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No longer a May Bandster

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God is great! I could have been in surgery this morning. The doctor offered to move my date up to today because he had an opening. I wanted to with all of my heart, but my wonderful husband said "we have vacation this weekend and you wouldn't be able to go". I said that was ok and he sure didn't like that. The doctor said I can't be greedy and I need to put other people's needs ahead of mine sometimes. I didn't like him saying that. I left my date as 5-29-08. I have been on my liver shrinking diet for 8 days so far. I have lost 10 lbs. My BMI is down to 36.5. Now where the trouble comes in. I had a little toothache on Monday and by Tuesday night my jaw felt a little funny. When my DH came home I asked him if it was swollen. He very quickly said yes. He never admits he can see something wrong with me so I thought...OH NO:ohmy:! I went and look and sure enough I am swollen. I went to the dentist today and they gave me antibiotics and I called my surgeon's office. They said I had to canel until I was released by the dentist. IF the infection is gone on the 28th...day before my "surgery", I can get him to release me and then call for a new appoinment for surgery. Well, they had to book me 10 weeks out the first time and I pray that won't have to do that again. I have a Latex allergy, so I have to be the first one of the day. To compound the matter. SInce I have lost the 10 lbs I can only lose 9 more and I will not be eligible for surgery due too low of a BMI. God is great and I hope I passed His test with flying colors:Angel_anim:...no cursing:cursing:, no yelling:argue:, no depression:sad_smile:, no WHY ME :thumbdown: and best of all no food:Banane59:. I haven't eaten anything in the last 9 hours and I have been going through this for the last 5 hours. I will restart my pre-op diet 2 weeks before surgery...again...whenever that is.

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God is great! I could have been in surgery this morning. The doctor offered to move my date up to today because he had an opening. I wanted to with all of my heart, but my wonderful husband said "we have vacation this weekend and you wouldn't be able to go". I said that was ok and he sure didn't like that. The doctor said I can't be greedy and I need to put other people's needs ahead of mine sometimes. I didn't like him saying that. I left my date as 5-29-08. I have been on my liver shrinking diet for 8 days so far. I have lost 10 lbs. My BMI is down to 36.5. Now where the trouble comes in. I had a little toothache on Monday and by Tuesday night my jaw felt a little funny. When my DH came home I asked him if it was swollen. He very quickly said yes. He never admits he can see something wrong with me so I thought...OH NO:ohmy:! I went and look and sure enough I am swollen. I went to the dentist today and they gave me antibiotics and I called my surgeon's office. They said I had to canel until I was released by the dentist. IF the infection is gone on the 28th...day before my "surgery", I can get him to release me and then call for a new appoinment for surgery. Well, they had to book me 10 weeks out the first time and I pray that won't have to do that again. I have a Latex allergy, so I have to be the first one of the day. To compound the matter. SInce I have lost the 10 lbs I can only lose 9 more and I will not be eligible for surgery due too low of a BMI. God is great and I hope I passed His test with flying colors:Angel_anim:...no cursing:cursing:, no yelling:argue:, no depression:sad_smile:, no WHY ME :thumbs_up: and best of all no food:Banane59:. I haven't eaten anything in the last 9 hours and I have been going through this for the last 5 hours. I will restart my pre-op diet 2 weeks before surgery...again...whenever that is.

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Hey girl,

I completely feel your pain. i am pretty sure you left a comment on my blog about my surgery being cancelled due to a abscess on my back. I did the pre op diet exactly as i was told and then bam i get that stupid abscess on my back and the surgery is off. Just keep taking your medicine so you can get better and hopefully keep your surgery date! I am glad you didnt put it off (like i did) and u went ahead to the dentist. Everything will work itself out...i found that out the hard way.

Mandi Jo



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Try not to worry too much:) Did your doc tell you that if your bmi dropped too low then they wouldn't do the surgery? The reason I am asking is because I went to my consult with a bmi of 35.6. I didn't have a pre-op diet because my bmi was low. On the day of surgery my bmi had dropped to 34.6 or somewhere close. I was below 35 and my doctor said it didn't matter. He told me that I had been obese all of my life and a few pounds lost before surgery is no big deal. So maybe your doctor will feel the same. Good luck with your band!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you both so much. Yes, I am glad I went to the dentist too. I could have died because of this just like I told Mandi Jo on her blog that she could have. I guess God wants me to practice what I preach. If I had gone below on my pre-op diet that would have been fine, but now I am a "new" patient again and have to have a recheck of my physical at the surgeon's office and if I don't still have a BMI of 35 or higher, THEN, I am not a canidate, according to my insurance. He said he still has to report my last appointment's weight to them.

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Hi, put a roll of quarters in each pocket or something! I've heard of people wearing ankle weights under their socks to 'bulk up'! You'll do fine and get through it with flying colors. Take care of yourself. kayvee

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