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Stress And How The Band Has Helped

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Yes, things have been mighty stressful lately. First, and foremost, my 55 year old sister unexpectadly died on Dec 21, 2011. I had my band place Dec 30th. A couple of days ago I was brought into the director of nursings office by my boss and given a "final warning" that if I didn't improve my personality I would be fired. I have been at this hospital for 8 years and thought I was well liked. Apparantly she was angry with me for calling her out at a meeting (she isn't doing her job and is relying on me and another nurse to run the unit) I left that work that day in tears. My husband took me to lunch and told me that whatever I wanted to do was ok with him. I felt a band victory when I thought "well here is a good excuse to eat a pint of ice cream" and then thought ...."No - I don't really need or want that" That's a first! My band is still so new but helping me make the right decisions already!


Also on the bright side, I have gotten a ton of support from my co-workers who really do love me. Such terrific people. Today I got a text that one of the hospitalists went to my boss to stick up for me and tell her the other hospitalist felt the same way. I still don't think I can continue in this job - that I love! But having their support means so much.

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I'm sorry you've got such a rotten decision to make, but so proud of you for making such great decisions! And it's fantastic that you have such supportive people in your life. Good luck in your decision, I'll be praying for you.

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Stress can really force us bandsters to dig deep into our emotional behaviors and develop new coping stratagies. Sorry for you troubles at work, being a nurse myself and having dealt with passive agressive behavior of superiors over the years I feel your pain. Unfortunatly in our business not always the best people are placed or promoted to the correct postions. A good nurse does not always make a good manager, managing people takes listening and realizing that as a manager you do not always have all the answers and sometimes you have to back up and look at what your doing that is adding to the stress of your staff. I have been in management for more than half of my career and I can tell you that I have been challanged by my staff before and in an open meeting. Yes it made me mad but maybe if I had been listening to my staff they would not have had to take such drastic measures to get my attention. Hopefully your boss is a big enough person to realize that her behavior may be leading to the behavior or frustration of her staff. I wish you luck, the last think our profession needs is to lose good nurses who have compassion and caring and are trying to do the right thing for their patients. After all it is really about the patients not us! Good luck on your journey with WLS and do not let the stress of your job effect your success.

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It's those bad apple bosses that can ruin the batch. It sounds like you are a great team player. Keep in the the back of your mind "Never let anyone change who you are". They are dealing with their own demons. The only one who knows our plan for life is the man upstairs. He will guide us every step of the way. I too have faced challenges in the past at work. It some times can be unclear. Things will work out the way they are meant to be. You will look back at this challenge in a couple years and laugh to yourself. Hold strong and pray on it. Whats meant for us will be.

Blessing on your day!


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