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That's It, I'm Divorcing My Imagination.

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I don't know why I'm freaking out right now. Maybe because it feels that for the past two months I've been living and breathing VSG surgery and right now I'm in the Insurance Limbo From Hell. Until I hear back from them there is nothing I can do. I really do not like not being in control of my fate. The longer the limbo stretches the crazier the ideas are that pop into my head. On top of work shenanigans (we're super busy) and relationship stress my mind is blowing everything out of proportion. I know that this is what's happening, but still. I've been so busy lately that I feel like I haven't had any time for a healthy outlet that's not work, VSG related, or sleeping! Obviously I have enough problems without having my imagination working overtime!


Tonight I was talking to my mom and she said that my dad (who had VSG about 1.5 months ago) is now a terrible cook. He was cooking her dinner but she asked him to stop because it was (in some cases) inedible. Cooking has always been a big part of my family (and obviously a big part of the problem!) and my dad and I LOVE to cook. I adore combining different flavors and just feeding people. I get great enjoyment out of it. This is why I went to culinary school. I have a career based on my ability to bake! So now I'm freaking out that somehow after surgery I will lose my ability to cook/bake. That not only will a huge chunk of my stomach be cut out, but also my culinary ability. I mean, what happens if instead I gain the ability to make anything explode? Next thing you know I'm in the CIA and working in some cesspit and using vanilla extract to blow stuff up only to later be snuffed because I know too much. Okay, so that probably wont happen, but you get the point! It's so stupid to be so worked up over this and to invite trouble before I even have surgery!!


Today at work somebody told me that "I'm the spoon that stirs the pot" and that work is so much more interesting and fun when I'm there and that I put other people in a good mood. It made me feel warm and fuzzy...but sad, too. At my last job people were thoughtless and backstabbing and didn't really like me so it really surprises me when people tell me how glad they are that I work with them. I think the correct word is 'baffled'. I worked in that toxic job for so long that I think I started to subconsciously believe that I wasn't a good person. I was stressed all the time and hated life. I've been so happy at my new job but I'm thinking that I need to do something soon to stretch my wings. Teaching would do that but dang, that's a scary thought! Intriguing, but scary!


I think right now my emotions are going in every which way and I'm trying really hard for them not to impact upon my relationships. I just want this done and over so I can move on. I LIKE being cheerful and fun. I want to go rock climbing so badly I can taste it! I don't like feeling so discombobulated and out of sorts!!


Sheesh, I thought my emotions would be on a roller coaster AFTER the surgery, not before!!

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WOW! I see that your head is all over the place, and that's scary for you, I bet. Don't worry. It's normal to be a little freaked out at this point. All that other stuff, and you, like me, have a LOT of other stuff going through your head, is just spam from your brain. Mine had me convinced I'd die during surgery. @@ at myself.

This is a huge step, but SO worth it. I'd do it all over again, just to get where Im at... and I'll be thrilled once I make it to goal, too. You will succeed because you actually recognize your issues and are working at them. :)

Good luck!!!

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OH shoot, my emotions were AAALLL over the place before surgery!! Once it was done I calmed right down.

I just made some fabulous soup tonight, so worry not about your culinary abilities. I've actually become MORE interested in cooking now. Weird. I want to make stuffed pork chops like Buddy Valastro! He made 'em look soooo good.

By the way...please head straight to the e.r. for an MRI. I believe there is a problem with your head. You mentioned wanting to rock climb. Please let me know the results of the test. I'm worried now. :s

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By the way...please head straight to the e.r. for an MRI. I believe there is a problem with your head. You mentioned wanting to rock climb. Please let me know the results of the test. I'm worried now. :s

*laugh* I LOVE climbing and use to do it all the time along with martial arts but as I got bigger I didn't have the body strength to pull myself up the wall. Also, the harnesses were embarrassing. I can't wait to climb again!

I already feel better (thanks, ya'll!), I don't know why last night everything seemed to hit me at once. I'm blaming it on my monthly visitor being almost two weeks early! Hormones can make a lady nuts!

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