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New Found Food Obsession!



So about a week ago we all found out one of my dear friends has ovarian cancer. While watching "The Revolution" last week, a woman who has beaten thyroid cancer came on and shared her recipe for a juice that she attributes her wellness and cancer free body to. My son got a juicer for Christmas (his favorite present!), and he said "Mom, we can make her that juice every day". My son has known my friend for his entire life, saw my stress and sadness for her, and found a way to to feel useful in an uncontrollable situation. So off to the store we went! I have been bringing her this juice for a few days now and figured I could probably benefit myself from this green goop I was making her drink. I'm not sure if my friend (who had a complete hysterectomy and is preparing for chemo) is feeling the benefits - but I bet her body is responding. What I wasn't expecting was the way my body would respond to this concoction! Day 4 of drinking this juice and I feel like a new woman!!! Since day 2, I awake alert & perky, not sluggish and without energy. Today I had the BEST workout I have had in 10 years! It's like a fog haze has been chased from my head and the old me (me in my 40's) has returned. Now granted, it's just day 4 and my body might just be in shock from all the good stuff I am pumping into it, but who cares! Even if this feeling goes away in a week, I am going to keep up with my magic juice! What will be interesting is if it has any effect on the scale....I will keep you all posted!


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That was kind of a teasing post there, Seanamw! What do you put in the juice? Also, I hope it is helping your friend too. Very thoughtful of your son.

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I'm done that before!

The effects will last as long as you keep drinking the juice!

Have you seen

"Fat, Sick and nearly dead?"

Great documentary about juicing and its effects!

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Kris Carr's Daily Green Juice


  • 2 peeled cucumbers
  • big fistful of kale
  • big fistful of sweet pea sprouts
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 1–2 big broccoli stems
  • 1-2 green apples
  • 1/2 peeled lemon


  • Combine ingredients in a juicer and juice them

I googled it!

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I should have checked this earlier! 2 posts above this (thank you jayres14!) is the recipe, except she used romaine lettuce instead of sweet pea sprouts. It is actually quite tasty. It makes about 4-6 ounces and I drink it once a day.

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