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Motivational Secrets?

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Giving up


Hello to all of you wonderful bandsters.

The purpose of this Blog is to request each of you to post what "you" believe to be you source of strength to: put your goals at the forefront of your life whether it is prayer, meditation, favorite quotes or inspiration from others, or support and advise from a person who has traveled down this same road.

Whatever it is, please share your stories that may help us less focused constantly distracted and who lacks integrity when it comes to our own individual goals.

I must say that for now my motivation stems from a fear of failure. I must give myself a far shake at making this work without self sabotaging the way I've done many times in the past. I also believe in preparation, I have adult ADD and I have to plan out everything ahead of time or nothing at all will get done. I have make a daily schedule or I WON’T go to bed on time, I say up too late and feel too tired to work out or leave the house without eating breakfast because I over slept. The list goes on and on for me.

I'm can’t wait to read all the creative ideas that you all have and I know the information you post will help someone.

Have a very Happy New Year!

Thank you,


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Hello to all of you wonderful bandsters.

The purpose of this Blog is to request each of you to post what "you" believe to be you source of strength to: put your goals at the forefront of your life whether it is prayer, meditation, favorite quotes or inspiration from others, or support and advise from a person who has traveled down this same road.

Whatever it is, please share your stories that may help us less focused constantly distracted and who lacks integrity when it comes to our own individual goals.

I must say that for now my motivation stems from a fear of failure. I must give myself a far shake at making this work without self sabotaging the way I've done many times in the past. I also believe in preparation, I have adult ADD and I have to plan out everything ahead of time or nothing at all will get done. I have make a daily schedule or I WON’T go to bed on time, I say up too late and feel too tired to work out or leave the house without eating breakfast because I over slept. The list goes on and on for me.

I'm can’t wait to read all the creative ideas that you all have and I know the information you post will help someone.

Have a very Happy New Year!

Thank you,


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First of all, PLEASE tell me that you're on medications for your ADD. I'm ADD as well. I fought going on medication for a long time, until my ADD almost cost me my job. After I went on medication, my life was completely different.

Unfortunately, for me, I had to sink so low with my eating disorder before I finally took control of my life. I WILL NOT go there again. This is a journey that never ends, and every day is a struggle. I don't care what you do; it's HARD. Some days it's harder than others, and some days we win the fight; other days it beats our ass, the thing is; you have to get back up after your knocked down. My mom says "it's not over as long as you can get back up." At this point; I will not stay down! And, I don't know if I told you this, but I lost 71 lbs. on Weight Watchers, only to gain it all plus back. God, that was such a horrible defeat! I spent the next 5 years beating myself up over that. I would have never thought that anything positive could have out of that experience, but it did. I learned that I am way stronger than I thought. I also learned that I'm never "cured" or "fixed". I have to constantly work to maintain or manage.

Now...with all that being said; stock up on that protein. I drink Special K protein water with everything, and I start my morning out with 45 grams of liquid protein mixed in with water. Once, you've met your daily requirement of protein, it's impossible for you to be "physically" hungry. That's doesn't mean that you won't have to battle "head hunger", but it helps me to know for a fact, that it's just that; in my head. And I keep BUSY. I'm an artist, so I eat breakfast and find something to create. I doesn't matter whether I'm in the mood or not; I force myself to get started, and then I'm good. Find what it is that distracts you.

And last but not least; are you "filled" correctly?

I really hope this helps.

Hang in there, girl, and GET UP!

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You go, wendytip! Awesome reply!

Aperfectwom, I don't know much about ADD, but I do know that it can be hard for anyone to keep focused, especially long term. I'm probably obsessive compulsive myself, so I focus a lot of energy on maybe one or two things at a time and usually beat it to death, lose interest, and go onto something else. With this WLS, it's been different because the band is permanent - it's a permanent reminder for me for when I eat too fast, or take bites that are too big. I hate the PB that results! As far as sticking to the overall goal, I have to make mini goals for myself. For now I have a goal that is probably too big to attain for February 14. Then I have another one for March 15, my niece's wedding day. I'll have to come up with another one after that. I also have to learn not to be impatient because I want it done now and I want to be healed of all that caused me to get this big in the first place! :confused: But I know that's not how it works and I have to keep focused on the goal. I also remind myself of those Bible verses where Paul is saying he has fought the good fight, he has won the race, and all that goes into winning. It's a combination of all these things - goals, inspiration, desires, and hopes - that help me to keep focused. Once a week (at least, but more because I'm so compulsive about it), I track my weight and measurements. I also had a scare with high blood pressure, which caused me to start this journey in the first place, so I remind myself that I'm doing this to live longer. I read web sites like this one when I can, and look at "theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com" for recipes that look good (especially for protein ice cream, since ice cream is one of the things I miss the most) and make plans for future recipes. It's just another way for me to focus, focus, focus. And remember my goals. I also have an exercise bike with iFit routines for weight loss that always remind me to remember my goals. And my family is a great support system for me, though my stepkids have no clue what it's like to be overweight, let alone obese. But they help nonetheless. All these things keep me going plus the hope that someday I'll look good in a dress. I keep picturing those small sizes....anything to remind me about why I'm doing this.

Sorry to be so long winded, but it's probably all I can think of for the moment.

Like wendytip said, Hang in there!!

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Happy New Year!

Something that caught my attention in your message ...

"I must say that for now my motivation stems from a fear of failure."

For me, I used to make goals in the negative for ages. Then I realized that by speaking the negative, my brain was not catching the not part. So for example, "I won't burn the toast. I won't burn the toast." My brain fixated on "burn the toast! burn the toast!!" So if you say, "I don't want to fail! I don't want to fail!" -- well, you can figure it out next.

So now I try to keep it simple... "I'm drinking more water today," et cetera, kept in the positive tense... speak only what I want to actually happen.

So what motivates me.... remembering how much fun my family has in the summer at Knoebels, a campground/amusement park, and how much easier it is for me to walk around all day, even back to the campsite, when I have no back trouble... and how much more comfortable I am when I'm pain free...and can enjoy those moments with them! Having more quality time with my family is what motivates me.

I know you will make 2009 a fabulous year for you!

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I'm taking a very long time to get my weight off so its hard for me to keep motivated. I have months of success and then months of failure. I think right now I'm motivated because I joined weight watchers again and that coupled with the support of my friends and co-workers has put me over the top in terms of tracking what I eat and walking more.

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