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Banded 6/21/2010

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I am new to the banding, I was banded on yesterday. I was very nervous and

afraid. I am still in the same state of mind. I am sore and filled with gas.


I made it home about yesterday about 1 pm. very sore. I did take my meds and

cat napped for the rest of the day. i drinked water and a little juice to take

the pill down for naseau. I crushed my pill, don't know if it was the right

thing to do or not. I walk every now and than and I do the breaths in the

spiral. As the days progress, the inhaling into the tube is becoming harder.


This morning I got up out of bed around 5am. I walked around before heading to

the bathroom. Its hard sitting down on the toilet and getting up. I really wish

I could have a bowel movement but don't seen like that going to happen. The gas

moving inside of me is getting the best of me, I have been chewing Gas X like it

candy. i have been sleeping with a heat pad, it helps.


I drink some water today and half of a protein shake that's all I have had.

Waiting to see what the rest of this day holds.

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I understand the toilet thing all to well! As well as just sitting in any chair! I am not allowed to have protein shakes until friday. Just broth, icepops and jello. She even said 7 111 makes a crystal light slurpee I could have :) Are you taking the pain meds every 4 hours? Is your throat sore too?

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I am taking the pain meds whenever I need them(sorry, I don't do pain well). I walk constantly around the house. I just did a walk to the trash dump and back. I feel the gas behind my port. No my throat is not sore even though I had a haital hernia repaired too. I could not drink all my protein shake due to being to thick. Once it goes room temp, I don't want it anymore. I use silk/soy milk vanilla light and chocolate prootein powder from my doctors office.

My hubby has been on top of it. Chicken broth(low sodium), water and crystal light. I tried ocean spray cranberry/strawberry. Mainly water, liquid hydrocodone, azithromycin, I have taken my nauesau meds one time. I have not had that feeling, so I am not taking it. Oh, I have been chewing the heck out of gas x...lol

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i wish someone told me about gas x. honestly i didnt know about the gas until the doc explained it to me 3 days later. i told him i felt very sore and "bloated". and he's like "well of course, we filled you with gas"...hmmmmm..okay. btw, i was constipated for SIX days post surgery!!! NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT CONSTIPATION..lol. i finally went to the doctor and he gave me what i call "my friend". HAHAHAHA.. i hope you both dont ever go thru what i did, and if you do, my advice, is..take stool softeners NOW.

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oh and another thing, the night i came out of surgery, i secretly ate 2 pieces of crackers:sneaky: actually, i had to "listen" to by body. i was so drugged on medication :) that i told my sister she NEEDS to bring me crackers. i promise you, soon after i ate that crackers, i felt GREAT!! dont take this as an advice, i dont want you to get hurt..but im just saying.."listen" to your body.

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Thanks for the advice. I may ask if I could be set up with a payment plan to pay the additional monies. I just feel cheated because I should not have to pay any more than what I was told up front. I even thought about changing doctors at the very last minute. I really hope you feel better and you continue to do well.

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