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Day 2 Post Op - Help



Please feel free to respond to thi spost. I welcome all feed back. I was banded on 12-20-11. Today I feel worst, more sick to my stomach feeling, feeling more sore and more importantly..... peeing. It take s a while just for a tiny bit to come out. Has anyone had these issues rught after being banded?????


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Before my surgery I was a peeing machine. I drank a lot and peed a lot. But after my surgery things changed. First of all despite all the IV liquid in me and all the liquid I was drinking, I felt I didn't have to go as often. And I was contipated for days too. I think it has to do with all the pain medicine they give you and also your body trying to recover. So don't worry about it...obviously it happens to some people

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In a few days, that will get better. Drink plenty of water though. Get some stool softener, follow your dietician's directions and give your body time to heal. You will feel much better soon. Good Luck

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I also got the surgery on the 20th, the first day in the hospital I was fine and they actually let me go home without staying over night, when I woke up on day 2 I was miserable, I was in alot of pain and very nauseous, I fought my way through that and today I am 3 days out and I feel great, I have stopped taking the pain meds and though there is still pain it is not something I cant manage. I also noticed that I do not feel like I need to pee often though I am still drinking alot of water, and It is forced when I do go, but today that problem seems to be better, it is not as forced. I hope now that you are also three days out you are starting to feel better like me, But if you need anything let me know, I know im in the same boat time wise so I may not be able to help as much as someone that had it for a while but i will try. =) feel better!!

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I also got banded on the 20th, the first day I peed ALOT, I'm guessing all the IV fluids. I havent had any problem with peeing, but it is way less then would be considered normal most likely, but then I'm not taking in as much fluid I would have before. One thing I am still having problems with is pain in my left shoulder and a tightening in my chest. Others say that it is most likely still the gas trying to work its way, so I am praying that is the problem and it resolves soon. Good Luck to all the recently banded and continued luck to those who have been for a while! Hope you feel better soon.

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day 3 im feeling better today less nauseous and less back pain// ready for a coffee, but will just do Cristal light- im still very drugged up- stayed over night because could not wake up,, i don't do well being put to sleep. still just knock out every hour zzz be glad when the drugs are out,,

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Good luck to you. I was banded on 19th. Still not quite myself yet. My bowels are off and not peeing as much. Need to keep drinking. Body will keep what you need so if your not peeing you need to drink more. Your GI track can go haywire after any surgery. Hoping your are back to normal soon.

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18 days post op and I am not peeing like I should be. Before surgery I peed like a sailor. While in the hospital, I peed every 1 to 2 hours. Now that I'm home, nothing. I'm lucky if i pee twice a day. I'm scared i'm might go into kidney failure.

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