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6wks Post Op + First Fill

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Ciara Patrice


I’m officially one month, two weeks, and two days post op (6 weeks)!!! I got my first fill today (6/6/11). I had 1.8 cc worth of priming fluid in my standard AP 10cc band, the doctor added 3.5cc for an overall total of 5.3cc. This was done under fluoroscopy, so I got to see “Michelangelo” live and in person as I watched the contrast funnel through my pouch. I was advised to do two days of clear liquids, and two days of full liquids before moving back to solid foods.



I thought I was special. I read a lot on the forums that a majority of people gained a few pounds back after starting back on solid foods, but I didn’t. I THOUGHT I was special. Well, today I went in and I gained a few pounds (3-4). Now, I’m also experiencing HORRIBLE constipation. I’m not sure if this is due to the band, because again I’ve read where lack of fiber and eating right can cause constipation for bandsters, but my bowels have been fine since surgery. The past couple days, I’ve had horrible pain in my lower abdomen and I can’t **** for NOTHING!



Normally I get constipated right before my period comes on, and now that I think about it, we’re about four days away from when my period started last month, and my cycle could also account for the added weight… it could be water weight! So, if my cycle does decide to magically cycle again this month, it’ll be another NSV for me… a reoccurring menstrual! Yay! (who knew I’d be happy about this?!)



I’ve been trying to work out, but I really hate working out alone, so I’ve recruited my God Sister to walk with me in the mornings, and we go exercise together. We both openly admitted that if it weren’t for the other, we wouldn’t be doing half as much exercising or for even 30 minutes. It’s easy to give up when no one is holding you accountable. I know some people can go and work out and do it everyday. I don’t know what it is, but I need someone to be there with me, not necessarily yelling in my ear, but it’s like we both motivate each other. It’s not a competition, and I’m not looking at her saying “Damn she’s going faster/slower than me” I’m looking at her and saying “Damnit, I’m not the only one tired and sweating! Let’s keep going!”



A funny story: So, I tried to incorporate jumping jacks as a daily exercise by doing as many jumping jacks as you can do within 10 minutes. I THOUGHT my boobs had shrunk, and granted they have because my bras aren’t fitting me like they used to, but these babies are still HEAVY! I thought I was about to die doing jumping jacks… needless to say I didn’t get through 10 minutes…



I have to admit it’s been harder than I thought sticking to a low carb/no carb diet. But I’m constantly looking up low carb meals and snacks. Now to put them to use!!!! I’ve solved my “clean-the-plate” syndrome a while back before surgery, but now my eyes are bigger than my stomach. I’ve been catching myself making plates like I used to or maybe not AS big but still bigger than I can stomach and I’m left with a half full plate, which is not a bad thing, but for some reason I feel like it is. So, I need to start using my baby plate that I bought a while back just so I can get used to smaller portion sizes. When I do then I can move on to putting those smaller portions on the big plates without over doing it.



Well, I’m not sure if I have much more updating to do right now. I’m happy with my band. And I don’t see it yet (I feel it sometimes) but I know I’m losing weight. People are noticing and always commenting. My family and friends see it in my arms, neck, face, breasts. ALL OVER! So I can’t wait to see this for myself!



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Awesome - good for you! You are doing great! Your story about the jumping jacks gave me a good laugh this am! Thanks. LOL :)

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Congrats Ciara!

You seem to be really progressing! Good job with the exercise, you've found the key to get you motivated, that's the hardest part for most...

I'm scheduled for my first fill next week, I can't wait to see how it makes me feel, keep us posted on your progress!

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Sounds like you are doing great. About the constipation try Smooth Move Tea by Traditional Medicines. I also drink Naked Protein or any other brand Green Drink - it has vegetables and fruit in it. It looks terrible but tastes pretty good. I suffer really bad with constipation until the point have I really bad pains in my port area because of it.

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Sounds like you are doing great. About the constipation try Smooth Move Tea by Traditional Medicines. I also drink Naked Protein or any other brand Green Drink - it has vegetables and fruit in it. It looks terrible but tastes pretty good. I suffer really bad with constipation until the point have I really bad pains in my port area because of it.
<BR>Thanks for the tip... I haven't suffered from constipation since then, but I'll keep that tea in mind when I do... but I really think it had something to do with my menstrual because I haven't had any problems since...

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Congrats Ciara!You seem to be really progressing! Good job with the exercise, you've found the key to get you motivated, that's the hardest part for most...I'm scheduled for my first fill next week, I can't wait to see how it makes me feel, keep us posted on your progress!
<BR><BR>Thanks! Good luck with your journey as well!

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