials.

1. Wash bag

Shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, moisturiser, cleaning wipes, lip balm and some make up. Some amount of make up may help you feel more comfortable when visitors arrive.

2. 2 x Sponges

One small sponge for sips of water and sponging your face and a larger one for sponging you down. Some women prefer to take a water spray for cooling down during labor.

3. Towels x 2

Fairly obvious what these are for!

4. Two or three clean nightdresses

Pick a dark colour and select a front opening style.

5. Underwear

Plenty of pairs of dark knickers, socks and your nursing bras. (See the end of this article for a free breastfeeding guide)

6. Dressing Gown and slippers

7. Something to wear during labor

Most opt for a large comfortable t-shirt (better than a hospital gown) and a hair bobble.

8. Ear plugs

May enable you to get some sleep while other babies are crying.

9. Mobile/Money/Phone Card

Obviously, so you can make some calls.

10. Anti-constipation tablets

Constipation is uncomfortable but it will be painful if you have had stitches.

11. Books/Music

Things to keep you occupied in hospital

12. A warm loose fitting cardigan or similar

In case you get cold while in hospital.

13. Camera and film

To take pictures of course!

14. Clothes to wear home

Unfortunately normally still your maternity clothes.

15. Maternity pads

Very thick sanitary towels.

16. Breast pads

You'll soon discover that breast milk doesn't just flow at feeding time, especially early on.

17. Rubber ring

Child's inflatable swimming ring aid. May be more comfortable to sit on if you have stitches.

18. Glucose tablets

For that extra energy

19. A tennis ball in a sock

Can help with alleviating back pain during labor

20. Clothes/Nappies For Your Baby

Sleep suits, vests, scratch mittens, nappies/diapers, nappy/diaper cream, cotton wool and blankets. Make sure your partner has the car seat ready to bring you from his car.

It's unlikely that you'll need anything else if use this list. The only other thing to remember to bring with you is your birth plan, which you may wish to also pack in this bag.

Good luck and happy parenting!

:)*** boxyourstuff.com ***:thumbup:

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