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TOP 10 LIST: Things I'm Looking Forward to as the Fat Fades

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David Letterman has not cornered the market on Top Ten Lists! I have developed a list of my own. As the weight falls off, here are 10 things I am desperately looking forward to:



Things I'm Looking Forward To As The Fat Fades


10. Flying on a plane without a seatbelt extension or being horribly uncomfortable!


9. Buying matching bras and panties. It is really hard to find good supportive bras in my size that are pretty and have panties to match.






8. People to stop saying ”You are sooo pretty” with an unspoken “but” at the end. They really want to say: “You are so pretty, BUT if you would lose some weight you would be much prettier!”


7. Going to the doctor and not having to hear how if I don’t lose weight I will basically contract every disease known to man!


6. Buying a LBD (Little Black Dress). I have plenty of black dresses, but none of them are little.


5. Rock a short hair cut! I know people say hair adds pounds, but for me it is security. Once I am smaller, I would love to sport a jazzy short-do!


4. RUNNING! I don’t want to jog, walk briskly, or trot. I want to run! Feel the wind in my hair, sweat pouring down … RUN.


3. Shopping in the regular store! I honestly don’t mind plus-size fashion, but I just want to HAVE to shop in the Big Girl store.


2. LONG LIFE – I am only 36. I want to live to see my kids get married, my grandkids, and even my great-grandkids. If I die, I don’t want fat to be the foe.


1. Taking a family photo. This is a very emotional #1. My sons are 5 and 6. THEY take a lot of pictures, but WE have never taken a family photo because I refused to take one fat!. Every year, I vow to lose weight and of course it never happened, so my family has never taken pictures. I cannot wait for this day!



That’s about it. I am sure this list will evolve! I would love to see your Top 10 List!

Please share …


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Awesome and it sounds like you're well on your way there - 22lbs lost! tongue.gif I don't have a top 10 - I just want to be happy, healthy and look good in a bikini! wink.gif

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What a list! Everyone one of those things sounds wonderful to me. Sometimes I think I don't exist because I wont let anyone take a picture of me. The only pictures I have are taken by myself - close up, face only, at an angle above - so my face looks thinner.

I decided to edit my post so I could add some things of my own (in no particular order):

*Be able to sleep through the night without getting up 5 times to pee because my belly and organs put so much stress on my little bladder, it's like I'm 9 months pregnant.

*Adding to my bladder problems, I'd like to be able to stop the stress incontinence that happens when I don't make it to the bathroom many of those 5 times I get up in the night... or all the leaks during the day.

*Being able to sleep through the night without waking up to realize I'm not breathing (severe apnea that I haven't sought help for).

*Being able to sleep in the same bed as my husband without keeping him awake with my snoring (see above).

*Being able to bend over to tie my shoes instead of having to awkwardly lift my leg up to my lap and gasp in shallow breaths from my huge belly pushing against my lungs.

*Being able to actually choose shoes that tie up instead of wearing slip-on every day (see above).

*Being able to wear a bra without being stabbed in the sides by the boning and wires that are meant to keep my enormous breasts from hanging to my knees.

*Being able to wear a bra without "poppin fresh" or "quadro boob" action... or a second set of boobs on my back that I am in denial about.

*Being able to clean the house, do the laundry, wash the dishes, live a life that is organized because I will have the energy and ambition to do it.

*Being able to give myself a proper pedicure instead of the nasty toes I have now.

*Being able to wear shorts in public (I live in Florida) instead of getting dressed in pants just to go to Walmart because I'm so ashamed of my legs.

*Being able to feel professional at work. I'm a bank manager and I always feel like I look like I'm dressing to go grocery shopping. I wear huge, flowing blouses and black stretchy pants. My future is a moo moo if I don't do something about this NOW.

*Make my ex-husband rue the day. Yes, I know it's petty but he once told me I'm the fattest thing he's ever seen, that he's ashamed of me and embarssed to be seen with me. I'd like to not be those things when he sees me next. He doesn't have to say anything. I just want him to SEE.

*I'd like to stop hearing that I "have such a pretty face." I think I'd like to hear "You have a nice butt" a few times before I get much older.

*Being able to have sex with my husband. Not being mean, but he's not interested in me sexually anymore. He's so turned off, he can't maintain an erection. Before anyone judges him... he's never really said a word about my weight... but I can see it in his eyes. He's going to Afghanistan in less than 2 months. I'd like to look different when he comes home.

