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Anyone else going through this?

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I couldn’t decide whether or not i was going to type this up. I soon came to the conclusion,if anyone knows how i feel it would be you guys...So here goes

I was banded November 06,2008. I weighed in at 356 i was 20 yrs old. I got down to 244,and as of today September 15,2010 i am at 280...Iv taken a few too many steps back...Where did i go wrong. I started having very bad acid reflux, my Dr put me on every med he could think of to get rid of it, and with no such luck, he wanted to remove all of the fluid in my band...That’s just the start of it all...There is an obvious reason as to why i needed a lap band.I was active in school,played softball,was in the marching band,VP of our high school FFA. But portion control was always my problem. I would go the whole day of school and never eat,but as soon as i was to get home,it was an after school snack,followed by dinner,usually two plates,and then after dinner snack time,which my dad,my sister and myself always looked forward to what treats my mom brought home.

So as you can see with my fluid all gone...well my portions increased..

Over time my dr has added my fluid back,and for a while now i would say its considerably tight. I have hard time eating anything. I try to start the morning with a protien shake,or some sort of low fat yogurt smoothie. I really dont ever seem to get hungry much more during the day,if i happen to between 4-5 i will have some sort of nut,or string cheese. I usually do dinner around 7,thats when my dad gets home from work. (Im living at home with my parents till my houses plumbing is fixed) I have such a hard time eating anything...i result in the bad stuff...ice cream,starbucks, or if i eat somthing and i realized im having no trouble with it at all...i find myself over eating...Ill pile it on the plate,where it takes my family 15 mins to consume their meals...im left holding on to it for hours..taking a bite walking away,checking my email,watching some tv..then i go right back in again..Why is this something i feel i cant control. I tell myself everytime."Danielle,your full throw it away,feed it to the dogs,JUST STOP EATING" I dont know what happend to my control..i dont know what happend to this person who wanted so much more out of life.The girl who would get up early in the mornings and go to the gym, who looked at herself in the mirror and was so excited at the changes that were occuring..now i look at myself and am disgusted that im almost back to where i started..I feel like a failure..my dad is the most awesome person in the world,he made it happen(my surgery) i feel like iv let him down. I could see the excitement in his eyes when i used to come home for visits and he see my progress..now i just feel like he looks at me as though iv thrown the towel in..Have i?

I used to say,i wanted to loose the weight to be healthy,be able to keep up with my friend.Go to the local ATV ranch(im from Tx its what we do) and ride 4wheelers without looking like a cow...Yea my health is #1..but lets be honest..i want to wear the cute Katydid tops,and rhinestone embellished miss me jeans.Iv slowly found myself going back into hiding like i did before, not wanting to go anywhere. I started dating a guy..who i of course thought i was in love with..First real boyfriend iv ever had..sure i had lots of guy friends..but this i thought was the real thing. He told me how he loved me for me,my personality,my love for others,animals...Well what a liar he was..He thought i WOULD be perfect for him if i wasnt FAT..yea those were his words.

So here i am its 1:38 am. I cant sleep,i lay down everynight mad at myself for the choices i made through out the day. I say prayers at night,ask for the strength to get back on track,make the right choices.

You would think my love of life,and the want to be this new person who can enjoy life to its fullest would out weigh the bad decision iv been making.

Ahhhh...well now after all that rambling..maybe someone can make sense of all this..if not..atleast iv been able to vent..i must say...it feels good to get this all out.

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Oh, reading this bought tears to my eyes! Your story is similar to mine. I just don't understand why I continue to eat even though I am not hungry! I guess with time I will get it though my head that I eat to survive not the other way around. I believe you can do this and so will I! I wish there was support groups where I live but there are none and that's why I joined this site. Reading all the stories and seeing other people progress has helped me join the gym and make healhier choices. I am so tired of being disappointed and seeing the disappointment in other people faces!

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You came to the right place. Food is an addiction and I know I use it for comfort at times. You have to be strong and start from the beginning. Liquid diet-mushies- then transition.

I know being around people that eat makes it hard, but that's were willpower steps in. If you have to avoid meals with your family until you are able to handle it. When you are full you have throw the food away.

Have you thought of joining support groups? Lap-band groups, over eaters anonymous, etc.... I'm thinking of attending myself, but I have wonderful support with friends and family (basically I have friends with the lap band so we support each other).

You can do it. Remember all the hardwork you went through to get the band and how they remind us it's a tool and we have to do the rest.

Weigh yourself everyday. It will make you conscious of your weight and help you make healthy choices. This next question is just a suggestion and I'm seriously thinking about it myself. Have you thought of counseling to assist?

I wish you well, you will get back on track and do well.

P.S. my bestfriend lost 100lbs with the lap-band and gained a significant amount back. Now we support each other and encourage exercise. You can do it. Take it one day at a time.

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Oh my gosh. First of all...hugs to you! The boyfriend thing had to be horrendously hard and I'm so sorry. Second, we are all like you. It is such a struggle and we have to support each other. I suppose there are folks out there that do everything right and never revert back to bad behavior and that is awesome! But the rest of us can stick together and get each other through it.

You've taken a first step. Now take the second. Make a plan, set some goals... It probably feels so overwhelming, but step by step is how we get there. Good luck to you!

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Thanks everyone for your comments,feedback.Its a big struggle,something that i hope to take control of.Right now i feel as though it controls me.I love this site,and the support! So glad i have people to talk to who know what im dealing with.

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You mentioned prayer, so I would encouarge that you have a serious talk with God. Verbalize your weakness and that you need his help. Ask for a clear mind to write your vision and make it plain. Take the emotion out of it for a moment and decided what you need to do to get the results you want. Then find local support. I would really encourage you to find counseling either through a support group, a pastor, a doctor, someone to help you through it all. Its not over until God says its over.

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What stood out to me is that you are not eating during the day. If you do not eat during the day your brain thinks its starving so it tells your body to over eat at night. Start eating on a schedule. Breakfast 9 am 250 calories, snack 10:30 am 150 calories, lunch at noon 250 calories, snack at 3:30 150 calories and then dinner at 7 pm 250 calories. If your out during the day, fix a small cooler with these things in it and at those times. Eat on schedule, come hell or high water! (I'm in Texas too!) It will help you at night. Let us know how it goes.

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Thanks everyone who commented on this.I was having a very tough time,with everyones great advice and some soul searching of my own i feel like im on the right track! I love this site and so thankful for everyones support

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