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Day 11 post-op

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Today is day 11 since my surgery and honestly, i really can't see how i'm ever going to be able to eat more than just a few ounces of soup. This morning, I started out w/ an 8-10 oz protein shake and i feel like it's been sitting in my stomach aaaallll day long. I didn't even have any rooom for any liquids. I did try to sip sip sip some powerade, but it's been an all day battle and I didn't even finish half a bottle yet. I guess my sleeve has started to form a mind of it's own.


Over the last few days, I have been obsessed with food. Looking at food in magzines, watching the Food Network, The travel channel. It's almost as if it's soothing to watch Man Vs. Food or Chopped. I go online and look up all kinds of recipes. Is this what food depression is? I definitely don't want to go down that slippery slope and eat everything in my sight once I'm able to eat food again. I do'nt know maybe the "food porn" is helpful in some way.


Overall i'm still happy about the surgery and deep down I know things will get better. My fiance already commented on how he can tell I've lost 18 pounds :) My very first goal was to get from 269 to 249 by Oct. 31, and it looks like i'm about to blow that out of the water.


I will continue with my 30 minute walks after work which I think has been really helping me get my mind off this food obsession. My Dr. says that I will be fine for regular exercise at about 6 weeks, so i've already signed up for a 30 day yoga class, a 5 K , and a fitness boot camp. I figure the nicest thing I can do for my body after butchering it, is to commit to a life of activity and exercise (not to mention eating well). I owe it that much.


Well, i don't really have much more to say other than my scars are healing very very nicely, and overall I feel good. I know as time moves on it'll only get better and better.



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PhatGurl80, congrats on your journey, trust me it gets better. You have assisted yourself in the physical portion , now its the mental part you have to figure out. Be assured that food isnt going to cease to exist anytime soon, and it now becomes a source of fuel for you and not a prize/reward. Tomorrow I will be officially 3 mons out from my surgery and I can honestly say my relationship with food has changed! I never thought so much about protein and a balance in my diet as I do now, before having a meal I am figuring the nutritional value and how it will help keep me balanced for energy and appearance. Trust me you will get to the point where food is not one of your constant thoughts. Great you are already thinking about exercise , I do Jazzercise no less than 3 or 4 times a week and I walk at least 40 mins a day on my lunch hr at the mall, I want to keep tone while this weight sheds.

Best wishes for your goal being realized!

Two fingers, One Love!


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