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Day 1 Optifast

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Oh my goodness...Day 1 and I'm already so, so hungry.

I'm allowed 4 shakes a day (made with water) and all the sugar free drinks I want...That's it...I know I have to do this, giving up is NOT an option...I guess I just have to keep busy and try not to think about it.

Any advice out there - 13 more days to go...:cursing:

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Nutrition and Dietetic Department

Diet before your Obesity Surgery

In preparation for your surgery it is important that you follow a special diet for 10 days prior to your operation.

The diet must be low in fat, sugar and carbohydrate and is very restricted.

The purpose of the diet is to reduce the size of your liver and will make your operation easier.

Daily allowance

2-3 pints of semi skimmed milk

2 diet yoghurts – natural or fruit flavoured

3- 4 portions of fruit (you are allowed all varieties but try to include a banana, orange or grapes each day)

Sugar free Jelly (optional)

Low calorie vegetable soup is also allowed in moderation.


Water, tea, coffee, and low calorie drinks or squashes are allowed freely.

Sweeteners are allowed

1 small glass of fruit juice (orange, pineapple or tomato)

No other foods should be eaten

Alcohol is not allowed

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Thanks for that...I was told I could ONLY have my 4 shakes (Optifast) made with water. Any sugar free drinks (Crystal Light, diet soda, tea/coffee - black with sweetner)...That's it.

I've started sugar free jello just so I can bite food - Not just drink...Also been having chicken/beef broth (OXO cubes)...I'm on day 2 and I'm hungry, headache...And thinking of food non stop.

Only 12 more days...

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