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Surgery Date is Sept 30th!

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Am I excited...OH YEAH! :Banane13: I start the liquid diet on Thursday. I never thought I would be so excited to drink my food and not be able to have anything solid! But when you are ready you are ready! The only thing that makes me nervous (at this point anyway) is cooking dinner. I cook every night and we sit down to dinner family style at the table.....thinking maybe this is when I will have my jello. Or I will say prayers with them and go and have a little quite time and read.....not sure yet.


Any advice is truly appreciated.........I am working on my new excerise plan...hope to be back up and working out 4 days a week and walking the other 3 with in a few months. It's been a really long time. And I hope to get my kids involved.....I want them to live a healthier life than I have.


My 2 year old is having surgery Thursday as well to have his tonsils and adnoids removed.....little guys snores so bad because of them and rarely sleeps through the night. I am more excited for him. Keep us in your prayers please!

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I figured I would help you with some advice.I had my surgery done 8/8.It is scary the day of surgery.I lost 8lbs with my 3 day liquid diet.Then after surgery you gain liquid weight back so don't be alarmed.Hopefully you get to stay the night in the hospital.You will be sore from the surgery for about a week.You will not be hungry at all for about a week or longer after surgery.I could not even get 2 drinks of protein shake down after surgery,,make sure you sip water allot so you don't get dehydrated..I got my 1st fill today I have lost 20lbs in 6 weeksmy dr said that most people don't loose that much* but i have been on the tread mill like crazy**..Just take it easy 1-6 week's let your body heal.You will be hungry and will be able to eat anything untill your first fill.prior to your first fill the band is there just not doing anything,.,so don't get discouraged with little weight loss till you have your first fill..i will keep you posted in the weeks now that i have had my first fill.if u need anyting just email me..thanks..jennifer..

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I cooked every night also. What I'm about to say may not sound like a loving mother and wife lol but I talked with my husband and ask him could they eat before I got home or have sandwich..they were so excited because I was excited. This worked out best for us! I'm really excited for you and if I can help in anyway let me know :)

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@ Girly831 Good luck to you and congrats as well! Please let me know how you do!

@Jennifer Thank you.....Love the advice and much appreciated...KEEP IN TOUCH!

@Stephanie....I feel terrible but I think I am going to ask my husband to at least cook for a couple of weeks. He offered but I am OCD and I love doing that for my family...oh well sacrafices will be made. Nice to know I'm am def not in it alone! ;)

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Arnetta, tthe two bits of advice I can offer you is patience. You may ask why patience, becasue this is what I have needed and used the most in this journey and read and read the blogs and talks on the lap band site. I thought I was well prepared, but what I wasn't prepared for was my feelings about food. I went through a phase early on when I really mourned the loss of food and eating. In the beginning it was hard, I had to learn how to chew, how to slow down, what I could eat, what I couldn't eat. Some of the foods I loved, I could no longer eat. I even when through a period when seeing a full plate of food or watching others eat made me physically ill. One time I even said to my husband, if you are going to eat that fast and that much I refuse to sit across from you. Why am I telling you this, because I want you to realize that when you start feeling like why did I do this, you will know it will pass and one day you will believe it was the best thing you have ever done for your self and wonder why you didn't do it sooner. I truley do love the new me. I love the energy I have, I love buying new clothes, I love the fact that I have more confience in how I look and present myself. I worked for this and every step forward and backwards has been worth all the things I gave up. I don't miss any foods now, I enjoy eating again, I enjoy having an occassional treat. I have not only lost weight but changed my behavior, I have learned to live with my band and have not expected my band to do all the work. I know you will do great, think of all the wonderful energy you will have to enjoy your family. Oh and the presurgical diet really sucks, I think it may have been the hardest part of the journey. I tried to be perfect but I got a virus and had NVD and craved a grilled cheese sandwich and I ate it. Good lick and remember we are all here for you, to support you on your journey. :welldoneclap:

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<BR>Arnetta, tthe two bits of advice I can offer you is patience. You may ask why patience, becasue this is what I have needed and used the most in this journey and read and read the blogs and talks on the lap band site. I thought I was well prepared, but what I wasn't prepared for was my feelings about food. I went through a phase early on when I really mourned the loss of food and eating. In the beginning it was hard, I had to learn how to chew, how to slow down, what I could eat, what I couldn't eat. Some of the foods I loved, I could no longer eat. I even when through a period when seeing a full plate of food or watching others eat made me physically ill. One time I even said to my husband, if you are going to eat that fast and that much I refuse to sit across from you. Why am I telling you this, because I want you to realize that when you start feeling like why did I do this, you will know it will pass and one day you will believe it was the best thing you have ever done for your self and wonder why you didn't do it sooner. I truley do love the new me. I love the energy I have, I love buying new clothes, I love the fact that I have more confience in how I look and present myself. I worked for this and every step forward and backwards has been worth all the things I gave up. I don't miss any foods now, I enjoy eating again, I enjoy having an occassional treat. I have not only lost weight but changed my behavior, I have learned to live with my band and have not expected my band to do all the work. I know you will do great, think of all the wonderful energy you will have to enjoy your family. Oh and the presurgical diet really sucks, I think it may have been the hardest part of the journey. I tried to be perfect but I got a virus and had NVD and craved a grilled cheese sandwich and I ate it. Good lick and remember we are all here for you, to support you on your journey. <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:welldoneclap: src="http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/%3C#EMO_DIR#>/wl/welldoneclap.gif"><BR>
<BR><BR><BR>I was just going back through my blogs and saw this reply.....you are truly an amazing person and I feel like I've met a friend. Thank you.

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