*I'd like to eat a twinkie. Weird, right? Ever since I went over 250 pounds, I stopped eating junk food. I topped out at 268 and here I hover. Bread calls my name... maybe that's "my" junkfood. I need more self control.

*I'd like to have the door held for me instead of people letting it go in my face.

*I'd like to be able to drive without the seat belt nearly sawing my head off as I drive.

*I'd like to wear high heeled shoes.

*I'd like to not have to use 1/2 a pound of powder under my "apron" to keep from chaffing in the hot Florida weather. By the end of the day, with all the powder, it's like I've made dough. Want some bread?

*Not to have to adjust my apron every time I sit or stand like I'm some nasty guy adjusting his crotch.

*Speaking of crotches, I'd like to be able to locate mine again and "trim the hedges" appropriately.... and without getting pimples and boils from the ingrown hairs. It's been so long since I adequately trimmed it, I'm starting to feel like sasquatch.

*Being able to wear my jewelry again. Most of the rings locked in my Safe Deposit Box are size 5 1/2. Now I wear a size 8 on my fat little fingers. There are rings, 16" necklaces and lovely bracelets I would LOVE to wear again.

*Being able to have a period. I've had 1 period in 2010 and I think I ought to have at least a few more before menopause, don't you think? (I'm only 40.)

*Not have to take Metformin for my PCOS because, at a normal weight, I probably wont have to.

*Not have people watch me eat like they're watching a car wreck in slow motion.

*I want to shop at a normal store and love the way I look in my clothes.

*I want my physical self to reflect the person I am inside, beautiful, fun and optomistic.


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newnatalie Nice Post and perspective. Sometimes we as men fail to look at it from your point of view. I am proud of all whom have made this choice and knowing the end result is even better.

Robin, Stay focused on the positive. I think you have many great reasons for the surgery. Stick with the one that means the most. For me it is being healthy!

I am looking forward to posting before and after pictures here real soon. Heck I do not even have any good pics on my facebook, but feel free for you both to friend me if you have one.

Thanks good luck and GOD Bless!

Dennis P. Clark Jr.

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@Tijuana- Can't wait to see the bikini pics!

@Robin - WOW! Thanks for posting your lists! I have laughed and cried. making the list was therapeutic for me. Seems like it may have helped you as well.

@MU DOG - Thanks for the encouragement!

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What a spectacular list. I'm sure you will be in those pictures in no time. I am already a picture nut, so once I'm smaller I'm sure it will still be on. One of my male friends called me Theresa Fierce today. All I could do was laugh. Keep up the great work.

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Great List! Really got me thinking.... I'm having surgery Jan 26th, and here's what I am most looking forward to:

10: Wrapping a regular size towel around me after I shower. Not a bath sheet! Just a regular towel.

9: Putting my 'skinny' rings on again. I miss them, especially my thumb ring.

8: Being able to tie my sneakers without getting out of breath from leaning over.

7: Being able to go on a roller coaster with my children (ages 8 & 5).

6: Feeling confident going for a walk on the beach without hiding under a big t-shirt and shorts. I haven't worn a bikini since I was 4. I'll be just as happy to wear a tank-ini!

5: Joining exercise classes. I've especially always wanted to joing a swimming aerobics class. I just know I'll love it, but have always been too embarrassed.

4: Going for a bike ride with my children around the neighborhood without my fat a$$ falling asleep because it's hanging over the teeny-tiny seat.

3: Being able to slide into any booth in any restaurant.

2: Buying a watch or a bracelet without trying it on first!

1: Not having the feeling that I'm going to break the chair during my kindergartners parent-teacher conferences when they make me sit in his seat!

Goodness! I can probably think of 10 more given enough time!! Thanks for the idea! :)

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I loved reading all of your lists, and can identify with every single item on all of them! I just wish I'd get past this stupid plateau that I'm stuck on. Being almost 4 weeks out and stuck is not encouraging. : (

Good luck, and I hope you accomplish everything on your list!!

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@ProlificT - Girl my new name is BeNatlay. I told Beyonce' she better watch out! My kids are scheduled for their annual birthday photo shoot the end of January. I think I may get in a few shots! EXCITED!

@K8walsh - Thanks for sharing your list. I have to agree with you on the restaurant booth. It's no fun when my boobs are sitting on the table! I shared my list with my family and friends. Many of them were truly shocked at some of my desires. It was interesting to see their reaction.

@jollyj - What is your doctor saying? I am 5 weeks post-op and still losing like crazy. Even when I think I've gained, I will have lost. I wish a speedy road back to "loseland" Keep me posted ...

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