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Bandster Hell and the Honest Truth

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I recently went to a Lap band support group and the folks who spoke mentioned only how strong they were. They never cheated, never felt the desire to eat bad foods, and never felt hunger after their surgery.


At first, I thought I was a freak. I could not relate. Sure, the surgery was not too bad and I quickly recovered, but daddy still likes to eat. A few weeks post op and I was hungry just as before.


These folks were talking about losing 50 pounds before their first fill. Not me.


What they were describing felt more like a competition to "one up" each other, and find out who was more perfect. I was too scared to mention that my experience was different and that I was having a hard time with my diet and my first few fills did little to help. I just sat their vey quite nodding my head.


I have been reading about "Bandster Hell", and I can honestly say the guilt is the torment.


You tell so many people about your choice for surgery. You work hard to get there and recover. Then you wait, and wait, and wait...hoping that restriction comes. Hoping the weight will start to drop so you can justify the choice. Especially when some people you know think you were lame for having surgery and don't mind telling you Lap Band is the easy way out.


Family, friends, and co-workers ask how things are going 8,10,and 12 weeks later post op. You feel like they are questioning you because they think you have failed. You feel you have failed. Losing 5 pounds just doesn't seem like enough after going through so much and paying so much money.


Then the support group you go to hoping for comfort decides to only talk about how well things went for them and how strong they were with willpower. I get it! You are amazing and lost weight fast. Doesn't happen that way for everyone, and if you are so perfect, why did you need the surgery in the first place? I know they mean well, but really...be honest.


This is hard. It is not easy. Be human and tell the truth about the night you struggled with ice cream, dodged going to the gym for the first time over a week, or wondering if people were judging your success based on bypass results of someone they know.


A support group is for people being real, open, and honest. Felt like a church ladies social with gossip and bragging.


On better news, I had my 3rd fill this week. I will be having #4 on June 1st. With a 14cc band, this could take a while. At 6cc now.


I know years from now this period of the game will seem less dramatic. However it seems like no one talks about this

"Bandster Hell" period where you go crazy waiting for change.


Oh well. Thanks for listening to me rant. Until next time. :)



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I think you are exactly right!! I also feel that those who are "not doing so well" do not even show up to the support meetings so basically it is a lot of people that are doing well talking to a couple of people are considering the surgery and a NUT (a NUT runs my meeting). The last meeting we had one person who is strugling, one considering surgery and rest doing well out of maybe 18 people there. I think you are the most couragest to go to the meeting. Everyone is different but I do admit that I give in here and there. I am still amazed that the tub of ice cream hasn't called my name due to I thought they only made it for me. But I do have a couple of cookies or jelly beans here and there...I thank god that I am finally to a point that I don't eat the whole sleeve (or bag). I have learned that if I eat just one or two that the craving will be satisfied and I will not eat everything else in the house trying to satisfy the craving ultimately ending up eating the craving as well.

As far as I am concerned...Rant all you want..get it out!! You are doing great!!

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I can't tell you how thankful I am to read your entry! I have not went to a support group but I have been feeling like am failing myself. I hear of everyone losing 40lbs in the first month of the lap band and I am no where near that! I have a pre op diet for just a week and lost 7lbs, the first week after surgery I lost another 7lbs. It is now three weeks after surgery and I have not lost anything else! To be honest, I actually go back and forth gaining one of the lbs back and then losing it again. I have went back to doing a protien shake for breakfast and lunch and the only snacks during the day are a laughing cow cheese and a v8 juice. I eat a normal (not huge) dinner...and still....nothing! How are other people being so successful and I am not! My first band fill isn't until June 16th and I sure hope things get better!

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agreed! agreed! agreed! with all of it. Thank you and rant all you want cause its a good thing :)

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Wow,drowsydad you stoled the words out of my mouth, you are so right. I sometimes get discouraged because I have not had the results that i thought i would I have felt like a failure and i have felt ashamed of my slow progress. I was banded jan 14,2010 and i have only lost 27 lbs I feel good about it but then when i hear people loosing twice as much in half the time I think that somthing is really wrong with me. I guess that we are all different and just as long as we are trying our very best we should feel satisfied. I just wanted to thank you for your honest words and letting people know the truth about lapband. It is a great decision that we have made but we have to be patient. thanks Chachis

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OMG thank you! I feel the same way, from day of surgery to 2 weeks post op, lost 22 lbs, the second I started the soft food, gained 4 lbs instantly and have been gaining and losing 1-3 lbs every week. My first fill is 06/14 and I can't wait. And you are right those support groups seem like Stepford Lapbanders!

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I was banded 9/30/09 have had 4 fills (6.6cc) and have only lost about 40lbs! I still have no restriction and my next fill is in July. I keep hearing about the "sweet spot" and ask myself if i will get there.

Family and friends are supportive but i know that they are thinking i should be much farther along by now.

My husband just last month decided to cut some soda and junk out of his diet and had lost already over 15lbs..it pissed me of a bit.

This web site is great for RAnting... i vent all the time. I like for people to know that the band is not "magic" and that is will take effort and time...sometimes ALOT of time

Good luck!

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I appreciate the comments and am so glad I am not the only one who feels this way about the experience thus far.

Ironically the day after posting I felt restriction for the first time eating rice too fast during my lunch break.

I had to laugh at myself during the whole uncomfortable episode, thinking to myself "well...you asked for it".

The pressure did not last more than 10 minutes, but I was so happy about it. This was probably just a mild precursor to the real experience of a green zone overindulgence, but I was very grateful for a sign that the Lap Band is actually there.

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All of you are great! The truth is, if we had all the strength and willpower we needed, we would have some other struggle in life! If we were perfect, we never would have had the band in the first place. This is our decision and our choice, it is no one elses business! I get banded in 3 days, and I was so happy to hear someone who was truthful and explaining the struggle. We can support eachother on this website! Good luck to everyone!


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