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2/5/09 Lose a Pound, Gain a Wrinkle!



OK, I’m not a particularly vain person. My primary objective in getting the Lap Band is truly for getting healthy. No, I don’t like what I look like fat, but if I had the health and energy that I did when I was thin and I knew it would stay that way, I’m not positive I’d be doing this.

I might catch some flack for this, but after looking at million before and after pictures, I’ve gotten a little scared. I’m not talking here on LBT, as I really haven’t looked at all that many pics here yet, but on OH, where they are easy to scan through and are on every page…most people look great, fabulous even…some you wouldn’t even know them if they were standing next to their former selves, and so many of them have new hairstyles and sexy clothes, you can tell how this has changed them inside as well. But then there is a group of people, all older, yeah, they’re thin, but they look SO MUCH OLDER! OK, I’ve reasoned this out…maybe it took them years to lose the weight and they ARE older now. Or maybe they’re all RnY patients that lost so fast that their hair thinned and losing so fast was hard on their bodies (no offense RnY’rs, this was just my silly mind talking)…see I’d been reasoning out why I won’t look like that because I’ll be losing slowly with the Lap Band. OK, maybe I’m vainer than I thought, otherwise why would I be ‘reasoning out’ any of this.

But then I saw this story on the ‘Today Show’ yesterday. A study on identical twins and factors for aging…and guess what the conclusion was for weight?! If you’re over 40 don’t lose too much weight or you’ll look older, or as they put it ‘Gain a pound, Lose a Wrinkle’ (so the opposite is true as well). No, they don’t want people to gain weight to look younger, it’s just a conclusion of the study that for people over 40, the extra fat fills out our wrinkles. Remember, I'm turning 49 7/8 this year, and I’ve always been told I look younger than my age (OK, maybe that’s something people tell you when you’re fat…like you have a nice smile), but I really don’t have any wrinkles other than a few crows feet when I smile.

So time to get real about how I’m going to look thin again...yes, I already knew I won’t be going back to that 130# blushing bride…get real…that was 26 years ago…so what is my face going to look like deflated…Like an old deflated balloon? Now ontop of all those other LB diet things (like head hunger/emotions) I have to get real about I've now got to get myself prepared for sudden wrinkles! Fabulous.:toetap05:


Here’s the segment if you’re interested:

Today Show Video Player


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OK, I’m not a particularly vain person. My primary objective in getting the Lap Band is truly for getting healthy. No, I don’t like what I look like fat, but if I had the health and energy that I did when I was thin and I knew it would stay that way, I’m not positive I’d be doing this.

I might catch some flack for this, but after looking at million before and after pictures, I’ve gotten a little scared. I’m not talking here on LBT, as I really haven’t looked at all that many pics here yet, but on OH, where they are easy to scan through and are on every page…most people look great, fabulous even…some you wouldn’t even know them if they were standing next to their former selves, and so many of them have new hairstyles and sexy clothes, you can tell how this has changed them inside as well. But then there is a group of people, all older, yeah, they’re thin, but they look SO MUCH OLDER! OK, I’ve reasoned this out…maybe it took them years to lose the weight and they ARE older now. Or maybe they’re all RnY patients that lost so fast that their hair thinned and losing so fast was hard on their bodies (no offense RnY’rs, this was just my silly mind talking)…see I’d been reasoning out why I won’t look like that because I’ll be losing slowly with the Lap Band. OK, maybe I’m vainer than I thought, otherwise why would I be ‘reasoning out’ any of this.

But then I saw this story on the ‘Today Show’ yesterday. A study on identical twins and factors for aging…and guess what the conclusion was for weight?! If you’re over 40 don’t lose too much weight or you’ll look older, or as they put it ‘Gain a pound, Lose a Wrinkle’ (so the opposite is true as well). No, they don’t want people to gain weight to look younger, it’s just a conclusion of the study that for people over 40, the extra fat fills out our wrinkles. Remember, I'm turning 49 7/8 this year, and I’ve always been told I look younger than my age (OK, maybe that’s something people tell you when you’re fat…like you have a nice smile), but I really don’t have any wrinkles other than a few crows feet when I smile.

So time to get real about how I’m going to look thin again...yes, I already knew I won’t be going back to that 130# blushing bride…get real…that was 26 years ago…so what is my face going to look like deflated…Like an old deflated balloon? Now ontop of all those other LB diet things (like head hunger/emotions) I have to get real about I've now got to get myself prepared for sudden wrinkles! Fabulous.:scared2:

Here’s the segment if you’re interested:

Today Show Video Player

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LOL!! I'm turning 50 a few days before you, BG. I'm already using firming creams to make sure I look as good as I can. I accept my age, but I refuse to give up on taking care of myself.

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I'm 51 and really didn't have problems at all with the facial wrinkles. I do however have saggy boobs. My legs are a tiny bit wrinkly but nothing clothing wont hide. I'm so glad I had it done. And there is always cosmetic surgery if you feel you really need the lift. But I understand your concern, and it is something you will have to think about.

