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No one light a match!

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So today is the end of day two post op. Still surviving. Having the classic problems/symptoms. Pain in my left shoulder and both sides of my neck I assume is gas pain. Feels sharp like a knife but is tolerable. Walking does not seem to help this pain. There is pressure under my sternum that feels like literally someone is holding tight all the way to my back. My stomach is full of gas both ways and is rather uncomfortable to burp. Walking does seem to help this pain and Gas X does not seem to help. I am not hungry I am guessing due to the swelling and can make myself take a few bites of something every once and awhile through the day. Getting protein no sorry to say it there is no way for me to get enough right now. Hopefully in a few days when I can tolerate more I will be able to get enough in. I am being a little bad in having a half cup of coffee but its sooooo goood. I tolerated some egg drop soup and some potato soup so far. I did brave the shower gods though it wore me out. I am scared to death of getting nauseated and I did have a bout with it for a short time last night so I called my doctor to ask for something to have over the weekend but I think they were in clinic all day so hopefully I will hear back in am. I feel really tired and I don't see how anyone would be going back to work in a week thankfully my work doesn't allow light duty so I have no choice but to stay home. Coughing is the worst and so is getting up from my low couch. But again it is all tolerable with the pain meds. So I am surviving hopefully I continue to feel better and do not get too discouraged. Really trying to not get dehydrated but I just can't seem to get enough of anything in. I will keep trying though. But I swear a small country could use me as a natural gas resource at the moment. lol. Sorry for the TMI. xoxoxo Rach

P.S. Here is a awful photo of me and my diego recovering.

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Diego is cute,I've heard lots of people say that walkimg helps but to each it own,what is good for 1 may not be good for the next....you know you are not suppose to have anything but water,protein,and jellos,and broths right,,,you are still very swolled,,,kinda like squeezing water through a tied balloon its just not happening....be good to your self,walk through the house,take meds & gas x..get plenty of rest.....recovery first then eating and exercise will come after the first week.....get well and enjoy your journey,,,make sure that you take plenty of pictures and make your own Brag book....it helps later to reflect back.....camille01

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My doctors office was awesome they put together a binder of what we can have and when so I have been sticking to it. I call it my band bible lol.

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Hi Rachel! Glad to hear you are looking past the first few days!!! It seems like I woke up day 4 and felt pretty great. Hang in there! As for the gas... I got a wheat bag heating pad for my left shoulder. That helped. Again, day 6 post-op, I thought the gas pain in that shoulder would kill me. I almost cried. It was about a 15 minute episode where I thought I might actually die... and then. POOF! That was the last of it. I havent had it since. I am guessing that it really had to make its exit be known. :)

Keep up the good attitude and this too shall pass!

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