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Worst Case Senario!



I was banded December 31, 2011. Yes, almost 8 months ago. To this day I have not lost not one freaking pound! So I'm desperate and thought I would start a blog to get some support and motivating encouragement. I went in for my SIXTH fill today and had my band completely deflated. The PA found that where we thought all along I had around 9 cc's I really only had 6 in a 14cc band! She refilled and provided and extra cc so I am now up to 7cc's.

Ok so I can't just sit here and claim that it has been the band's fault all these months. I have tested my band and tested it well believe me. I have never been able to throw up but I have gone so far that I have gagged myself for an hour to no avail. I can no longer physically throw up since getting banded. I have to admit, I've eaten really super bad some days and hardly anything on other days but never really felt the restrictive help that the band is supposed to provide. I understand it is a tool and I'm not here for pity or blame, I am here to learn how to retrain a brain that has overeaten emotionally, stressfully, joyfully, celebratory, and all occasionally. I have eaten like this for 25 years. I guess I wanted the band so badly that I didn't really prepare myself like I know now I should have. I wanted the band for years and thought I did all the homework and really actually believed that the fat and weight would just magically melt away within a years time. Well how bad was I in for massive disappoinment?

As of today I am owning up. I can say with true conviction that I have not worked hard and have not tried to lose weight. I think I have done all I can to self sabbotage. Even on my way home from getting filled I grabbed some Arby"s for myself and my kids. I just need to stop! I know that I want it. There is no doubt about that! But where do I begin and how do I maintain? Let me just start with where do I begin at this point? I would never be one to ask for it but.....help.....








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You're not alone. Food addiction is very serious...trust me, I know! When I first looked into the band I wondered to myself and worried...could I actually be THIS committed?!? You are correct in that it is about retraining the mind...learning new eating habits and just making better food choices. The band is no easier than a diet...it is just an additional tool, as you said. You can do this...you know what you have to do. No more excuses.

I play guitar...not well, but I play. When I feel the urge to eat or I get mind hungry...I pick up my guitar and practice until my fingers are sore. Placing the focus elsewhere is what helped me. It might be able to help you. Take a up new hobby or revisit an old one. Something that you can focus on when those addictions come knockin on the door again......most importantly.....drink your water!

I wish you success and joy on your continued journey. It's not too late to do it right.

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My best advice is two things- get into a nutritionist. They can help you establish good eating guidelines to work with your lifestyle and needs. Next, possibly seek counseling. As xsentrick stated, food addiction is very real and extremely hard to conquer. Unlike someone addicted to drugs who can stay away from their addiction, we must face ours many times a day because have to eat to live.

Good luck, you can do this!

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Be very Patient it took me 18 mos to complete my fills and my weight loss didn't really start until a few mos after ...just be diligent and remember it is only a tool if you use it right ......best of luck .....and it will work !!!!!

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I am sorry you have not lost but as you said you have spent a lot of time sabotaging your self. I wonder how much after care you have done. Have you consistently followed up with a nutritionist and a physiologist. As stated above food addiction is a disease and most of us who have had WLS have issues around food, what we eat, when, how much and we also use food as a coping mechanisms. Honestly is you really want help, you need to begin by holding your self accountable. Fast food, even for your children should never be an option you even consider, we all know what are trigger foods are, and when we convince ourselves we can eat them it is just stinkin' thinkin'. We are addicts, addicts that have been given a tool to help us lose weight but that being said. The losing of the weight is 90% us and only 10% of the tool. So... You need to first forgive your self for failing and just get over it and move forward. The longer you worry about the past you will never move forward. You have your fill, so meet again with the nutritionist and again with the psychologist. Figure out your triggers for not following the rules. Log your food, all of it!! And start being accountable to your self. No one ever told us this was going to be easy, it is a process and it takes some of us longer than others to work through the process. Good luck to you and start using the band for what it was intended and for goodness sake stay away from Arby's and every other fast food restaurant, they are not your friend. Think healthy, good food does taste good and after a while your body will start craving healthy. Best to you.

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You guys have no idea how much I need this wake up call. I really appreciate the comments and I think I'm off to a pretty good start. I'm starting out with small steps by trying minimally processed as possible foods, more fruits and veggies, chicken or meat for the protein, no fast food so far (it has been 3 days), tracking my calories and using my weight watchers app to track my daily counts, and really attempting to listen to what my body is telling me. I want to get to the point where I'm eating for nutritional purposes, not because I'm bored or I like the flavor. Is there a taste bud removal surgery?? JK!

I do recognize that I am a food addict and this is not going to be easy. I realize this now at least. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem...I'm trying. I really want to go to group counseling or even an Overeaters Anonymous meeting. Have any of you gone to any of these types of meetings and is it worth going? I am also going to look into professional therapy, maybe cognitive behavorial therapy or even hypnosis or accupuncture. Anyone try these?

Please do not stop talking to me! I need you guys I need your encouragement and support and I need you to kick me in the butt probably a lot of times. Don't forget about me and visit me again please.


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Congratulations on being 100% honest with yourself about your current expectations and why you are where you are today.

I would recommend getting to a bariatric nutrititionist and working out a food plan. Don't sabotage your band (or abuse it) because the only person you're hurting is you.

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