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Week 1 of pre surg almost done

Debora Anne


Great week much better than I thought it would be - Protein drinks and water are doing it for me I didn';t even have a problem when my hubbie made his steak last night- I even made his favorite mashed potatoes and onions for him! He did not wan the steak but I went an bought it for him after I got my nails doen so he had no choice -he want to be so supportive but I told him I appreciate it but he mut also stay healthy and Frozen White Castle for sinner doesn't get it- I ahve had so much energy OMG Guess no sugar or carbs will do that for ya~ So Monday see Doc for BP Update (took my BP this weekend soooooo much better) Tueday -visit with Doc for pre - surgery WED SURGERY DAY~~~~~~~~~~~


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You are so loving to cook for your husband during this difficult time in your life. It is good to hear that you are doing better with your blood pressure already. It's exciting that you are so close to your surgery day. You are going to do well.

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Geez I just reread my post ..The spellign errors oh my~!~~ In the future I shall be proof readifn before hitting ENTER--- GEEZ

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