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It's Getting Better....



I am on day 6 post op and its finally getting better. I have been researching and researching for the past 8 months about lapband, but NOTHING could have prepared me for day of surgery and the 5 days following. I'm still a bit sore when breathe deep, and when I get hungry. But I'm definately ready to eat mushy foods, my protein shakes are making me sick and nothing sounds good anymore. Except pizza. I have been craving pizza for two weeks. But I'm ready. I'm ready to get back in the gym and I'm ready to really ready to start my journey.


Follow me on Instagram! Shell_LB


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Today is my day 7 post surgery - and it's only started getting better really for me on my day 6. No one told me how hard the first week is. I am feeling optomistic now and hopeful. I started my mushy pureed foods today and it was grand! I never new 2 poached eggs pureed would be so heavenly! And talk about tasty - just try a little thinned instant potatoes on for size!

Good luck with your journey - I am excited that I found this website and the people here. It helps a lot!

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