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Happy One month bandanniversary

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Happy one month bandanniversary :lol: To all my nov 22 band people. We did it one month has pass and I thank God I have not had any problem. I went to my first fill appt and did not even need one hip hip hooray. I pray I never need one. She said because I am losing weight at a good rate why mess with something that not broken :lol: I will go back on the 27 of Dec to see if I need a fill I don't think so. Anyway just wanted to send shout out to my Nov 22 people. Any yes I am down 20 pound to the day if I count pre-op it would be 25.4 yea!!! Good luck to everyone that on this journey. May God keep us all strong even when we feel we had made a big mistake ;)

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hello was it hard going through pre op being its a very stricked diet I am getting banded on 2/15 and concrats to you on ur success

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What great news. I was banded on 12/10 and lost 13 lbs. on my first visit back to surgeon. I go Jan. 19 for my first fill and I can only pray, he will post pone it..... congratuations.

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