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I have my date... :)))

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While in Vegas received an email from the surgeron stating that I have been approved and my pre-op date will be 5/27/11 surgeron appt 6/1/11 and surgery date is 6/8/11. I am so excited and yet scared too. I know this is for me I have been thinking and praying for years about this surgury it was until I had a breast reductions that I realized that I really don't like this muffin top I have. LOL


I have been though a lot in the last 3 years and I am ready for the new me. I know I am going to have some struggles but with God on my side I know I am going to make it.

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Yeah for you, having the date will make more real for you. Just remember it is a tool for you to loose weight and you do have to watch what you eat and how much. I am so happy for you that you finally have your date.


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Congratulations! I'm sure getting that email was like a exhaling without even knowing you had been holding your breath. Keep us posted on your progress.

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