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copa, next step

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Well, I saw my doctor yesterday, I will have a endoscopy on 9-9, and as soon as my insurance is approved, my surgery should be around the last of September. I am really getting excited. My doctor was so nice, he is a Christian, which is very important to me. He answered all my questions. Love this site. it makes me feel like I have a lot of friends that I can share a common interest with. :confused:

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My surgeon is also a Christian and I agree, it made a big difference for me. Glad things are progressing for you . . . keep us posted. God bless!

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I had my endoscopy on 9/1 and it was not as bad as I thought it would be. The doctor gave me pictures of my stomach. I have to go to the nutritionist and then I will wait for my insurance to approve it and I too will be banded!!!

please share more of the pre op experience with me.

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