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I hope you are all having a great Sunday.


I am so excited. I weighed in today at the gym and I was 210.2. I lost over 2 lbs this week giving me a total weight loss of 41.2 lbs since my Lap Band surgery on June 21!


Prior to my LP, I was on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutra System, etc, etc, etc. Each time I reached a 25lb loss, I would stall. That was it, all she wrote, the game was over. Then I would gain it all back, plus more.


I am so close to the onederland that I can almost touch it. So, what do you call when you are 210-219? My trainer says you are in the countdown. OK, so I am in the countdown.


I have my 2nd fill scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'll see if the doctor feels that I need it. I got 1cc in my 14cc band at about 9 weeks, so we will see what they do tomorrow, which starts my 18 week.


Well, enjoy the rest of your Sunday. :smile2:

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That is absolutely wonderful. I know how exciting it can be. I am 1 lbs away from having loss 40 lbs. I can't wait to say that! Good luck at your appointment today.

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Congratulations!!! I am so very happy for you. When did you start exercising after your surgery?

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Congratulations Bklynike on all your great work. WOW 41.2 lbs down. keep up the exercising that's what has helped me to loss so much weight. Way to go bklynike so happy for you. LOVE IT!!

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