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10 Days Til Surgery!

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My surgery date is June 5th. I start my preop liquid protein diet on Tuesday. Am I wrong to feel like I want to eat everything I know I won't be able to eat anymore in the next couple of days? That's how I feel right now. My post surgery diet will be very restricted. First 2 weeks clear liquids. Weeks 3-8 add protein shakes and strained cream of soups. Week 9 can start adding soft blenderized foods but still at a practically pale pourable consistency. Week 10 can start chewing foods to pasty consistency. My doctor believes in letting the stomach heal lol which is a good thing. Sleeve patients diets are the most restricted out of the 3 surgeries. I've gotten my post op meds and foods mostly chicken broth and crystal light lol. Now I just have to get my binder and I'm ready!!!

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Your diet is exactly like mine. I started my preop diet on Monday. Day 6 I've had 3 protein shakes a day, some propel zero, and in 6 days I've treated myself to two sugar-free popsicles. Go me, go team! I feel a little stressed because I see how people advance so much quicker on their diets than we are going to be allowed to.

Then I start reading this forum and I see how people try eating after 3 weeks and are in horrible pain, I see how people that advance too quickly don't lose as quickly or how people are upset that they can't eat like they used to at a month out. I see some people have complications that probably would not have been so bad if their diet after surgery went a little slower to give the belly time to heal.

I think in the long run raindrop, the way our doctors are doing it is going to be better for us. I'm sure there are people that had no problems after the first week, but we chose our surgeons for a reason, and I think the way we are doing it is for the best.

There is a list located in June 2012 sleevers called June Sleevers Compilation - Good Luck & Well Wishes and I added you to the June 5th list. That's a busy busy day ;)

Best of luck to you!

Good luck to you.


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I feel you on the eat everything you won't be able to eat. I did that before my fast. However, allow me to tell you the truth. It will never be enough. The food is a mental thing and not physical. You have to mentally overcome your desire for food and not allow yourself to fall to temptation.

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they call it the "last supper syndrome" when you feel like you need to eat all your favorites in large quantities before the surgery and it is a very typical response for those of us with eating issues. Just remember: The better you are on the preop diet, the easier the surgery and healing will go. By cutting back before surgery, you will shrink your liver allowing the surgeon easier access to the surgical site. And, you will be more used to the reduced, liquid diet so it won't be such a shock to your system along with the actual surgery. Like the lady earlier said, the more your follow the instructions, the better it will be for you. And, someday, you CAN taste your favorite food again...you may not WANT it anymore and you won't eat much of it, but you can taste it if you want to after you are all healed. I found that i really am not craving sweets and pastries like I thought I would...they are too sweet now! I really am not hungry....thanks to the stomach being reduced drastically along with the grenlin hormone. So, remember why you are doing this, it will be worth it!!

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My surgery is June 4th and my pre-op diet consists of having 30g of carbs or less per day for the 30 days prior to the surgery, the two days before surgery its clear liquids only. I actually started the low carb diet the day I left my Dr's office after our first meeting and have lost 25lbs since March 28th. I did contemplate prior to May 4th having a day full of crackers, Chicken in a Bisquit to be precise.....craving!! But, I realized that I need to change my eating habits and I might as well start before surgery when I'm the one in control. So, while I have had moments standing in the cracker aisle in the grocery store I stuck with my diet.

Also, my surgeon is like yours and progresses very slowly after the surgery - I would rather go slow than go to fast and end up with an issue.

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