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6 more sleeps!

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I'm a 28 year old, hilarious, confident, easy -going, loyal professional female. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember and although I faced the same teasing that the rest of the "fat kids" experienced, I've always loved my life. I've always been healthy despite my weight. I've always been active in sports, camping, hiking and all else outdoors and because of this, I was in denial about how my weight was a major health concern.


Now, 7 years in to a relationship with the love of my life and my best friend<3, I am at the place where I want to become a parent. A healthy parent! With diabetes having deep roots in my family, my family Doctor told me that I was almost guaranteed to run in to related issues with pregnacy at my weight. So, the journey began.


I live in Edmonton. Edmontonians are lucky to have an awesome program here called Weight Wise, offered out of the Royal Alexandra Hospital for FREE! I was referred by my family doctor and was on the waiting list for 2+ years to get in. Finally, in September 2009 I got THE call. It was my time to do this! All of this. Time to change my life!


I met my nurse, my dietician, my psychologist and Dr. Sharma. He is the Scientific Director of the Canadian Obesity Network, as well as the Chair of Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta. A whole team, just for me! Just for my health!? AWESOME! Bring it on!


I attended 10 modules offered by the clinic. The facilitators are a mix of Psychologists, Dieticians and Nurses all coming together to teach the participants about all aspects of obesity and give each of the attendees a "bag of tools" to make the changes in lifestyle to maintain healthy weight loss and adress the emotional components of eating. All of the modules took me about 8 months to complete and I scheduled them mostly at my own convienence.

The education component was the hardest to buy in to. I thought that after living my entire life being overweight, that I knew why I was fat, how I got fat and how to lose the weight. I didn't.

I also attended an emotional eating support group at the request of my dietician. I thought that I wasn't an emotional eater because I dont cry in to a tub of ice cream when I am upset. I was wrong. Social situations and stressful situations are my most vulnerable triggers. I learned allot through the group and made some great friends too.

A year and a half later, I have lost 40lbs (leisurely) and been approved for my selected Lap-Band Surgery. All at no cost, besides parking at the clinic!

Gastric Bypass and the Sleeve were a little too permanent and drastic for me but the options were given, provided I committed to the program and was successful!


Here I am, 6 sleeps away from being banded. I am nervous, excited, anxious, scared and most of all committed to changing my life.

World, be prepared for the same old Jen, with a smaller ass! :P

Good luck to all of you! :grouphug:

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Wow...you are off to a good start! I am also an emotional eater and that has been the biggest part of this journey for me. Good luck as you begin your lapband journey and keep up posted! :rolleyes:

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good luck you will do great!!! PS I love 6 sleeps...lol It reminds me of when I was little and would be so excited for family vacas and would always ask how many sleeps..hehe keep us updated!

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Thanks guys! There are not allot of people (it seems) in my city to lean on and I have had such great run ins with people here! It goes a long way to know that I am not alone! 5 MORE SLEEPS! :D

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