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Post Op Day 3

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Well, I am three days Post Op now. I feel much better since surgery. The pain and vomiting has all went away. I have very minor burning around my incisions when I bend down or sit down too low in a chair. Nothing at all bad. It is easy to manage.


I am drinking protein shakes, chicken broth, and lots of water through the day. I have also had sugar free Jell-O. It feels good to get the digestion process started again.


Today, I was able to keep a dentist appointment for a cleaning and it felt good to get out of the house. I still tire a little easily, but I guess that is just because I have not been sleeping regularly. I like my naps at home whenever I feel like it.


I am thinking about going to see a movie tomorrow if I feel well enough. I like walking and moving. Its not much exercise, but the short walks around the block have really made me feel better. Just leaving the house felt great!


I have had major cravings lately for Mexican food. I would really like to have some salsa or something else spicy. On a side note, I have also been dreaming about eating this stuff. My sister called and woke me up yesterday and I told her I was dreaming about eating breakfast steak quesadillas with salsa and sour cream. I laughed about it, but it was a good dream. Very vivid and detailed. My stomach was really growling long afterwards.


Here is the dish, I am a binge eater, so I really need to be careful to not try and eat something that could hurt my overall band goals. I am embarrassed to admit it, but part of me would love to see what I could get away with right now since I am so hungry, but I will not give in and do something so stupid. I hate that about myself, but I would love to eat a large amount right now if I could.


I will return to work Wednesday if my doctor approves on Tuesday. I figure I will be very comfortable by then and mostly recovered. I am eager to get to the next stage of my diet, as I am getting tired of broth and protein shakes. I am told that after my first fill, things will get more interesting as far as the "full" feeling goes. I am counting on that to help with my binge cravings later.


Thanks for all the comments and support. It has helped.





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Well, I am three days Post Op now. I feel much better since surgery. The pain and vomiting has all went away. I have very minor burning around my incisions when I bend down or sit down too low in a chair. Nothing at all bad. It is easy to manage.

I am drinking protein shakes, chicken broth, and lots of water through the day. I have also had sugar free Jell-O. It feels good to get the digestion process started again.

Today, I was able to keep a dentist appointment for a cleaning and it felt good to get out of the house. I still tire a little easily, but I guess that is just because I have not been sleeping regularly. I like my naps at home whenever I feel like it.

I am thinking about going to see a movie tomorrow if I feel well enough. I like walking and moving. Its not much exercise, but the short walks around the block have really made me feel better. Just leaving the house felt great!

I have had major cravings lately for Mexican food. I would really like to have some salsa or something else spicy. On a side note, I have also been dreaming about eating this stuff. My sister called and woke me up yesterday and I told her I was dreaming about eating breakfast steak quesadillas with salsa and sour cream. I laughed about it, but it was a good dream. Very vivid and detailed. My stomach was really growling long afterwards.

Here is the dish, I am a binge eater, so I really need to be careful to not try and eat something that could hurt my overall band goals. I am embarrassed to admit it, but part of me would love to see what I could get away with right now since I am so hungry, but I will not give in and do something so stupid. I hate that about myself, but I would love to eat a large amount right now if I could.

I will return to work Wednesday if my doctor approves on Tuesday. I figure I will be very comfortable by then and mostly recovered. I am eager to get to the next stage of my diet, as I am getting tired of broth and protein shakes. I am told that after my first fill, things will get more interesting as far as the "full" feeling goes. I am counting on that to help with my binge cravings later.

Thanks for all the comments and support. It has helped.



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Great attitude Chris! I agree, it does help to get out of the house a little bit. At this stage, if you go to see a movie take a protein shake or something like that with you.

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