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Roller Coasters

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Day 18: "Pretty OK"


This is my third week living with my sleeve. Seems so weird to call it that, like it's not a stomach anymore. But it is. I'm having a hard time thinking of it as anything but my stomach, just smaller. I think it's the part of me that struggled with the idea of the surgery in the first place. The concept of getting rid of something God gave me, my parent's DNA provided me. I look at pictures of myself from the past and I think, "I was whole then." Don't get me wrong. I'm not here regretting or venting. No buyer's remorse. I came to terms before my surgery, knowing it's better to "sacrifice the few, to save the many." I'm such a logical thinker, it gets me in trouble sometimes. I'm a somewhat religious person, it helped when a fellow sleever at a support group told me about Matthew 5:30, "And if your right hand leads you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose a part of your body than to have all of it go into hell." THAT made sense to me. Go figure?


I think what I'm struggling with right now is how I let it get this bad. I spent my childhood eating fairly well. Granted my parents served us Spam, sugary Kool-Aid, McDonald's, and Pizza Hut from time to time. It was the 80's and they worked hard. But I didn't gorge on them, and was never overweight. Then in my 20's I was so focused on being attractive to the opposite sex, looking for a mate, I policed myself and stayed in shape. Next thing you know, it's 2005 and I'm gaining and gaining and gaining. That was a tough year for me. I'd been hit by a car while doing my favorite sport, cycling. The injuries are still with me today and the psychological trauma still haunts me. My parents separated, my uncle passed away tragically sending my grandmother into early dementia. But great things happened as well. I graduted college a year earlier and had moved across the country to start my life with my (now) husband. Granted, we were in tons of debt and not the best of housing situations. It was just all too much change for a single year. I let my guard down and it just spiraled out of control. Then I fell into a series of dreadful jobs while pulling us out of debt. Then a few more accidents and -- BOOM. There I am with ailment after ailment, scrambling to doctors to fix it, while ignoring the fact that I weighed 265lbs. In less than two years I had DOUBLED in size. DOUBLED!!


I'm shocked as hell that I didn't see it. It was like I had blinders on. When I looked in the mirror, I looked the same. It was me. When I got dressed, I looked down and my body seemed strangely unchanged. But then things happened. The first time I was out with a friend, window shopping and I realize none of the stores have my size. Sitting at a restaurant and having a little child ask me if I was pregnant because of my belly. Hearing a complete stranger call me a "fat a**" while walking down a sidewalk. Struggling to buckle my belt on a plane. Then the sickness. Always getting sick. Migraines. Horrible PMS. Emergency rooms. Being told I am most likely infertile...


It was too much to bear. The guilt nearly killed me. Knowing my husband had vowed to love me forever, and I was ruining his chances to have children. Much less, having to live with a fat, depressed woman who's self-esteem was just non-existent. Disappointing my family, shortening my life... then losing two jobs due to my weight. One because I was so sick all the time, I became unreliable. They let me go out of pity, and in a way because they didn't want to see me get worse. The second because of this jerk who thought I was "bad for business."


So yeah. I'm happy I did it. I know it's early, and I'm sure this roller coaster will take me many more dips that make me sick-to-my-sleeve. But I know there will also be lots of high moments when I can see the beautiful horizon and anticipate the excitement of the hurdling "drops" -- in weight! And in the end, I will most likely be a little wobbly-knee'd and woozy. But just like when I was a kid, I'll march off to my loved ones and tell them, "It was the best ride of my life! I want to do it again!"

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I completely claim that verse too!! That is my verse! It completely rings true for me and it helped me come to terms with having this surgery. Trust me...the further along you get the more you are going to love your sleeve. Before long you will probably look at it as the true stomach you were always meant to have rather than just a second choice. Honestly, I feel like I had some kind of disorder and this corrected it. I can really relate to how you're feeling on so many levels. There are a lot of emotional things you deal with after surgery and I started going to a counselor early on for that reason It really helps! Good luck with everything!

300 pounds down

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On so many levels I relate to your story. I must say, some of which before I was sleeved could never verbalize or have the confidence to share.

One that comes to mind, is several years ago while cleaning someones house this little innocent boy said to me "Are you a boy or a girl?" I said "You really don't know?" and he said "No, your fat is in the way". He was not a mean kid he was sincere. I recall the feeling of utter aloneness, isolation from life. I have always felt stuck inside myself and every attempt at trying to lose weight and months at the gym felt like mountian climbing.

The sleeve gives me hope of slow and steady. I no longer look for a maricle, my is within me. Thank you God for giving my hope back. He never lets us down!

I am only 2+ weeks out I have no remorse. MY tiny tummy given , was truly God sent! :)

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I was hit while I was cycling in 2007, but I was already overweight - I had gained almost 80 lbs in a year about 5 years before that and a 1400 calorie a day diet(just couldn't do less I would get so hungry and disoriented) and exercize wouldn't make it budge - just fluxuate a little.

So I get hit and I am in emergency surgery and the surgeon diagnosed me as diabetic. He guesses I was misdiagnosed for 5 years or so, and while I was overweight before, once I developed atypical diabetes it helped my weight spiral and my hunger increase.

Thats a long story wrapped up tight - but sorry about the bike accident - no one but other cyclists seem to give us any attention on the road. GRRRRR!

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