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Please enlighten me

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Veruca Salt


I would love to hear your opinion on this post.


I sit at work and wonder why life is so unjust. All my life I have struggled for everything I have.

As a teenager I had to work for any money I needed. I did not get to go on the class trips, I did

not get the yearbok, famcy clothes yet I worked and learned how to get what I wanted and what I

needed. As an adult I still struggled, with a 1 year old son I went to college and earned a degree, and

still worked my way through at RadioShack. Due to circumstances beyond my control I found myself a

single parent. Once I finished college I moved back to my hometown area and my son and I started a life.

No help from my parents, young and not being able to leave the home even to meet people.

I went garage sale to garage sale buy this and that. I filled my 1 bedroom apartment. He got the bedroom and

I on the couch. Once I settled I landed a job at WalMart (hey it's something). I was having trouble finding a

way to work and get my child off to school, at no point in my life did I ask for or take a goverment handout. My

mother told me I need to stay at home with my son and collect welfare. I wanted more for him and myself. I

wanted to work. This whole time my parents lived right below me and would never help. When I did ask them

for help she told me there is a shelter in our area that would take us in.

Slowly over time and my son growup. I started different jobs paying more money. Was able to purachse a washer and dryer and moved into a mobile home (2 BEDROOMS). I got up to working 2 jobs but that took away a lot of time with my son and cost a lot for a babysitter.

When my son was 9 I met a man and seem to be the dream life. We all moved in together and I found that "Larry" did not have any thing of his own, like money, the house was in foreclosure and the diswasher was filled with bills (how can I make that one up). I found that I was pregant. I had a wonderful daughter. As Larry's drinking was consuming his life I took my kids and moved out again. Starting over, I bought my first piece of new furnature, A COUCH. Things were always tough but I figured that as much as I have been through I can start over again. Now my son is an adult and in the Navy, I could not be prouder. My aughter is now 9 years old and I found myself a man when she was 2. He is not a perfect man, we keep our money seperate and split the bill. We have been together for 7 years now.

To sum up the run on drama story. Why do sone people get life handed to them and have no clue the value of a dollar, or don't mind sitting on their butt's waiting for the goverment to send them something to barely live on and here am I. Working like a dog 3 shift making just enough to pay my bills and have a little left.

WHY IS IT SO UNFAIR, life that is......

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Veruca, bottom line, life is not fair and no one should have ever told you it would be fair. I know it is hard, but we all have our **** to bear and endure. Life does try to balance itself out, but we often don't get the opportunity to see it happen. I am a survivor. I get through things and other people's ****, but I don't do it pretty. I can't tell you how often I have had to dry my tears, take a deep breath, dust myself off, and start all over again. I think you have to have a positive attitude to remain in good condition to meet the challenges that life throws at you. I know struggle builds my character, and makes me more able to empathize with others. It is good Karma to pay things forward in life and practice, patience and tolerance for others. Nothing is to be gained by being envious of others or curse the darkness in our lives. It cripples us and and we have to overcome our emotions to think clearly and to come up with a strategy to get where we need and want to go in our lives. However, when we win the battle, we have only ourselves and god/the universe to claim responsibility for the victory. Of course, just imo. :-) Shalom my friend.

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You sound like you have grown to be a very smart and determined person. Without struggle there is no victory, and you, my friend are victorious!!!

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Will quote from Fifth Element.."What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"...I laugh every time he says that..I really believe it..There are only a small percentage of people in this world that find life a bowl of cherries...Most of us only get to deal with the pits....

You should be very proud of yourself...Not only have you made a good life for your kids..But you are a survivor.....And now you are looking after you...that will make you even stronger....

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