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I Did it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am 3 days post op and feelin pretty good. Though I do tire easily, the gas pain in my left shoulder sucks, my incisions aren't too bad. Still on clear liquids until tomorrow, then go full speed ahead with the full liquids.

So far, I can say that this is worth. I haven't gotten on the scale here at home; I think I'll wait until my first post op appointment next week.

I am not expecting miracles, even 2 pounds will be awesome. I started a food diary. I hope this will help. The hospital said I could go to mushy foods after 2 days, but I will stick with what the dietician recommended.

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I am 3 days post op and feelin pretty good. Though I do tire easily, the gas pain in my left shoulder sucks, my incisions aren't too bad. Still on clear liquids until tomorrow, then go full speed ahead with the full liquids.

So far, I can say that this is worth. I haven't gotten on the scale here at home; I think I'll wait until my first post op appointment next week.

I am not expecting miracles, even 2 pounds will be awesome. I started a food diary. I hope this will help. The hospital said I could go to mushy foods after 2 days, but I will stick with what the dietician recommended.

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Congratulations! I know I have been keeping a food diary and it does help. It makes you see what good/bad food you are eating and also makes you accountable by having to write what you eat. I'm hoping to have my surgery in March so I will be looking forward to hearing how your days are...the bad and good!

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