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I am 51 and lost 55 pounds I do have more wrinkles than I did before But I rather be healthy and wrinkly than the best dead looking person. I didn't consider myself a vain person either but all of a sudden I find myself looking in every mirror. I figure I don't have that many good years left that anyone would be looking at me regardless of how much I weight. Face it when you are in your 60s you are just a skinny old person or a fat old person. you will never look 40 again. So enjoy

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Thanks gals...yep thin, healthy, and wrinkly is better than one foot in the grave with plump skin (and a plumper butt). Can you tell I'm also in denial about turning the big one this year (never had a birthday bother me before)...I'm easing into it so by the time April rolls around I'll finally be able to say it (5 - 0), loud and proud. I plan to grow old with style (think about all the new clothes we're going to HAVE to buy!)...now Lena, does that firming cream come in gallon tubs? -BG

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Yetp. buying clothes is soooo much fun now. Never thought I'd be wearing a "medium" LOL!! YOu'll look great Band Groupie..........and join the club! 50 isn't so bad......in fact, I kinda like it. I'm a lot smarter than I was in my 30s and 40s and retirement is just around the corner.........staying healthy is the goal

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mel,....ahh...medium...(daydreaming)....and CLUB?!!! You mean there's a CLUB? I'm IN! ...fif...fif...fift...fift...fifty. Going to have to get better at that (as I'm sure it's the secret password to get in...right?). Does this club have matching pointy shoes and teeny designer purses (if you tell me matching canes, or walkers, I'm out...and that goes for red hats too)? -BG

PS- Do they serve cosmo's at this club?

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Hi, I just turned 51 in November and thumbs up to all of your comments! You are as young as you feel. Don't worry about wrinkles! It will be better to be healthy and enjoying life with your family and friends! I hope to be banded soon - originally scheduled for 1/26, but had a little EKG problem at pre-op, so...now just waiting for surgeon's office to call me to reschedule!


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Lb, Thanks, you're right! I hear there's a Club, with coffee and cosmo's...wanna join (I think mel can get us in)? -BG (Hope you're rescheduled soon)

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I have lost 130 pounds over the last 15months. I am told on a regular basis how much younger I look. I am 39. I would take the wrinkles any day for how incredible I feel!

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Wow, AlisonL. Thanks for the words of encouragement. Sometimes that 100 pounds I have left to lose seems very far away.

However, doc already told me cosmetic surgery is likely. I'm looking forward to my "teddy bear seams" as my brother calls it. I've already got very loose flesh hanging in odd spots. I'm going to look like a Shar Pei puppy soon. LOL! Now those are some real wrinkles.

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Okkkkkay, I really don’t think I have anything to worry about since I have over 100 lbs. to lose. I’ve got a while before I need to start wondering if I look too thin. I have heard b before that as you get older, either your butt is big, but your face is great, or you have a nice rear end and your face looks like hell. And you know what? Society and all those beauty experts can kiss my fat ass! All I’ve had shoved down my throat for years is what a non person I am because I’m fat. From shopping for clothes in the “fat girls section,” that look like damn shower curtains, or drapes, to seeing anorexic chicks with their shoulder blades poking out held up to me and every other female as the supposed standard of beauty, and now they want to hand us this garbage?

It’s kind of like God has played some ridiculous joke on me anyway; I have tiny hands, narrow, little feet, a small face, and then everything else is big! It’s like the body parts got mixed up somehow. Now, I have had my husband and friends express concern over what’s going to happen to my cleavage. I have a great rack…I guess. Women always say, “I wish I had big boobs like that.” I tell them, “Well, if you can 130 pounds I bet you will…of course you’ll have to take the big, fat ass that comes with it. Personally, I can’t wait until “the girls” are gone! They’re big and in the way, and the only reason I have them is because I’m fat, so when they’re gone I’m giving them a bon voyage party! Now, because my wonderful husband is the only man EVER who has never made an issue of my weight, and who treats me like I’m the sexiest woman on the planet even at my fattest, loves them…I will most likely have him some made. But, only because he does love them so much…and at least they won’t be sagging! No way! Those girls will be pointing towards the heavens! Other than that; I’ll take my additional “years” if that’s what it comes down to. I think with plenty of water and exercise it won’t be an issue. Besides, I’ll take a few wrinkles over a “Joan Rivers” face any day.

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Alison-130# in 15 mo. WOW! (Good thing you're only 39, you just made the cutoff for wrinkles...LOL!) Seriously, you're an inspiration.

Lena- Shar Pei...Teddy Bear seams...LOL, what a visual!

Wendy-You crack me up "body parts mixed up". So I've got the huge butt, guess my face will be fine then! If not, I plan to embrace my new wrinkles and my new health (not to mention not having to wear a 'shower curtain' ever again)!

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Thank you very much! I am not saying that I couldn't benefit from a lift and tuck here and there but for now clothes are very fogiving.

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I'm a mom, have a job, and recently lost some weight, which is apparently the perfect recipe for an under eye disaster. I read alot of great reviews about the Made from Earth Vitamin Firming Serum and I was convinced to give it a try--and I'm so glad I did! I have been using it for just 1 week and I'm already really happy with the results. The wrinkles under my eye have lessened a lot and my upper eyelid looks so much tighter and less droopy, which was an unexpected bonus.

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