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It's My Blog I'll Say What i Want To



Today I am so excited about my decision to get my Lap Band. I know I still have 70 lbs. to lose to get to my goal weight, but I've lost almost 100 lbs. I don't know what you would call that, but it sure feels like I'm succeeding.


Now, if I'm going to be honest I want to vent a little bit. I rather enjoyed being ignorant/uniformed about how the majority of people (not all) who chose to have VSG or RNY look at those of us who have the band. Most days I just move on and SMH, but other times I feel disrespected. It feels like I'm being told I'm ignorant and made a stupid decision and that they are in some way guaranteeing that I am going to fail. I know at one of the seminars I went to they had a person who had the band and another who had RNY. They guy who had RNY said that he knew he would find a way to eat around his band and that is why he chose to have the Bypass surgery. I also have an Aunt who had Bypass. She lost weight but she also figured out a way to eat around her surgery and gained her weight back. She still struggles with diets now. You can find bad things about every surgery, but why such disdain for the band? The idea that you either do it the way I did it or you're doing it wrong makes me cranky. Excuse me, my way seems to be working perfectly fine for me. I also always try to be diplomatic and say that we are all on the same page if we had WLS, we want to get healthy, so why worry about which surgery you or I had.


I guess its just like anything in life, you can find information anywhere to support your point of view. The integration of the site has just made me more aware of how people view me as a bandster. Often times, I get dismissed as if my opinions or my weight loss is of little or no consequence. I'm not the type to rip someone in the forums when this happens... so, here I am in my blog, pounding away on my keyboard getting it out of my system so I can go on my merry way.


In the name that all is holy... people PLEASE stop posting questions in the forums on what surgery you should get. You can get that information online, from your Dr. and just your own informed decision making skills. We can't tell you what to do and it almost always turns into a battle of my surgery is better than your surgery. Aren't we all adults and cant we just be happy for each other that we're taking steps to improve our quality of life?


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I think people ask for advice because there is so much information out there and sometimes you just need extra thoughts and different reasons maybe you havent thought of or considered... which is why we see so many questions like which is better the band, sleeve, or bypass? I also think every person is entitled to their own choice and they have to choose whats right for them I personally am getting the bypass for my situation but I don't look down on the banders or sleevers or think any less of them just as I hope they wouldnt look down on me we are only human and we make the best choices we can great post!!! Im happy for you

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i read a comment the other day about someone who had initially chose the band, someone said "why get the band when you'll have to get a revision to sleeve or bypass eventually". that made me SO MAD. some people do really well with the band and you are living proof.

i had a band to sleeve revision in one of my seminars and she kept making comments about how awful the band was and then would look at me and say "no offense".. like really?!

it is very frustrating. i think sleeve and bypass patients look down at us, and thats not how it should be.

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I totally agree. The band takes work and commitment and there are those of us who can be successful. It really makes me uber cranky when I see other bandsters being disrespected. I'm going to start a new campaign called, "Stop the Band Bashing". People come to the site for encouragement, knowledge and just to share their experiences. They don't post stuff to be judged! Just my two cents!

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Guess who bashed my band. It was my primary doctor. She wanted me to be sleeved or have bypass. Why you say? Because none of her banded patients ever lost more than 40 lbs. Well I needed to lose at least 100 lbs. and I got banded anyway. I wanted less invasive and that's what I had. And guess what....I've lost 126 lbs. and....I am now smaller than the doctor. Sweeeet!!

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Guess who bashed my band. It was my primary doctor. She wanted me to be sleeved or have bypass. Why you say? Because none of her banded patients ever lost more than 40 lbs. Well I needed to lose at least 100 lbs. and I got banded anyway. I wanted less invasive and that's what I had. And guess what....I've lost 126 lbs. and....I am now smaller than the doctor. Sweeeet!!

LOVE IT!!!! The first surgeon I had a consult with told me he would only do the RNY on me. I found a different surgeon. I've been successful, too! Not goal weight yet, but I'm still losing. To those people and Doctors who think if you have a 100 or more pounds to lose can only do sleeve or bypass to be successful, I call BS...It can be done. Look at all the people on this site!!

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