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01/30/2013 was my BIG day!

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Aloha everyone,


I am currently approximately 36 hours post op.


My surgery was schedule for 2:45pm (Hawaii time) on Wednesday, January 30th, 2013. My husband and I arrived at Castle Hospital at 1pm, but was told things were running behind and the lady scheduled before me hadn't even gone in yet. It was a little after 4pm that I was finally rolled in. As far as I can tell, I was in surgery until about 630pm.


As soon as I got to the hospital, the nurse had me check in, get undressed and lay down on one of the beds. Then I met the anesthesiologist. As I was waiting, they asked me a bunch of questions and started my iv. My iv had to be done in my wrist...I am always a tricky one when it comes to my veins. I don't really know if I was just tired, but a few hours with the iv I felt kind of silly to put it is the only way I can think of it.


I was pretty excited going in there and my husband was a nervous wreck. That was not a surprise though. I tend to be the positive one and he is the negative nancy, although he says he is "realistic". I had no anxiety at all while I was waiting. My husband was allowed to wait with me and we just did crossword puzzles or read magazines or played with our phones.


I remember waking up and hearing, "you did really well. The dr. is very happy with how things went." I did no feel very well. It was very foggy. I didn't really know what was going on. I am not sure what time I woke up or was rolled to my room or anything like that.


I remember waking up and feeling pain. It was all in my belly area. Maybe I am not used to pain in my abdominal area, but it hurt for me. It feels like when you have a bruise, but much worse. They kept giving me morphine. I was allowed to have it every hour if I wanted it, but I kept falling asleep so I would say I got it every 4 hours. My head was foggy still afterwards. Actually, now that I think about it my head is still a little foggy. I'm a little forgetful right now.


I never changed out of my hospital gown...so I don't even know why I packed a bag. Honestly, all you need is chapstick and maybe music. I brought my preggo pillow which I definitely used. I also found it helpful to sit up. I didn't want to lay down. I think it was helping with the gas in my body. I had gas, but it felt like it was mostly in my belly. I had no shoulder pain like others have reported.


Even when I got home, I wanted to be propped up. Last night, I actually put pillows under my belly and slept on my stomach!!! I haven't slept on my stomach in 5+ years. The pressure seemed to make me feel better. Today I finally farted!!! I know that is silly, but I wanted to fart so bad, but couldn't. I was so jealous of my husband who just kept letting it rip! I haven't had a bowel movement yet.


I would definitely say the first 3 days are the hardest. I was considered to be in the "doing extremely well" category so I don't know how people do it when they have complications. Waking up from surgery definitely sucks. I kept thinking, "what the hell did I do to myself". Those thoughts are short lived because not even 4 days later it is bearable and I am excited to make progress.


I can tell you that the first couple of days I mostly slept. The tiredness would just hit me out of nowhere. It was extremely hard to get in my liquids...I think mostly because I was sleeping. Even when I was up it was hard work. It is hard work to drink that 4 oz. every hour. You have to work at it. They wanted me to be on clear liquids the first 2 post op days and get in between 48 and 64 oz and 80grams of protein. They did tell me not to worry too much if I couldn't because I would still have lots of fluids in me from the Iv. I am pretty determined to make my goals because I want to do this right, but it seems my whole day is consumed with trying to get my liquids in. Today I have drank a whole 24 oz and reached 40grams of protein, and that was damn hard. I did take a multi-vitamin today with no problems.


I've been lucky with the nausea, but I play it on the safe side. I do not push anything and take very small sips. I do not want to vomit! I pretty much hate vomiting. The fullness feeling everyone talks about...I'm still trying to figure it out. When I drink it feels a little like I have to burp and then I burp.


These are what they require me to do post op for a week or longer:

1. Take nexium once a day

2. Use my spirometer

3. Go walking

4. Drink 80 grams of protein

5. Drink at least 64 oz of liquid

6. take my multi-vitamin 3x daily


Oh and lastly...what I do not like the most is the strange body odors. It is pretty wretched. As soon as I could take a shower, I was in there washing it off. Well, it does return.

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Thank you for sharing all of this! But could you please elaborate on the strange body odors?

Also, did they have you up and walking right after your surgery?

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Thank you for sharing all of this! But could you please elaborate on the strange body odors?

Also, did they have you up and walking right after your surgery?

Well...as for the strange body odors. My breath is horrid. Not only that, but when I woke up there was this weird film in my mouth. It was disgusting and made me gag. it took a few days for the film to go away. My mouth still feels slimy, and my breath tastes foul. I can smell other strange body odors around my pits and well...lower extremities. I haven't been sweating so that isn't it. I assume it is maybe some of the meds coming out or ketosis. It is not unbearable, but strange.

As far as walking went. I wanted to walk real bad, but I couldn't. They had me stay in the bed for a few hours...maybe more (not quite sure since I was kind of out of it) to monitor my vitals. I was hooked up to all kinds of stuff to monitor my oxygen, heart rate, temperature etc. I kept asking if I could get out of bed because it was uncomfortable. I would say it was at least a few hours after I came to. After I came out of surgery, I was placed in a recovery room for 2 hours and then wheeled up to my room. I came to a couple of hours after wheeled into my room.

I do know that I was walking well and quickly. The lady who had surgery before me was still having trouble walking when we both left the hospital the next day.

All I know is I wanted to sit up and not lay down. Sit in a chair, or sleep upright...it felt better for me.

I hope this helps.

When is your date set?

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Hi tge. I do not get in the 80 grams of protein. Today I drank a whole bottle of isopure and maybe a half of the premier protein which puts me at maybe 55 grams. I am working on it though! I am in full liquid phase, but I have been sticking to my isopure as it is easier to get down and I can't imagine filling up on other stuff since I am already struggling.

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Aloha! Sounds like you are doing beautifully! I'm so glad!

Thank you SO much for the blow-by-blow :) Sounds like the drugs are pretty good! Interesting about the smell :/ Of all the things that I have thought will be weird with this journey...I wouldn't have guessed body odor! At least not right away...

And hooray for the fart! hahahaahaha

So does the liquid in the protein you drink count toward your overall fluid quota ?

Keep on rockin girl! Congrats to you!

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